
Chapter 94 Shunhe Coal Mine

Chapter 94 Shunhe Coal Mine
Chen Zhigang was busy, when he saw Yang Dongsheng, he stood up and looked at him expectantly, "Mr. Yang, have we won?"

Yang Dongsheng nodded, and cheers erupted from the scene.

"Manager Chen, how are the people in your finance department doing?"

Yang Dongsheng has officially appointed Chen Zhigang as the manager of the finance department of Dongsheng Mining.

"Everything is ready!" Chen Zhigang was eager to try.

Chen Zhigang used to be the deputy chief of the finance department of the Mining Machinery Factory, a serious deputy at the deputy department level, which is also an important reason why he has been hesitant to resign.

During this period of time, Chen Zhigang helped Yang Dongsheng recruit many people from the mining machinery factory.

Now not only Yang Dongsheng's here, but also Yang Jiayun's has regular financial personnel, and he no longer has to scratch his head every day to settle accounts.

"Then we will split up. You immediately take someone to take stock of the accounts of the other companies, and I will take someone to the Shunhe Coal Mine myself! If there is any obstacle, don't conflict with them, and immediately report to the police station. I have already said hello to the police station. Already!"


For a company, no matter how big the business is, there are actually two kinds of power: one is personnel power, and the other is financial power.

Yang Dongsheng's financial power must be firmly held in his hands. As for personnel rights, Yang Dongsheng plans to partially release them to increase the flexibility of the company and the enthusiasm of his subordinates.

Just like the current Chen Zhigang, after Yang Dongsheng gave him the power, he was very motivated.

Chen Zhigang sent people to the quartz placer and quarry, and he went to the machinery factory under Yang Dongsheng's key care.

Yang Dongsheng took Chen Zhima and others straight to Shunhe Coal Mine.

Chen Zhima glanced around, feeling a little nervous.

Yang Dongsheng brought a few tractor men, all of them strong and strong, and they also held shovels and iron drills, especially one of them with a sloppy face, who was not easy to mess with at first sight, and the others rushed at him "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother" ” screamed, this person patted that person’s arm, and weighed the iron chisel in that person’s hand, just like checking his own bicycle.

Chen Zhima has seen this kind of person before, this is a fighting head.

Yang Dongsheng made it clear that he was going to fight.

In fact, Chen Zhima was overthinking this time. The Shunhe Coal Mine is the largest mine in Shunhe Township. There are one or two thousand mines in the whole mine, and all of them are strong laborers. It is the most difficult bone to crack.In case of a move, even if one person kicks, Yang Dongsheng is lifted up, and everyone is still flat.

Yang Dongsheng brought these people there purely for self-protection, so he borrowed Ma Jiu from Yang Huai today.

I saw the towering mountain from a long distance away. Before I reached the mine gate, I saw two groups of people lined up on both sides of the gate. Seeing Yang Dongsheng jump off the tractor, one of them rushed out to meet him.

"Boss Yang, welcome, welcome!"

This person is none other than the mine manager who blew up the Shunhe Coal Mine.

After the Shunhe Coal Mine exploded, he should have been expelled for future generations, and he even had to go to jail.

However, in this era, the "Regulations on the Investigation of Administrative Responsibilities for Extraordinarily Serious Safety Accidents" have not yet been promulgated.

In addition, at that time, Secretary Zhao and Li Xiangzhang were too busy to take care of themselves, so they didn't have time to deal with him at all.

After the new Secretary Zhao and Li Xiangzhang took office, they were busy building roads and restarting Xiangsheng Town, and they didn't think of him.

After Secretary Zhao had a car accident, Township Chief Li thought about letting his brother-in-law take over the Shunhe Coal Mine, but his brother-in-law felt that someone had just died in the Shunhe Coal Mine, and he disliked bad luck, so he was unwilling to take over.

In this way, the mine manager who had an accident has been working until now.

Yang Dongsheng vaguely remembered that when he came to visit last year, he was introduced as Wang, "Mine Manager Wang, hello!"

"Welcome Boss Yang to inspect and guide the work!" There was a round of warm applause at the scene.

Then Mine Manager Wang introduced everyone to Yang Dongsheng one by one.

Production department, mechanical and electrical department, finance department, coal mining team, excavation team, development team, ventilation team, transportation team, logistics department, machine repair shop... Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

The heads of various departments and district teams gathered, and Yang Dongsheng even knew a few of them, so he invited them to dinner.

In contrast, these people seem a little nervous. Shunhe Coal Mine has been contracted out, what should they do?
Although coal digging is bitter and people will die, the overall income is not bad.

Now even the workers in the city can hardly afford to eat.

Especially the heads of their departments and district teams, their income is a bit higher than that of ordinary miners.

Yang Dongsheng shook hands with everyone one by one.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not receive the official dismissal, but he also enjoyed the treatment of Secretary Chen once.

A group of people walked into the mine.

The whole mining area is full of gray.

Before entering the mine, the most conspicuous thing in the entire Shunhe Coal Mine is the mountain. After entering the mine, the most conspicuous thing is a huge black mountain - gangue hill.

Although the Shunhe Coal Mine does not have a coal preparation plant, it still produces a large amount of coal gangue every year when it is explored and excavated.

"Let my people hand over first!"

After all, the welcome in line and the applause are false, and the handover is real.

Yang Dongsheng now wants to see whether the mine manager Wang really welcomes him or fakes him.

Mine Manager Wang replied without thinking, "No problem, no problem!"

Yang Dongsheng nodded to the financial staff who came with him.

He also told Ma Jiu to be smart and play by ear.

Mine Manager Wang brought Yang Dongsheng into a meeting room.

Shunhe Coal Mine was established in the 80s, with proven coal reserves of 1800 million tons, recoverable geological reserves of 650 million tons, and a designed production capacity of 15 tons.

Five common disasters in coal mines—coal dust, gas, fire, flooding, and roof fall.

In Shunhe Coal Mine, except for the non-explosive coal dust, everything else is basically spread out.

Through water, through fire, and a gas explosion a few months ago.

It is almost every year that people are killed by falling from the roof.

Many people may not understand the roof collapse. To put it bluntly, it is actually a landslide in the lane (the fourth sound of hang here).

Yang Huai's father had fallen from the roof and was crushed to death.

After introducing the history, Mine Manager Wang turned over the excavation engineering drawings and began to introduce the current situation of Shunhe Coal Mine.

Yang Dongsheng also called up the [-]D map.

If you don't look at it, you don't know that the Shunhe Coal Mine covers an area of ​​[-] to [-] square kilometers. Even the Dawangzhuang Mine, Xiaowangzhuang Mine, and Yang Dongsheng's unbuilt house are all located above the Shunhe Coal Mine.

Yang Dongsheng even discovered some other undiscovered mines.

After a rough scan of the entire coal mine, Yang Dongsheng's first reaction was that the Shunhe Coal Mine was really ruined.

It was originally a chicken coop coal, but in recent years, what "water flows quickly" has been done, and more is thrown away than mined, and the entire mining area has long been smashed into pieces.

Coal is not a simple substance of carbon, but a mixture of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen with molecular chains of different lengths.

In addition to these carbon-containing substances, Shunhe Coal Mine also has iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, arsenic, copper, zinc, tin...even precious metals such as gold and silver, and rare metals such as germanium, gallium, and vanadium. It even contains uranium.

(End of this chapter)

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