
Chapter 5 Selling Gold

Chapter 5 Selling Gold

You don't need to go to Yang Dongsheng to know that this Beicheng Hospital is not good. In the previous life, Yang Dongsheng's father took Yang Dongsheng to have his tonsils cut here.

It is said that laser removal of tonsils is actually a needle-shaped electric iron.

During the operation, Yang Dongsheng could even smell the smell of his own flesh being burnt by electricity, and he couldn't stand the pain even after taking anesthesia.

You must know that when Yang Dongsheng's father took Yang Dongsheng to the village doctor for treatment, he used to cut open the flesh in his throat one by one without anesthesia to drain the pus and blood, so that Yang Dongsheng survived.

After the operation, anti-inflammatory drugs were given again. In all likelihood, the anti-inflammatory drugs worked, and Yang Dongsheng's throat subsided.

But when he went to college for a physical examination, the doctor said that his tonsils were not cut at all.

A hospital that can't even perform minor operations such as tonsillectomy, can you expect them to treat neurological diseases?

"Look how good that hospital is, how tall the building is, and it's cheap..." Yang Dongsheng's father pointed to the building next to him to lie to Yang Dongsheng.

"Aren't you just afraid of spending money!"

"What do you say? I'm afraid of spending money. I'm afraid that spending money can raise you up so much? These two people raised you up so much, how much money did they spend? They've been picking on me these days." , Lao Ba's family is retired from a big hospital..."

Yang Dongsheng's father suddenly lost control and yelled in the street. His furious appearance was clearly the result of his anger after being exposed.

Passers-by all around looked over one after another.

"I don't care about you anymore, you can go and see for yourself, hum!" Yang Dongsheng's father snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

Yang Dongsheng was surprised. Since you are not afraid of spending money, you should go to the Municipal People's Hospital instead.

Fortunately, I have already arrived in the city, and it is not far from the People's Hospital.

But before going to the hospital, Yang Dongsheng had to get money first.

When he was in college, there was a classmate in Yang Dongsheng's class who owned a gold shop. His family's gold shop was on Jing 2 Road in the urban area.According to the classmate, Jing 2 Road is the Jinpu Street in Guazhou.

After the gold shop collects the gold, it is mixed with lead and copper, or the inside is lead and the outside is gold.

They even produced the so-called "alluvial gold" that has no gold content at all, and sold it at the price of pure gold, which is not an ordinary way to make money.

Coming to Jing 2 Road, there are quite a lot of gold shops here. When I walked into a well-decorated gold shop, I saw an old man dozing off inside, "Is your boss there?"

"I'm the boss, what do you want to buy?" the old man asked attentively.

"Take it?" Yang Dongsheng took out a golden bean.

"Talk inside, talk inside!" The old man's eyes lit up immediately.

"Let's talk about how much you can give first."

"Of course it will be based on the international gold price, ninety!"

"Hehe..." Yang Dongsheng sneered, turned his head and left.

In this era, the country is short of foreign exchange, and gold is a hard currency. Most of the gold mined in the country is used by the country to buy urgently needed materials and equipment, and very little gold circulates among the people.

However, in the 90s, the common people gradually became richer, and it became popular to have "three golds" for engagement and "hardware" for marriage. In some places, there are even "eight golds" and "ten golds".

Domestic gold demand is strong, and the actual exchange rate of RMB has not been truly reflected, resulting in domestic gold prices being much higher than international gold prices.

"Hey, hey, don't go, the price is negotiable..." the old man shouted behind him.

Came to another gold shop, where there was only one female clerk in her early 20s serving customers. Yang Dongsheng deliberately made her hair look like a chicken coop. This time he planned to change the way.

After the customer left, Yang Dongsheng came to the clerk, took out the gold, and asked in a rough voice, "Will you take it?"

Seeing this, the female shop assistant hurriedly yelled inside, "Boss!"

A man in his 40s came out in response. He wore a pair of thick eyes, wiped his hands, and said lightly, "Let's talk inside."

"That won't work, my uncle said, I have to see what price you can give me first. Don't lie to me, my uncle told me the price in advance."

"The current price is [-]% higher than the international gold price!"

"You don't follow the rules. My uncle said that Ye was [-]% high last year."

"Where did you hear the rules? Last year they were all high school students." The shopkeeper looked bitter.

"Really? Then wait a while, I'll ask again." Yang Dongsheng scratched his head.

Yang Dongsheng turned a corner, made sure that no one was following, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He found a few more shops to test, and after confirming that the price offered by the second shop was the highest, Yang Dongsheng came to that shop again.

I followed the shopkeeper to the inner room, where I saw carving knives, crucibles, stoves, blowtorches, and several large glass bottles filled with yellow liquid.

"This is aqua regia, right? My uncle said, I can't tell you to wash gold in aqua regia." Yang Dongsheng said.

"Don't worry, I won't wash it."

"My uncle told you to weigh this first." Yang Dongsheng took out the golden bean again.

The shopkeeper didn't ask why, and weighed it on a balance, "11.06 grams, which is what you said is 2.95 yuan, right?"

"Almost!" Yang Dongsheng took out the plastic bag and put it on the table. After opening it, all the gold was exposed, "Can you take it?"

"..." The shopkeeper looked at the bag in surprise, then at Yang Dongsheng.

"I bought this from one village in one year. Don't try to trick me, or else all my villages will come to you."

The shopkeeper rolled his eyes again angrily.

The shopkeeper didn't weigh them directly, but took out the gold particles and put them on the table, weighed them one by one, and finally picked out a few larger ones and put them aside.

Under Yang Dongsheng's suspicious gaze, the shopkeeper took out a knife from the drawer.

"What are you going to do? Let me tell you, everyone in our village is waiting in a few streets nearby..." Yang Dongsheng forgot to pretend his voice.

Is this going to kill someone?
(End of this chapter)

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