The Northern Stories of Chef Lao Tan

Chapter 236 The Son Has Grow Up

Chapter 236 The Son Has Grow Up

After New Year's Day, time enters [-].

A new year and a new atmosphere, this is everyone's hope, and it is also the hope of the whole country.

The common people hope that the country will be prosperous and the people will be strong, that they will live and work in peace and contentment, that they will not be laid off or unemployed, that they will be free from illness and pain, and that they will be safe and secure.I don't want to be rich and powerful, just to make the family happy.

After 30 years of reform and opening up, our motherland has truly become strong and stands like a giant in the east of the world, making every Chinese feel proud and proud.

When a nation is proud of the strength of its motherland, its dignity is no longer the humiliation of foreign powers, but the confidence and glory that permeate its face, as well as the courage and determination to move forward.

China is strong in its rise.

Every Chinese is proud to declare to the world: I am Chinese!

And full of confidence and sonorously issued a warning to those who are coveting and harboring malicious intentions: those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away!
On New Year's Day, Lao Tan rushed back to the provincial capital by plane after arranging work in Hohhot to accompany his children and Lin Yan.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when I got home.

The son was very happy with his father's return. He took the bag and greeted him cordially.

Lao Tan looked at his son who had almost caught up with his height, and felt proud at the same time.

"Heng Tsai, how tall are you?" Old Tan asked.

"1.7 meters, I am the highest in my class." The son replied, and then asked cautiously: "Dad, did my mother call you?"

"No." Old Tan said.

"Oh—then why are you back? My mother didn't call you?" the son asked again.

Old Tan looked at his son in a puzzled way, feeling something was wrong, and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

At this moment, Lin Yan came out of the bedroom, looked at Lao Tan, then turned to her son, and said, "Did you tell your father or me?"

It seemed that something had happened, Lao Tan's heart skipped a beat.

"Dad, I got into a fight with my classmates." The son lowered his head and whispered.

Old Tan was taken aback, and immediately looked at his son all over his body. Seeing that his son was fine, he was a little relieved.Since the son is fine, it must be something wrong with the classmate, so he lowered his face and asked seriously: "Did you hit the classmate?"

"Hmm—" The son looked up, then quickly lowered his head.

"Your son is so powerful now, he made a hole in his classmate's lower lip." Lin Yan said angrily.

Old Tan's heart tightened, and he immediately asked, "When did it happen?"

"Last week." Lin Yan said.

"Why didn't you call me?" Old Tan asked.

"Call you, can you come back?" Lin Yan rolled her eyes at her husband, "Call you again? Your son's godmother arrived before I called, and your apprentices, friends , the section chief at the airport and the director of the factory office were almost surrounded by classmates and parents, and those who knew it was the children fighting, but those who didn’t know thought it was a gangster.”

Old Tan was surprised and dazed. He didn't know about such a big event at home, and Yanhua didn't call, keeping it from him.

What's annoying is that Lin Yan didn't call either.

Here's the thing.

A week ago, during recess in the afternoon, Jiaheng asked Jiaheng if he didn't have a father, and Jiaheng said yes.The classmate said why I haven't seen your father come to pick you up, and I haven't seen your father come to hold a parent-teacher meeting, so there must be no father.

Jiaheng got angry, so he stretched out his hand and hit the classmate. Because of too much force, he punched the classmate on the lower lip.The lower lip was under force and made firm contact with the inner front teeth. As a result, the lip was filled with a hole by the front teeth.

The classmate was taken to the hospital, and the teacher called Lin Yan.Knowing that something was wrong, Jiaheng was scared, but he remained calm, so he secretly called Yanhua.

After Yanhua received the call, she rushed to the hospital in a hurry, because she was afraid that the parents of the child would be unreasonable and unreasonable, so she called Zhang Li and Zhang Xiangdong. Zhang Xiangdong's mother was the hospital leader, so she probably could talk.

Zhang Li also thought about the child's parents, so she called a few capable friends to rush to the hospital, fearing that something might happen.

How should I put it, the situation in the emergency department of the hospital at that time made the doctors afraid, lest they would cause a fight if they were not careful.

As a result, the parents were very reasonable and said that it was normal for children to fight and nothing happened.Although there is a hole in the lip, but the child is young, and the lip is living flesh, there is nothing to do with the stitches, and there will be no scars.

The doctor also promised that there will be no scars, but it is a bit difficult to eat for a few days after the stitches are completed.

People are easy to talk, so we can't pretend to be confused.Lin Yan paid the hospitalization fee and asked for nursing care.Yanhua came forward to discuss with her parents, resolved it privately, and paid [-] yuan in compensation.

A total of 50,000 yuan was spent, and the matter was settled.

Now the child has been discharged from the hospital, and nothing has happened.

Knowing the cause and effect of the matter, Old Tan was relieved, but still a little angry - no one called to tell him.At the same time, I feel that my son's fight is right, whoever said that there is no father, it is time to fight.

But it shouldn't be so hard, two kicks in the ass are enough.

"He said it's wrong that you don't have a father, but you shouldn't do anything." Old Tan said seriously to his son.

"I shouldn't have done it, but -- who told him that I don't have a father, but I have a father." Jiaheng muttered in a low voice.

"You didn't even look at how big you are, can they stand up to you?" Old Tan said.

"——There is someone in my class who has a better physique than me——"

Old Tan didn't say anything more, his son was already in the fourth grade, and he didn't go to a parent-teacher meeting. He felt guilty for not being a qualified father.

The son is already sensible enough, not to mention the reason for the fight that warms the heart of his father, so what can he say?lesson?
The one who should teach me a lesson is to learn how to be a father.

In the evening, Lao Tan cooked a table of dishes, including the pot-wrapped meat, chicken stewed mushrooms that his son loves, and Lin Yan's favorite meat fried garlic sprouts and fried shredded potatoes.

A family of three sat together to celebrate New Year's Day happily and welcome the new year.

At the dinner table, Old Tan asked his son: "Jiaheng, how is your study?"

"It's okay—" Jiaheng replied in a long voice.

"What do you mean by okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, top ten, junior group."

"The top ten are not bad." Lao Tan was a little satisfied, and then asked: "How is your game?"


"do you like it?"


"But don't delay studying."

"Well—Dad, I'm going to take the No. 33 Middle School exam. There are basketball classes there. Several of the national team players in our province graduated from No. 33 Middle School." Jia Heng said.

"Are you going to play basketball professionally?" Old Tan asked.

"I think --- but the height is not enough. I can enter the school team when I go to 33. If I play well, I can be a specialty. I will re-elect in high school. I will also be a specialty in college. If I can't be an athlete, I can be a referee and a coach. " Jiaheng said clearly and logically.

"You are only eleven." Old Tan said.

"It can be considered, the coach said I can go to 33."

Lao Tan glanced at Lin Yan and asked, "Do you agree?"

"Son, if he likes it." Lin Yan said casually, and then said: "You haven't cared about it all these years, so what are you caring about now?"

"I'm his father." Old Tan said.

"Hmph! I didn't see it." Lin Yan said.

During the festival, Lao Tan didn’t want to quarrel, so he ignored Lin Yan and said to his son, “Playing basketball is hard, and it’s easy to get injured. Besides, basketball is a giant’s profession, so you have to be mentally prepared.”

"It's okay, I can persevere." Jiaheng said.

"But you can't delay your studies. You can also take cultural courses if you want to take specialties in college."

"I know, I can study well."

"Father will not interfere with you. You are only in the fourth grade now, and you will graduate in two more years. Don't worry, you can decide when you graduate."

"Yeah—but I'm sure I'll be admitted to No. 33 High School."

Lao Tan looked at his son and had the illusion that this boy had grown up and looked like an adult.

(End of this chapter)

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