my return 2002

Chapter 269 Independent Pricing Power

Chapter 269 Independent Pricing Power (Ask for a Monthly Pass!)

The subsequent YY Awards Ceremony also went very smoothly. According to the real-time data of Mango TV, the peak ratings in the Star City area have exceeded 45%. Such a result can be said to be quite explosive. The leaders of Mango TV are very satisfied with this. , and pulled Shen Lang to say that cooperation should be strengthened in the future.

The 360 ​​video is more interesting. This live broadcast is an attempt. Although some users said that the viewing experience is not good, it is not as smooth as watching TV, but the buffering technology of the 360 ​​video has been affirmed by many netizens.

The video of the YY Awards Ceremony also gained a lot of hits, and even attracted video platforms such as Youku, Tudou, and PPlive to upload pirated resources.

The YY Awards Ceremony also aroused the vigilance of Sina and Penguin, especially Cao Guowei of Sina. At this time, he discovered that the underlying logic of YY blog is completely different from that of Sina blog, which also made him understand why the advertisement of YY log The alliance can do better and better, but the Sina blog directly collapsed.

Cao Guowei convened a meeting of Sina executives overnight to discuss, and concluded that he would no longer invest in Sina blog for the time being, and use the money for new projects.

Sina executives are very clear that it is difficult for them to take advantage of this track, and they must stop losses in time and find new profit growth points.

At the same time, Penguin was also in a meeting, and many executives proposed to reduce the investment in the QQ log, but they were directly pushed back by Xiao Ma.

"The model of YY Log is indeed worth learning, but it does not mean that we have lost. As long as we turn around in time, we will have a chance to catch up. If we give up when we encounter difficulties, we will never become a great company!"

"Everyone, don't forget that YY is not Sina, it is a direct competitor of QQ. Once we allow YY logs to grow wildly, we will lose not only the users of QQ logs, but also the active users of QQ directly. This is a battle that must not be lost, and we have no way out!"

Brother Xiaoma's words still convinced Penguin's executives. Everyone felt great pressure from YY's pressing step by step. In the face of survival, internal cohesion has also been unprecedentedly improved.

Back at the YY Awards Ceremony, the main creative team of "Zhu Xian" also took the opportunity to meet the audience. Liu Tianxian is naturally the most watched star. After a year of fermentation, the influence of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has completely spread. Zhao Linger This role gave her the title of "Fairy Sister".

As Baguio's actor Song Tie also received a lot of attention, but many netizens habitually compared her with Liu Tianxian, which made Song Tie somewhat depressed.

But at this time Song Tie is still a little transparent, and no one cares whether she is depressed. On the contrary, many readers of "Zhu Xian" learned that "Zhu Xian" will be released this year, and they are all very excited. Various channels revealed that "Zhu Xian" is already being filmed, but there is still no definite news about its release. This awards ceremony can be regarded as a reassurance for them.

At the same time, there was another wave of enthusiasm in the circle of online writers, and the writers of the Xingchen Chinese website were all discussing this matter.

"I'm envious, the day [Zhu Xian] is released is the time when Master Ding confers God."

"Master Ding has already become a god, okay, but should I say it or not, Lord Ding is a real card, and he adapted a movie and a game."

"Hey, Master Ding's peak will probably not be surpassed for a long time, right?"

"Did you forget? [Ghost Blowing Lantern] sung by Tianxia Baba has also been adapted into a game, and the revenue is also very good."

"As long as Mountain Dew Entertainment has taken a fancy to the works, their achievements will not be bad. Unfortunately, Dew Mountain's works are still too few."

"Hey, if one day my work can be seen by Mountain Dew Entertainment, I would be happy without copyright fees."

The news of the release of the movie [Zhu Xian] at the end of the year shocked the entire Internet literature circle, and even some celebrities in the cultural circle were alarmed. Disdainful face.

Some cultural celebrities even published articles to criticize this "unhealthy trend", thinking that online articles are "junk food" without nutrition, and have no benefit except poisoning young people.

But soon the bottom of their blog post was blasted by fans of [Zhu Xian], the influence of [Zhu Xian] in this period is not just for fun.

Amid all the noise and doubts, the first YY Awards Ceremony came to an end, and it was left to the mainland Internet for a week of heated discussions. Invisibly, YY's brand power has been quietly established.

The YY bloggers who came to the gymnasium were excited all night, especially those bloggers who came to the stage to receive awards. Some of them brought their laptops, and when they went back to look, their number of fans skyrocketed, and some even increased several times. Obviously, this is the power of TV media. At this time, the Internet is far from reaching thousands of households.

However, no matter how excited they were, these bloggers still couldn't sleep late the next day, because YY Log officially invited them to an internal meeting.

At nine o'clock in the morning, more than 300 YY bloggers successively came to the conference room of a five-star hotel in Star City. They are all quite different, Shen Lang summoned them together, naturally, to do paid research for bloggers.

The arrival of Shen Lang and Wang Xing made the conference room immediately quiet down, and then whoever took the lead in applauding, everyone stood up and applauded. Last night's YY Awards Ceremony was really a success. The success exceeded their expectations. , which also gave them a deep sense of identity with YY diary.

"Thank you, everyone sit down, don't be so serious, today is just a tea party, chatting with everyone casually, usually there is no chance to communicate face to face through the network cable, just take this opportunity to meet everyone." Shen Lang smiled. said.

The bloggers were not so cramped anymore, some directly picked up the peanuts and melon seeds on the table and ate them, while others stared at the snacks on the table.

Shen Lang first asked the bloggers about their suggestions for improving the YY log.

At first, everyone's eyes were on Wang Xing, as if they were a little afraid to say anything.

Shen Lang joked: "Leave him alone, today he is just an emotionless recording machine, what do you say, ask a question, I will deduct 100 yuan from his salary."

"Haha." Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Wang Xing also cooperated with a bitter face, and took out a pen and paper to record.

So the first warrior stood up.

"Mr. Shen, that's it. Can the pricing standard of this advertising alliance be relaxed and let us set our own prices? Now it's all set by the system. The reference data are data such as the number of fans and activity, but these data can be brushed." Yes, as far as I know, several long-term cooperative merchants have been cheated."

Shen Lang nodded and looked at Wang Xing: "Deduct one hundred."

Everyone laughed.

Shen Lang pressed his palm: "This matter is actually like this. The project team of our YY log also has some concerns. For example, we have opened up the pricing power, and some bloggers set high prices randomly. As a result, the promotion effect is not good, and the project team also has some concerns. We can’t seize their promotion fees on the grounds that the promotion effect is not good, but it will cause huge losses to the advertisers, and it will not be good for the reputation of our advertising network.”

Everyone didn't expect that Shen Lang would tell them the internal considerations of YY's diary, and the protagonist's consciousness suddenly awakened, and they all came up with suggestions.

"Mr. Shen, I don't think this problem is difficult to solve. For example, can we set up a merchant scoring and evaluation system in the advertising network? Merchants will rate this service according to the promotion effect of our bloggers, and the merchant's evaluation score can be Seen by other merchants, once there are too many bad reviews, those bloggers who spend money to paint their data will naturally have no room to survive.” A blogger said.

Shen Lang's eyes lit up, and he looked at Wang Xing, who was already immersed in recording.

"What do you think of his plan?"

Everyone appreciated it.

"That's good, I agree."

"I also agree, buddy, you have a good brain."

Shen Lang nodded: "Okay, let's do it like this. After Mr. Wang goes back, he will bring this plan to the project team meeting for discussion. If everyone thinks this plan is good, we will make a test version and try it out for a period of time. Let's see. The effect, if the merchants and bloggers think it is good, then implement it according to this."

"Long live President Shen!"

"Boss Shen, I love you!"

Seeing that Shen Lang actually listened to their opinions and updated the YY log, everyone was immediately excited.

Shen Lang joked: "The little sister who said I love you will leave the meeting later, remember to add YY number."

The crowd laughed again.

Afterwards, some bloggers put forward some opinions, which also made Wang Xing realize that there are still so many areas for improvement in YY diary, and it turns out that what he has done is far from perfect.

This makes Wang Xing a little frustrated, but also feels that the future is full of challenges.

Before he knew it, it was eleven o'clock, and Shen Lang finally brought up the topic of the meeting.

Hearing that there was a new way to make money, many bloggers were very excited, and there was a lot of discussion in the conference room.

Shen Lang also let them discuss with each other until everyone had said something, then he cleared his throat and attracted everyone's attention.

"On the one hand, this paid section is to give everyone another way to make money. On the other hand, it is also to make up for bloggers in relatively unpopular categories, such as literature and agriculture. It’s hard to get business listings to promote, but the knowledge they share is actually very valuable.”

As soon as the words fell, some unpopular bloggers at the scene were very moved. I thought that these small bloggers were insignificant in the eyes of a big boss like Shen Lang, but I didn't expect that Shen Lang could still think about them, and even for them Tailor-made paid sections to help them earn money.

"Everyone, don't get excited. This paid section is actually somewhat contrary to the promotion of the business list. It is easier to get the number of fans for free. Even if the price is given to you, when the merchant is looking for promotion, the number of fans of the blogger will also increase. It is still the first reference index.”

"Originally, I planned to discuss with you how to set the price for knowledge payment is more appropriate. Now it seems that it is better to leave the independent pricing power to you, but in this way, you will have to face the market yourself. Once the price is too high If fans don’t buy it, not only will you not be able to make money, but it will also make many fans lose their fans.”

After listening to Shen Lang, everyone still decided to set their own price. No wonder everyone wants freedom and doesn't want to be tied down.

"Okay, but there is one thing I want to remind everyone. In order to protect the rights and interests of users, we will also provide users with complaint channels for knowledge payment refunds. The number of water characters." Shen Lang reminded.

"This is what it should be, otherwise how can we make money if all the users run away?"

"Yeah, with this support, you can't let a mouse dropping spoil the whole pot of porridge."

Shen Lang saw that it was time for dinner, so he announced the end of the meeting.

"If you have nothing to do, you can have a light meal with me. Mr. Wang has already booked a restaurant."

Except for a few who had booked air tickets in advance, the rest of the bloggers went to dinner with Shen Lang. Many bloggers either took out their digital cameras or took pictures directly with their mobile phones. Various pictures of the party scene that night were posted on the Internet. .

"Envy, alas, it's a pity that I really can't find time recently. Not only did I not go to the awards ceremony, but I also missed the opportunity to get in touch with the boss."

"I bought the ticket early, and I would have stayed if I had known it would be so exciting."

Netizens also envied these bloggers for being able to compete with tens of billionaires like Shen Lang, and the meme of the tens of billions of wine bureaus was born.

That night, Shen Lang and Wang Xing went back to the magic capital, and after a few days, Wang Xing brought up some plans and suggestions put forward by the bloggers at the party at the project team work meeting.

In the end, the proposal to open up pricing rights was approved, and at the same time, the merchant scoring system was also approved, and the YY diary project team was busy again.

Two days later, Shen Lang received a call from an unknown person. Seeing that it was a local number in Shanghai, Shen Lang answered it directly, but it turned out that it was from Cai Yinong.

"Hey, Mr. Shen, I'm Cai Yinong from Tangren Film and Television, I don't know if you have time recently"

Shen Lang probably guessed Cai Yinong's reason for coming, and he didn't play charades either.

"It's Mr. Cai. I'm in Shanghai. If you're free, you can come to my place anytime."

Cai Yinong breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "Then is it okay at three o'clock this afternoon?"

"Ok, no problem."

Hanging up the phone, Cai Yinong was overjoyed but also a little apprehensive. Shen Lang's rise was so fast that she had completed the accumulation of other Internet companies' ten-year accumulation in just three years, so that she could only learn from the few reports. Knowing that the other party is young and rich, and is still unmarried, what do the other party like?What taboo?I don't know anything.

"Assistant He, you bring the newly signed Liu Shishi to my office."

(End of this chapter)

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