my return 2002

Chapter 204 Zhou Hongyi makes a move

Chapter 204 Zhou Hongyi makes a move

On the Christmas Eve of December 12th, a news suddenly came out from the game circle in the mainland. Jinshan, which has been silent for nearly a year, will fight the rivers and lakes again, and the closed beta of JX 24 will start.

This news was heard by Shen Lang from Wang Tao. When Lei Jun heard the news next to him, he was obviously taken aback. It has been a year since he left Jinshan unknowingly. This once familiar name seems to have become strange at this time stand up.

Swordsman Love 2 is the product of Qiu Bojun's let go. Swordsman Love has been impacted by Jianyu Jianghu, and the number of online users has plummeted at the same time, but still retains some loyal players. After all, it is a self-developed game and can make money. Jinshan has no Select off service.

It’s just that the follow-up updates of Swordsman’s Love seem very perfunctory, and players have gradually lost their enthusiasm, and players continue to quit.

It took almost a year for the project of Swordsman Love 2 to start. Qiu Bojun also gave this game great patience and expectation. Qiu Bojun's confidence was frustrated, but at that time he had no way out.

The appeal of Swordsman Love is still there, coupled with Qiu Bojun's new approach, vigorously develop offline promoters, and promote it in Internet cafes in some second- and third-tier cities, which has really attracted many players. The internal test is only two hours, and at the same time It reached 1 online, which is already a big improvement compared to JX [-].

Of course, it also shows from the side that the number of online game players in 2004 was much larger than in 2003.

The reason for adopting the mode of local push is actually a helpless move. Qiu Bojun thought that he had offended Shen Lang to death before, and playing more games would definitely not accept Jinshan’s promotion. As for 17173, it is already half-dead, and it’s okay to spend money Good effect, it is better to put energy offline.

Needless to say, the effect of this trick looks good, and it has also inspired some other online game manufacturers.

However, as a large-scale MMO online game with a martial arts theme, JX 2 will inevitably be compared with JX Jianghu. JX 2 still inherits the art style of the previous game. Although the image quality has improved, it is not obvious. Compared with Jianyu Jianghu's 3D scene + 2D character modeling, it is still much inferior.

If it is said that the picture quality cannot determine the quality of the game, then in terms of gameplay, JX 2 basically copied Jianyu Jianghu completely, which is unacceptable to players.

In fact, after Jianyu Jianghu became popular, there have been games that "borrow" their gameplay one after another, but they are all non-martial arts online games, and the player audience is different.

However, the audiences of Swordsman Love 2 and Jian Yujianghu are completely overlapped, and the degree of completion of Swordsman Love 2 is not high enough. In other words, even copying is not good. Qiu Bojun desperately urged the project team to complete the game as soon as possible.

No way, the project team can only sacrifice the quality of the game to increase the speed of development, so what is the best way?Of course, it is "learning from" the most popular gameplay on the market, and the most popular online game in the martial arts category is precisely Jianyujianghu.

This has led to Swordsman Love 2 being very similar to Jianyu Jianghu in many places. When the homogeneity of the two games is serious, the focus is on the details. With the existence of Jianyu Jianghu with better picture quality and richer details, players Why come to play a similar game?
The most important thing is that this game also needs to spend some cards.

Here comes a very strange phenomenon. After the internal test of JX2 broke through [-] simultaneous online in two hours, the simultaneous online of this game has always hovered around here, and the highest is only [-] simultaneous online. Sometimes It will still fall.

Qiu Bojun looked at the background data, his face was extremely pale. The most direct reason for this situation was that the retention rate was too low. Many players played for a while after they went online, and found out that The game is not attractive enough, so I quit the pit directly.

Many of the players who are always online come from JX 1. On the one hand, they want to see how the game is doing and whether they want to switch.

That's right, this is only during the free period of the internal test, and the user retention rate is so low. It is conceivable that once the fee is charged, at least it will be halved directly.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the quality of JX 2 is bad. At least for JX 1 users, this game is very fun. Playability will be much higher.

This also made some players who have been playing JX 1 become tap water one after another to promote these games online.

The most interesting thing is that there are similar posts in the Duowan game community, and there is a very popular post among them, which is very interesting.

A JX player posted a post to promote JX 2, swearing that there is a scene called "Song-Jin Battlefield" in this game that is very fun and passionate, and specifically listed the specific rules of the Song-Jin Battlefield.

Some players of Jian Yu Jiang Hu couldn't help laughing after seeing it. Isn't this the way to play "Battle between Righteousness and Demons"?Even rewards for military ranks and hourly wages are basically copied from Jianyujianghu, nothing more than a change of name.

The worst thing is that these players from Sword Rain Jianghu didn't hate this player from Swordsman Love, but left a message below.

"Yes, you are right."

Once there is the first one, there will be the second one, maybe because they thought it was fun, some Jianyu Jianghu players deliberately went to the YY group to talk about it, and then a large number of Jianyu Jianghu players went to leave a message at the bottom of this post, and upvoted it.

Soon, this post was pushed to the homepage of Duowan Games, and more and more Sword Rain Jianghu players joined the top post team.

And the player of Swordsman Love 2 thought that his propaganda had an effect, so he couldn't help but secretly proud of himself.

However, when he returned to the game, he found that the number of JX2 players showed no signs of increasing. At first he comforted himself: it would take time to download the client, but after a few days, the game remained the same, and there were no large numbers of players at all. Situations where new players enter.

The player couldn't help it anymore, and returned to the Duowan game community again, only to find that his post had already appeared on the Duowan homepage, and the following sentence was all: Yes, you are right.

This is too neat, the player couldn't help wondering, are these people all robots?He even called the customer service of the multiplayer game, but the customer service told him that the accounts of these replies were all active accounts, and there was no such thing as a robot.

Finally, there was a player who couldn't stand it any longer, so he replied below.

"You people are too bad, how can you bully a fool?"

Soon, many people responded to this reply.

"Brother, don't tell me if you see through, it's boring for you to do this."

"That's right, it's so much fun. Maybe people are enjoying themselves, so why don't you let people enjoy it for a while?"

Although being scolded as a fool made the Swordsman Love 2 player very angry, he still held his temper and sent a private message to the scolding person.

"what happened?"

Soon, the other party replied to the private message, but instead of answering his question, he gave him a YY chat room number.

With doubts, the JX2 player entered the YY chat room, and then a player in the chat room asked.

"Are you the one named Mushroom Head?"

"Well, can you tell me what's going on now?" Mushroom Head asked curiously while typing.

"Haha~~~ Oh my god, you are a mushroom head, hurry up and take a photo, I'm going to post it in the Duowan community, I've already taken a photo with a celebrity."

"Haha~~~ I'm dying of laughter, Mushroom Head, your post is too funny, I can't do it, let me laugh for a while."

"Please, Mushroom Head, have you just connected to the Internet? The gameplay of Swordsman Love 2 is basically copied from Jianyu Jianghu, and the Song and Jin battlefields. I also tried it a few days ago, and I can do it if I die To accommodate thousands of people, if you look at the battle between righteousness and evil in Jianyu Jianghu, tens of thousands of people fight against the same map, that's called blood."

Facing the ridicule, Mushroom Head did not immediately launch the chat room, because he was already shocked by the sentence of tens of thousands of people fighting on the same map. Tens of thousands of people fighting?What would that be like?
In order to verify these people's claims, Mushroom Head opened the Sword Rain Jianghu section on the homepage of Duowan Games.

As a result, I immediately became addicted to it after seeing it. The pictures of Jianyu Jianghu are not so delicate and exquisite, but they are also considered to be second to none in 2D online games. Coupled with the 3D modeling of the scene, some scenery pictures are so beautiful that you can directly take them. To use it as a wallpaper, this is like opening a new door for players who are used to the 2D painting style of JX Love.

It turns out that the game can still have such a beautiful scenery?

In addition to the scenery, what impresses Mushroom Head even more is the interaction frequency of Sword Rain Jianghu players, and the posts in the game area. There will be a large number of new posts almost every refresh.

The types of these posts are also very diverse, some are looking for a team, some are looking for love, some are scolding, and there are various types of strategy. The degree and variety of gameplay are something he has never seen in JX.

What shocked Mushroom Head even more was that there was a very popular post, which was a "Zero Diary" made by a game master.

Not only did this boss not spend a penny to buy some cards, but even his equipment was not much worse than that of some mid-level players. Coupled with his excellent operation, he was also capable of fighting against some players with better equipment than him.

Can you play so well without spending money?Mushroom head was moved. As a student party, he usually saved the card money for playing Swordsman Qingyuan through his teeth.

Now there are more fun games that don’t cost money, so why stick to Swordsman’s Love?

Thinking of this, Mushroom Head immediately decided to get out of JX Qingyuan. Before getting out of the pit, he went online and handed over all his property in JX Qingyuan to his friends in the game.

When a friend asked him why he got out of the pit, he said to his friend.

"I found a better game."

A friend asked: what game.

"Sword Rain Rivers and Lakes!"

To Mushroom Head's surprise, several friends actually said that they wanted to be with him.

The same scene continues to be staged in the Swordsman Love game player group. In fact, players are a very strange group. Sometimes the more famous the game, the less they like it, as if the niche game is in line with their own temperament.

But once there are friends around to play, it is easy to be aroused and start to step into the unknown world.

The internal testing of Swordsman Love 2 is not optimistic, and Qiu Bojun can only continue to develop and promote personnel. The retention rate is low, so increase the base to make up for it.

However, the operation staff of Xishanju soon told Qiu Bojun that the simultaneous online of JX 1 had dropped sharply for many consecutive days.

"Aren't you all going to play Swordsman Love 2?" Qiu Bojun was not panicking at this moment, he had already expected this situation.

However, the answer was negative.

"No, we traced it back and found that these players have directly deleted their accounts, and they are still shouting on the public screen, saying yes: Goodbye, Sword Rain Jianghu."

"What?" Qiu Bojun was shocked: "How could this happen?"

Qiu Bojun was short of breath, grabbed the operator, and asked sharply, "Is there some kind of activity against us by Jianyu Jianghu?"

"No." The operator replied cautiously.

"Is it not, or did you not find out?" Qiu Bojun roared furiously.

The operation staff was about to cry: "I beg you, there really isn't one. They didn't even delete the post that we went to play more games to promote JX2."

"No? Then how could this happen?" Qiu Bojun let go of the operating staff in a slumped manner.

The most uncomfortable thing is not that others target you, but that you don't even have the qualifications to be targeted.

The closed beta of JX 2 ended hastily after two weeks, and in the end there were only 8 people online at the same time, which was not even as good as JX 1's performance.

This put Qiu Bojun in a dilemma. Although Kingsoft Antivirus gained more users after it was free, Kingsoft lost all the revenue during the paid period, and at the same time, the cost of servers and bandwidth was also increasing day by day.

There is no hope of making a profit in the closed beta of JX 2, and now even the ecology of JX 1 has collapsed.

When Qiu Bojun was in a state of desperation, suddenly a company called "Qihu" came to visit.

Qiu Bojun was very puzzled. He had never heard of this company. Qi Xiangdong, who came to visit, saw Qiu Bojun's puzzled expression, so he smiled and said.

"Our company has just been established, but the investor behind me is an old acquaintance with you."

Qiu Bojun frowned, old acquaintance?
The appearance of Zhou Hongyi's name surprised Qiu Bojun, and he knew 3721 very well.

What surprised Qiu Bojun even more was that this man named Qi Xiangdong actually said that Qihu wanted to buy Jinshan.

(End of this chapter)

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