Chapter 243 Worth 10 million
Wang Shulan drank too much.

When I got back to the hotel, I started to vomit, sputtering, and finally vomited until there was nothing to vomit. I started to drink water, and then continued to vomit.

Lao Tan didn't drink less, but a person who vomited next to him screamed that he was uncomfortable. He sobered up and started working as a waiter.

After tossing and tossing for an hour, after a little rest, the person who vomited slowly fell asleep.

Old Tan was leaning on the head of the bed, looking at the sleeping woman, his thoughts were confused.

He was thinking about the first time he saw this woman. He and Gu Yi went to Wuchuan's business promotion meeting together, and they pulled her in the car.His first impression was that this woman was temperamental and intellectual.But he doesn't appreciate women who walk among men, and he feels that there is something about that.

Afterwards, they didn't have much contact with each other, they were just superficial friends. If Tong Xin didn't show up, she should be with Zhou Yujun now.

The world is tricky, there are many mistakes, and now they have become partners.

After the cooperation, through the operation of the two cooperative stores, I changed my view of her and found that she is a person who does things.

If you put her and Gu Yi together, she is better than Gu Yi.

If it was Gu Yi today, he would still drink the wine, but if he couldn't drink [-] white sheep, it would only deepen his relationship. Saying some loyal words on the wine table, which seems to be enough for buddies, is actually meaningless.

But she—
She was taking her life to drink, dealing with the three men, talking and laughing happily, neither humble nor overbearing.How should I put it, it's a bit like a courtesan in a movie, but it's not.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Wang Shulan woke up.

The first thing I do after waking up is to find water to drink, gulp down two big cups, then wipe my mouth with my hand, lean on the head of the bed, shaking my drowsy head.

Lao Tan put the millet porridge and pickles he bought on the bedside table.

"Drink some porridge, it's still warm."

Wang Shulan took a look, she was not hungry, but her stomach was empty, and the overwhelming feeling when she vomited wine was gone.

"Sister, you don't want to die drinking." Old Tan said.

Wang Shulan looked at Lao Tan with the porridge bowl in her hand, and said, "Damn it, this trip was not in vain, and it was almost blown away by the white hair wind."

The two laughed.

After drinking a bowl of porridge, I feel better.

"After paying the deposit tomorrow, we will head back to Erenhot and return to Hohhot from Jining," Wang Shulan said.

"En." Old Tan nodded.

"It's hard today, go to bed early." After speaking, staring at Lao Tan, "Sister, you can't tell me to sleep alone."

"No." Old Tan smiled.

"Hehe, you can't take advantage of it today. It's too uncomfortable to exercise."

Her unscrupulous words made Lao Tan blush.

Seeing Lao Tan blushing, he found it interesting, and continued: "Brother, to be honest, did you think about it last night?"

Lao Tan knew that she was teasing him, and said, "I think about it."

"Think about it and be honest."

"I have no guts."

"It's not that you're gutless, it's that you don't like it. The way you look at me has always been normal and discolored --- let's be siblings in the future. My sister admires you and admires you. I like you from the bottom of my heart. If you think about it, you can Look for sister, but you can't look down on sister—”

Wang Shulan spoke seriously.

Lao Tan was a little moved, and opened his mouth and said, "I have always respected you, and I will never look down on you."

After returning to Hohhot, Lao Tan put himself in the Saiwai restaurant, and together with Yang Zhijun and Erdun, after repeated research, trial production and tasting, combined with the practice of hand-picked mutton, he finally launched "Aqiao" before the Spring Festival. Dongsu sheep casserole".

"A Qiao Casserole Dongsu Yang" was well received by customers once it was launched, and [-] servings a day were not enough to sell.

This dish is also simple to say, it is mutton stewed yam.The key point is that the raw materials are good and the potting is in place, all in kung fu.It is characterized by the proper compatibility of angelica, wolfberry and rehmannia, the soup is thick and white, rich in nutrition, the mutton is fragrant and not greasy, and the soft yam is palatable and melts in the mouth.

The most prominent is the word "Dongsu". Even though Hohhot is the capital, there is not much Dongsu mutton, so it is very attractive.

There is another benefit of this dish, nourishing.Mutton with cooked ground is better than Liuwei Dihuang Wan.

Soon, the four directly-operated stores in Hohhot, the Ordos store, the Jining store, and the Xilinhot store were all launched, and the sales were very hot, adding a delicious delicacy to the Spring Festival.

The provincial capital is not listed here, mainly because [-] white sheep are only enough for the Inner Mongolia area, and the provincial capital has to wait for the next batch of mutton to arrive.

The Spring Festival is coming soon, and the restaurant has entered the peak season, and all the New Year's Eve dinners are fully booked until the eighth day of the first month.Lao Tan finished his work meeting during the Spring Festival and returned to the provincial capital after making all the arrangements.

Immediately after returning, the work meeting here was held, and it was another arrangement.

After the meeting, he left Zhongqing behind and asked about his daughter-in-law in detail.Zhongqing said that the operation was very successful, and now he is being raised at home, and he will go for a re-examination after a year, and there is almost nothing wrong with it.

After Zhongqing left, Yanhua came in.

"There are still five days to celebrate the New Year, what are your plans?" Yanhua asked.

"My mother didn't go back for her birthday this year, so I have to go back for the New Year," Lao Tan said.

"Okay, the old lady is old, she should go back," Yanhua said.

Just as Zhang Li came in, she saw that Old Tan remembered something, and asked, "Did you go to the hospital for an examination?"

"No, I've been busy all this time, so there's nothing else to do." Zhang Li said.

"I'll go with you, I just have time." Old Tan said.

"Cut! Chinese New Year is coming soon and you told me to go to the hospital. Even if I go, I have to wait until the Chinese New Year is over. What do you think?" Zhang Li said angrily.

Old Tan smiled, thinking so too.

Yanhua smiled and said, "Lao Tan cares about you."

"For his concern—" Zhang Libai glanced, then smiled, and asked maliciously: "Old Tan, I heard from Xiaomei that you and Mr. Wang went to Dongsu alone, and stayed for two days. Nothing happened, right?" ?”

"What do you want to happen?" Old Tan asked back.

"Who knows, Mr. Wang is feminine, lonely and widowed——"

A smell of vinegar.

Immediately after the financial lady Xu came over, the four of them sat down to study how to distribute the year-end bonus.After a year of work, the employees have been tired for a year, and they have to be rewarded for their merits and bonuses.

"Eleven directly-operated stores, plus logistics staff, a total of 54 people. 50 people who accumulate 1000 points, a bonus of [-] yuan, a total of [-]; [-] people with [-] points, a bonus of [-] yuan, A total of fifty-one thousand; two thousand points--"

Sister Xu reported the number, and the total prize amount was 200,000.

"According to last year's payment of management personnel, it was 28, plus 200,000 employees, a total of 48."

"This much?" Zhang Li opened her eyes wide.

"Not many, I didn't see many people." Yanhua said.

"It should be given. In addition to the bonus, there is also a red envelope at 200,000, which is also [-] less." Old Tan said.

Sister Xu had a calm expression and continued to report: "The overall turnover in 10, including cooperative stores, totaled 8 million. 200,000 million. Directly-operated stores were 1 million. Net income was 200,000 million, plus cooperative stores were divided into [-] million, a total of [-] million. Hundred [-].

The annual investment is 200,000, and the purchase of five cars is 300,000, making a total of 300,000.Adding the year-end bonus of 48, the total is 78 million, with a surplus of 42 million. "

Zhang Li opened her eyes wide, and asked in disbelief, "Only earning 42 million in a busy year?"

Lao Tan and Yanhua laughed, and Lao Tan said, "Then what do you think?"

"It's 10 million anyway." Zhang Li said what she thought was the ideal number.

"That's not how the account is calculated."

Then Lao Tan calculated Zhang Li carefully.

"The nine cooperative stores are all opened this year, and some have only opened for a few months. The business is good, but the time is short, and they can't make much money. Of the eleven directly-operated stores, only four opened this year. No investment. ?This year we also renovated the office building and expanded the central kitchen, which is all money.

In addition, the price of raw materials remains high, and the wages of personnel continue to rise. The overall gross profit rate can be guaranteed to be 50.00%, and the net profit rate of [-] points is not bad.

Our family's net income is actually 200,000. Although the investment part doesn't look at the money, it has a storefront. This is all money and belongs to intangible assets. Speaking of this, he asked Sister Xu: "Sister Xu, how much is our brand worth now?" "

"A conservative estimate is 10 million." Sister Xu said.

Lao Tan said to Zhang Li: "Look at it, even if it is nothing, the word Aqiao is worth 10 million, and it is still increasing in value."

"Then what else are we going to do? We might as well sell it and go home for the elderly."

After Zhang Li finished speaking, the four of them laughed together.

(End of this chapter)

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