my return 2002

Chapter 220 Voice Chat Room

Chapter 220 Voice Chat Room

The executive in charge of QQ voice was scolded by Xiao Ma, and he didn't talk about the embarrassment. If the business of QQ voice didn't improve, he would have to pack up and leave.

The pressure is huge, what should I do?Of course, it was to pass the pressure on to his subordinates. After the meeting ended, he called the entire QQ voice project team into the conference room for a meeting.

"Why is QQ voice not as good as YY voice? Let's reflect on it. Is it just that YY voice came out earlier than us? We have so many users on QQ, have you developed their potential? One by one, they go to work all day. How can you make a good product if you discuss what to eat for lunch before you get off work?"

"Starting today, everyone will cancel their vacations. If you are late or leave early, you will be dealt with immediately. When the usage rate of QQ voice exceeds that of YY voice, come and talk to me about the vacation!"

The meeting room was filled with wailing, but there was no way, the official rank crushed people to death.

"Boss, it's okay to ask for KPi, the company must give us some resources, right?" The project team leader stood up.

Executives also know that conveying pressure alone is definitely not enough.

"Don't worry, as long as you can improve the data, I will help you get what you need!"

Only then did the conference room quiet down.

But it's easy to say, how can KPi be so easy to pull up?Users have habitual thinking. Although many game users also use QQ, they just chat with classmates and friends in real life. When playing games, they are still accustomed to using YY.

The project team began to discuss how to start.

A planner raised his hand: "Did you find out? In fact, the reason why YY's voice chat room can attract so many gamers has a lot to do with the homeowners of some voice chat rooms."

The executive became interested when he heard the words: "Oh?"

The planner continued to analyze: "The main interface of YY Voice has set up special areas for some popular games. After clicking on these special areas, some chat rooms with the largest number of people will be displayed. Some of these rooms may even reach thousands of people at peak times. Many users of YY voice are actually targeting the hosts of these chat rooms.”

"Many chat room hosts are sisters with nice voices, some hosts are very humorous, and some hosts are big local tyrants in the game. From time to time, they will draw prizes in the chat room. In short, each has its own characteristics. The reason why voice can attract so many game users.”

It has to be said that Penguin is still very professional in studying opponents.

The executive's eyes lit up: "You mean, let's poach these homeowners?"

"This is the fastest way to get results." The planner shrugged.

Hearing this, the executive gritted his teeth: "Okay, you guys come up with a plan, and I will apply to President Ma for funding."

Poaching people, of course, costs money.

Brother Xiaoma looked at the executive's plan, pondered for a moment, and felt that it was indeed feasible, so he approved 100 million funds for the executive with a wave of his hand.

In my opinion, 100 million yuan is enough, and the average salary in first-tier cities in 2005 was only 4000 yuan. It should not be a problem to find some chat room owners.

The executives who got the funding immediately ordered a poaching operation.

So in the YY voice chat rooms full of people, a group of people began to secretly add YY friends of the homeowner, and then invited them to go to QQ to open a chat room in private chat, of course, the most important thing is to give money.

No one doesn't like money, and QQ does give a lot, some homeowners are a little bit tempted.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, Liang Han soon learned of QQ's poaching behavior, and quickly reported to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang sneered for a while: "It's about spending money, let's see who can afford it, Brother Ma, don't be disappointed in me!"

Li Xuelin reminded: "It's not enough just to spend money. We have to deeply bond with these homeowners. Otherwise, they will eat at both ends, and we will be treated as fools regardless of the money spent."

Shen Lang nodded: "Well, let's set up a brokerage company to deal with these homeowners. We will double the amount that Penguin pays, but we have to sign a five-year contract, and the liquidated damages are set higher. I see what Penguin will do. How much money is there to spend!"

Soon, YY launched a contract plan for homeowners. Compared with the conditions offered by QQ, many homeowners even found that the conditions offered by YY were higher than their usual working income.

Can you still make money as a homeowner?This is something that many YY voice users did not expect. Even some users who have never been homeowners began to try, and tried every means to attract others to their chat rooms to gain popularity. Users who have not used YY before.

As for those homeowners who already had a certain popularity, they were even more excited. Sitting at home and chatting with people every day, they can still make money. Such a good thing, of course, cannot be let go.

After inquiring about the authenticity of YY's customer service activities, many homeowners began to go through the signing process.

And those homeowners who went to QQ before saw that the conditions offered by YY were so good, and after going to QQ, their popularity was greatly affected, and many homeowners came back again.

Before the QQ voice project team had time to celebrate, they found that the previous efforts were basically in vain.

"This YY's reaction speed is too fast, isn't it?"

This is the most intuitive feeling of the QQ voice project team. They thought it was a secretive action, but in less than two days, they threw out a solution and blocked their way by the way.

Brother Xiao Ma is also very helpless about this, continue poaching people, the cost is too high, and these properties will lose most of their popularity after they are transferred to QQ, the pay is not directly proportional to the return.

The most important thing is that Penguin is also very tight financially at this time. Although it has launched various membership value-added services, as well as games such as QQ Hall and QQ Fantasy, the sum of these benefits is not as profitable as Jianyu Jianghu. This is also the reason why Brother Xiao Ma has always wanted to engage in large-scale online games.

"Since we can't find people, let's cultivate them ourselves!" Brother Xiao Ma also has a character of not admitting defeat, gritted his teeth.

The executives of QQ Voice could not help but smile wryly, to put it simply, cultivate it yourself? The reason why YY Voice can develop is mainly because of Duowan Games. As the largest game community in China, Duowan Games has sent a large number of users to YY Voice. How can Penguin compete with others?
Do you want to post an advertisement on the multiplayer game forum?It would be nice not to be banned.

As for 17173?Forget it, this website has long been shut down, and even the founder Cai Zhongjian has resigned. In the game community, Duwangame is the only one, and there is no rival at all.

Brother Xiao Ma proposed another solution: "Since the game can't compete, let's start from other directions, such as cultivating some young ladies with nice voices, and let them chat with users in the chat room."

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this solution is feasible, and users' needs for emotions far exceed games, so the audience should be wider.

Soon, the QQ voice project team "learned" YY's method and began to recruit chat room hosts.

No education is required, talent is not required, as long as the voice is good, you can make money sitting at home, which is undoubtedly a fatal temptation for many girls who have just entered the society.

Of course, in order to prevent repeating the same mistakes, QQ Voice also prepared a very detailed contract for these girls who applied for the job.

For example, there are rigid requirements for how long you have to be online every day. In addition, the basic salary of girls is not as much as advertised. If you want to get higher income, you must complete certain data tasks. The number of active users in the room is the most important indicators.

What is an active user?It is a QQ account that is online for more than 48 hours a week and has been registered for more than one year.

After suffering the loss last time, the QQ voice team also learned a lesson. With the help of the strongest legal department, they designed every clause quite strictly, and did not give anyone a chance to take advantage of loopholes.

This also made some girls refuse to sign the contract directly after seeing the contract. This thing is clearly a contract of prostitution.

However, there are also some girls who think that as long as they can make money, other things don’t matter, so some girls with sweet voices and who like to interact in the chat room began to appear in the QQ voice.

Needless to say, this trick really worked and attracted many users to the chat room.

Liang Han was very worried about this, and asked Shen Lang if he wanted to follow up.

Penguin's coquettish operation completely fooled Shen Lang. Didn't this make the live broadcast come out in advance?It's just that one is a video chat room and the other is a voice chat room.

After pondering for a moment, Shen Lang said to Liang Han: "You can follow up, but you must strictly manage the owner of the house, prohibiting any behaviors that play around the corner, and at the same time set up super management to inspect each chat room. The chat room is banned."

The successive actions of YY Voice and QQ Voice have also attracted the attention of other instant messaging software. Seeing that these two companies have played a good role in the voice chat room, people will naturally follow up.

For a while, apart from Fetion and MSN, other instant messaging software began to follow up, and a round of competition for "good voice" was set off on the Internet.

The reason why Fetion did not follow up was because after the report was typed up, the higher-ups considered some risks and failed at the meeting.

MSN feels that the voice chat room is too vulgar, which does not match the noble temperament of MSN.

During this period, the Super Girl competition is also in full swing, and the finals in each division are also in full swing.

In the end, Li Yuchun from the Rongcheng competition area won the championship in the Rongcheng competition area with a super high number of votes of 20, and directly entered the top ten in the country. Zhang Liangying and He Jie also entered the top three and qualified for the semi-finals.

The National Top Ten Competition that started in July has brought the influence of Super Girl to the extreme. On the day of the Top Ten Competition alone, more than [-] million viewers across the country watched the competition.

At the same time, this day alone has brought more than 300 million new registered users to YY. Of course, the retention rate is also lower than before, only one-thirtieth.

However, the YY brand has already been launched, especially among the student population. When it comes to communication software, no one will say: What is your QQ number, I will add you.

Rather: Do you play YY or QQ?I'll add you.

Although QQ still maintains an absolute lead in various statistics, the gap is gradually narrowing, and YY has gradually entered the ranks of mainstream communication software, and various capitals have also poured in.

Mr. Lei is very busy these days, just receiving domestic and foreign investors keeps him busy.

"You are sure you don't need financing." Lei Jun came to Shen Lang's office just after sending away a group of investors, and reminded him again and again.

Shen Lang shook his head: "It's not the time yet."

Lei Jun was very puzzled by Shen Lang's behavior of being a "miser". He had never seen any Internet company that had reached this scale and had not yet raised funds. However, after several times of persuasion, Shen Lang did not waver. I'm too lazy to say it.

"But there is no money in the company's account. Recently, YY has added a lot of new users. It is time for us to consider building our own data center." Lei Jun reminded.

This is an urgent problem. Although Jianyujianghu's profitability is very strong, Shen Lang's ability to spend money is not inferior at all, especially in the recent period, spending money like water, just sponsoring Super Girl. Spend 3000 2000, and the offline promotion also cost more than [-] million, plus the money spent by YY Voice.

This means that Shen Lang alone has the final say in the company, otherwise there would have been a lot of quarrels.

The sudden increase of YY users will inevitably put a huge pressure on the server, but it is only in the East China region. The servers are basically concentrated in East China, and the data transmission is relatively fast.

But Huaxia is really too big. Data centers must be set up in West China, South China, Central China, Northeast China, and Northwest China to ensure users have a smooth experience.

Shen Lang used to rent a part of the server as a transit method before, but at that time YY had relatively few users, although it was a bit more expensive, it could still support it, but now that the number of users has skyrocketed, it is not worthwhile to rent again.

Shen Lang thought for a while: "I will find a way to solve the money problem."

How to solve it?Shen Lang was waiting for an opportunity.

This time is World of Warcraft. That's right, Shen Lang is about to sell Ninetowns stock. It has been eight months since Ninetowns went public, and the lock-up period has passed long ago. The reason why they haven't been sold is that they are waiting for World of Warcraft to officially charge .

If the hottest TV show this summer is Super Girl, then the hottest game is World of Warcraft. The closed beta began in April, the public beta at the end of May, and it has been more than a month since July.

Just yesterday, World of Warcraft closed the public beta server and announced the official launch of the operation.

Judging from the results of the public beta, World of Warcraft will undoubtedly achieve great commercial success. The 30 groups of servers that are open to the public beta are all full, with up to 30 online at the same time. This is because World of Warcraft can only accommodate [-] people.

It has been free for two months, and has already gathered a lot of popularity for World of Warcraft. In the Duwan game community, the popularity of World of Warcraft has also surpassed that of Jianyu Jianghu.

Of course, this also put a lot of pressure on Jiucheng, who could not receive a single penny for two months. After including agency fees and other initial investment, Jiucheng has already spent tens of millions of dollars on World of Warcraft. It is time to start Harvesting players, bah, it's time to recover blood.

(End of this chapter)

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