The Northern Stories of Chef Lao Tan

Chapter 276 Wang Shulan's Donation

Chapter 276 Wang Shulan's Donation
Beautiful Valley is indeed beautiful, and many natural landscapes do not need to be carved, which are eye-catching.To be honest, it is a bit like Xanadu written by Tao Yuanming.

After Wan Jun led Wang Shulan to see the beautiful scenery, he took her to the construction site of the ecological park.

"Miss Wang, look, this place is suitable for building an ecological park." Wan Jun said.

Wang Shulan looked at the construction site and the surrounding environment, and said: "It's very good, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery, and I will never forget to return." Then asked: "What kind of building are you going to build?"

"The ones like the greenhouse are full of green plants, which are evergreen all year round." Wan Jun said.

"The cost is not low." Wang Shulan said.

"It's not low, I'm going to attract capital." Wan Jun said.

Wang Shulan smiled and said, "Attracting capital is a way—is there an overall plan?"

"Yes." Wan Jun said, "The Beishan Ski Resort has already taken shape. There are quite a lot of skiers in winter, and they earn a lot of income. There is no place to live. You know, the skiers all come from the city, so it's impossible to leave on the same day. , I want to play for two more days.

We don't have a hotel here, so we go to live in Wangfu after skiing, and eat there by the way.The ecological park can solve the problem of eating, and building a hotel next to it will also solve the problem of living.

The beautiful valley has beautiful scenery, original ecology, and hot springs in the mountains. After the ecological park is completed, it is ready for tourism. What do you think, Miss Wang? "

"It's good, but it takes a lot of effort." Wang Shulan said objectively.

"It takes a lot of effort——" Wan Jun lit a cigarette, took a puff, thought about what he wanted to say, and said, "Sister Wang, the tomato industry base and the Wangfu Scenic Area we visited when we came here are both People from other villages have all made a fortune, not to mention building new houses and owning cars. Hundreds of thousands are not considered rich, but there are hundreds of thousands.

Although the Beauty Valley has done well in the past two years, it is not a bit worse than others.The land here is thin, and it's all mountainous, so we can't build a greenhouse, and the crops are poor.

The ski area is nice, but it's seasonal, and it's over once the winter is over.

To put it bluntly, the common people here are not rich, and those with [-] to [-] households are considered good households.How to say, I didn't come here to be gilded, I have to do something for the village. "

Wang Shulan looked at Wan Jun strangely, and said half-jokingly, "What a good cadre."

"Hehe, good cadre? It's fine if no one scolds you." Wan Jun laughed at himself, and then said, "You are in the catering business, help me plan the plan."

"I can't talk about planning, so I'll give you some advice."

"You said."

"This place is really good, with beautiful scenery, charming scenery, and a ski resort, but I don't agree with the construction of an ecological park." Wang Shulan continued: "I know what you mean. I want to rely on the ecological park to retain tourists and earn food. Money. I don’t know if you’ve thought about it, but you don’t have to build an ecological park to make money for food.”

"You mean to only open restaurants?" Wan Jun asked with some doubts.

"Almost." Wang Shulan nodded and said, "Nowadays, people are not interested in ecological gardens. On the contrary, the more original the ecology, the more attractive they are. You have experienced it yourself. Do you want to sing karaoke when you go to the countryside? Isn't it just to eat?" Did the farm food come from the heated kang, stew a small stupid chicken, eat a piece of river fish, and dip the scallions in the farm sauce, that would be delicious, wouldn’t it?”

Wan Jun nodded.

"If I didn't build an ecological garden, I would build a few greenhouses according to local conditions, and grow cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, beans, and peppers in them. All the species in the farmers' vegetable gardens would be planted without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. All green planting, cabbage leaves It would be nice to have bug eyes on it.

A farmyard is built next to the shed. There is a main room and a side room. The main room is used as a restaurant, and the side room has a kang and a bed.It looks like a farmyard from the outside, but the inside is modern, with air conditioning, showers, and well-equipped facilities.Now people are very particular about going to the countryside to experience life, even if the sanitary conditions are not good, they will not come. "

There was light in Wan Jun's eyes.

Wang Shulan pointed to the small river not far away and said: "Use this river. The water coming down from the mountain is cool and running. It is good for fish farming. Use hook machines and bulldozers to complete the fish pond and put fish fry. Tourists can go fishing. Catch the fish and stew it directly, the original taste."

"The main thing is running water. Fish don't die in winter, and they can swim." Wan Jun said.

"That's not true. Those who come to ski in winter, after skiing, go to the farmyard to eat stewed goose in an iron pot, drink a pot of shochu, and then go to the wing room to rest. When the small kang is heated, what's the point, it's beautiful!" Wang Shulan described.

Wan Jun had a picture in front of his eyes.

"Spring, summer, and autumn are farmhouse eco-tourism, and winter is the Snow Country ski resort. The key is to plan well and find a professional. Also, there are few farmhouses in the north and they are still immature. There are many places in the south, especially the one in Chengdu, you can go and investigate.”

Wang Shulan convinced Wan Jun's heart and said, "Sister Wang, you can plan it."

"Look at what I said, if you can't do the planning, you need a professional—oh, by the way, there really is someone who can plan it."

"Who? Do you know?" Wan Jun immediately asked.

"Our boss, Lao Tan, you two are still relatives, Xiaomei's uncle, you are from Beipiao." Wang Shulan said.

Wan Jun and Lao Tan have never met, but they have heard of it.

"I heard from Xiaomei, does he have time?" Wan Jun asked.

"I can't guarantee it, I'll call and ask."

Wang Shulan took out the phone to make a call, then put it down again, and said to Wan Jun, "You ask Xiaomei to tell him that she is stronger than me."

Wan Jun felt that this was the case, so he said, "Okay, I'll call her later."

The two walked back, and when they passed the village primary school, Wang Shulan stopped and looked in through the open school gate.It is summer now, the students are on vacation, and the whole campus is quiet.

A row of brick and stone school buildings looked old. There was a basketball hoop on the playground in front of the school building. There was no net on the basket, and the solitary hoop was a little drooping.

The five bungalows on the east side of the playground are okay, they are the teacher's office, and there is an open barrel house next to the office. From a distance, there is a well in it, which should be a water room.

The school courtyard wall is newly built, and the red bricks are dazzling.

Weeds were high under the courtyard wall, and the two donkeys were feasting leisurely and unscrupulously.

Outside the school wall is a tall poplar tree with luxuriant branches and leaves. When the wind blows, the leaves of the tree rustle.

"This is a village primary school, with four grades, four classes, and fifty students," Wan Jun said.

"Where are you going to study in the fifth and sixth grades?" Wang Shulan asked.

"Shangxiang Elementary School." Wan Jun replied.

"Oh, how many teachers?"

"Six, seven people plus the principal, four class teachers, physical education and music teachers are supporting teachers, this semester is due to go back, the new one has not yet arrived, said to be two normal students."

"Are you also in charge of the school?" Wang Shulan asked.

"Assist in management." Wan Jun smiled.

"Do the students learn English?" Wang Shulan asked.

"Study, the head teacher teaches, hehe, there is no subject teacher, everything belongs to the head teacher." Wan Jun said.

"Do you take computer class?" Wang Shulan asked again.

"It stands to reason that I should use it, but I don't have a computer. A comrade-in-arms of mine who is in business promised to donate five sets and send them over when school starts," Wan Jun said.

Wang Shulan took another look at the dilapidated school building and the hanging basket, and said, "Rural education is not backward, but the conditions are limited. Well, this time I can't come in vain. To support your work, I will donate ten computers."

Wan Jun did not expect that Wang Shulan would make such a move. Surprised and moved, she said excitedly, "Thank you so much. On behalf of all the teachers and children in the school, thank you!"

Wang Shulan said with a slight smile, "It's unnecessary to thank you. I have troubled you about the restaurant, so it's a favor."

(End of this chapter)

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