From janitor to actor

Chapter 338 Chapter With Time

Chapter 338

Ren Shuai sighed in his heart, the director didn't know what image he had established in his heart.

Even a simple drink of water, he can feel the timing is ingenious, and Ren Shuai feels that the director's idea is even more ingenious.

The director looked at Wei Yan at this moment, and said in a persuasive manner: "Think about it carefully, the first time Mr. Li picked up a teacup to drink water was when you mentioned that the students' level after entering school was not as good as the exam.

The gap in the examinee's level is the only obvious loophole that currently exists, and he picked up the water glass at that time, which can achieve two purposes. First, he can delay thinking about how to answer, and second, he can interrupt the rhythm of the conversation by letting you drink water, so as to gain the initiative. right. "

After the director finished speaking, he looked at Ren Shuai with admiration and said, "I seldom praise others in person, but I have to admire you, you are very accurate in details."

Ren Shuai almost lost his expression control after hearing the director's words.

He had been praised many times in person, but it was the first time he heard it and felt guilty.

Talent, the director is really a rare talent.

He thought for a while, it didn't seem very good to be misunderstood like this, so let's explain.

However, before he could open his mouth, Wei Yan suddenly showed an enlightened expression and said: "The director is still transparent, I am really a fan of the authorities. In this way, Teacher Li didn't want me to drink the water again before I left. It's a provocation."

Ren Shuai's mouth, which had just opened, suddenly closed again.

All are talents.

Wei Yan continued thoughtfully: "I should refuse with righteous words instead of drinking it. If the scene between me and Mr. Li is a duel, drinking this sip of water means admitting defeat." .”

The director immediately nodded happily, thinking that children can be taught, as expected of young actors with outstanding acting skills, their comprehension is high.

Clear in one point.

Ren Shuai was speechless.

He has a little self-doubt now.

Just now he handed tea not because he was thirsty, nor was it to reflect the character's thriftiness, but it was just like what the director said.

Ren Shuai even thought that it was the subtle influence of his middle-level acting skills that had influenced his actions, making his performances more layered and deep.

So he consciously didn't open his mouth to explain.

After the director explained, Wei Yan looked at Ren Shuai differently.

It can't be said that he is hungry and thirsty, but he is full of desire to explore and knowledge of his performance.

Ren Shuai felt a little uncomfortable, and quickly said: "Director, let's shoot the last two sentences again."

"Okay, both of you, please prepare."

So Ren Shuai and Wei Yan filmed that rivalry scene again.

After the filming of this scene, there will be no solo scenes between Ren Shuai and Wei Yan, and there will be another scene with Ren Shuai, which will be Wei Yan and other members of the investigation team arresting him.

Regarding this point, Wei Yan expressed that she was not very satisfied, as she hadn't filmed enough yet.

Just a few scenes with Ren Shuai, she feels that she has benefited a lot. Of course, the more opportunities like this, the better.

It's just a pity that Ren Shuai's remaining roles are all with other actors.

She wanted to be on the sidelines, but as the heroine, the scenes were so full that she didn't have time to do the same.

When Wei Yan was about to leave, she could only reluctantly ask Ren Shuai about his shooting arrangements for the past few days, to see if he had time to ask for acting knowledge.

But Ren Shuai knows his own family affairs, he is a practical man, if he really exchanged acting knowledge, he would be like Bai Suzhen drinking realgar wine.

Ren Shuai could only improvise temporarily with the scumbag's quotations: "I will contact you when I have time."

Then during the week he was on the set, he never had time again.

Until Wei Yan led a team of investigators to arrest him.

But this was Ren Shuai's last scene in the crew. The running-in between the director and the actors became smoother and smoother. In addition, Ren Shuai's acting skills are very good, so the scene was over after only three filmings.

After Ren Shuai finished work, he naturally had to pack his luggage and leave. Wei Yan, who had been waiting for him for many days without being able to meet alone, finally seized the opportunity of her lunch break and blocked him at the door of the room.

"Mr. Li, congratulations on your completion."

Wei Yan specially asked her assistant to help buy a bouquet of flowers.

Ren Shuai had mixed feelings. On the one hand, he was very grateful for Wei Yan's intentions, and on the other hand, he was worried that Wei Yan had ulterior motives.

He really didn't want to exchange acting skills with Wei Yan, he had already heard from his assistant Xiao Jin that Wei Yan was a drama idiot.

Not only in terms of actual performances, but also in theoretical research, she is very attentive, and she basically comes up with names that Ren Shuai finds strange, such as Stanislav and Blasey.

But since the door was blocked, Ren Shuai had no choice but to block it with soldiers.

"I'm about to go."

Ren Shuai did not welcome Wei Yan into the house, but instead took the flowers and the luggage, ready to go out.

The implication is that I don't have much time to exchange acting skills, it's best to talk about it another day.

Wei Yan didn't care at all, and offered to help Ren Shuai with his luggage, saying, "Then I'll see you off."

She has been waiting for these days, and she must not let go of this opportunity to communicate with Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai had no choice but to smile bitterly in his heart, maintaining a gentle smile on the surface and said: "Thank you, let's go quickly, the car is waiting downstairs."

Wei Yan nodded, and hurriedly asked: "I don't know what work schedule you have for next week. After I finished filming the concentrated scenes in the past few days, I have a movie to meet with the crew. It is the latest comedy theme. Do you have any plans?" interest?"

When Ren Shuai heard this, he immediately showed interest and said, "Of course, but comedy performances are not difficult, and I have never tried it."

After hearing this, Wei Yan's eyes lit up and she said, "It's my first time trying it out, and I don't know what to do. If you're interested, can you come with me to meet the group? I can also learn some acting skills from you."

Ren Shuai felt dizzy when he heard that, Wei Yan's eagerness to learn is indeed an advantage, but if the person who is eager to learn is him.

That's another matter.

"I also really want to try, maybe there will be more breakthroughs, but I'm afraid in terms of time..."

Ren Shuai adopted the omnipotent evasion method.

Wei Yan immediately introduced: "The director is Zhou Liang, the top comedy master in our continent. This time, we are filming a Lunar New Year drama. Many famous comedians will participate. The opportunity is very rare. I just want to play a guest role in one of them."

Ren Shuai nodded, thinking that this kind of opportunity is really rare. If you have the opportunity to meet actors in the comedy circle, it will be of great benefit to broaden your network.

But he really doesn't have time.

"I'm going to join the group again." Ren Shuai said truthfully.

Wei Yan asked: "Whose movie is it, can you ask for leave?"

She thought to herself, if she had a good talk with the director or producer, anyone who is easy to talk to would be accommodating, and it wouldn't take too much time to meet the crew.

Ren Shuai smiled and spread his hands and said, "The new film that Zhou Cun is preparing."

Wei Yan stopped talking immediately.

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(End of this chapter)

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