
Chapter 25 The girl who digs wild vegetables

Chapter 25 The girl who digs wild vegetables
Yang Dongsheng and Yang Jiayun went to Guazhou City and bought 10 tractors.

Each model, each brand, each bought one or two, to see which one is easy to use.

The bluestone is the foundation, the red brick is the wall, and the blue tile is the roof.

The walls were painted, the stove was built, the bed was built, iron doors and windows were installed, and the well was dug again.

Three large tile-roofed houses, a kitchen, a bedroom, and a main room are also used as offices.

While it was still early, Yang Dongsheng rushed to Shunhe again and bought pots, bowls, ladles, basins, kitchen knives, cutting boards, buckets, bicycles, kettles, rice, noodles, oil, salt, eggs, washing powder and soap, When passing by the vegetable market, I bought a fish back.

According to the video I watched on the Internet in my previous life, I first rubbed the fish with salt, and added some salt to the oil to prevent it from sticking to the pan.

But once the pot was cooked, the fish would stick to the bottom of the pot.

With one shovel, the skin of the fish is separated from the flesh of the fish.

Yang Dongsheng was in a hurry, and the fish skin on the bottom of the pot was already mushy.

Shovel off the battered fish skin and put it in water to stew.

But he forgot to wash the pot and boiled a pot of dark soup, but fortunately the taste was okay.

But the stuffy rice that followed directly became the scene of a disaster.

In this era, rice cookers are not yet popular in cities, let alone in rural markets.Boiled rice depends entirely on the heat and the amount of water. How does Yang Dongsheng know how much water and how much rice to put?
"Cough cough cough..." Yang Dongsheng finally rushed out of the kitchen before choking to death.

After coughing for a long time, Yang Dongsheng realized that there were two people standing in front of him, two girls to be precise.

One of them was dark-skinned, short, with a snub nose and small eyes.

The other is fair-skinned, tall, about 1 meters tall, with a high nose bridge, big eyes, double eyelids, a melon-shaped face, and a small mouth.Absolutely not inferior to those female stars who boasted to the sky and were famous for their beauty in later generations.

You may not believe it, but these two girls who have nothing in common with each other are actually sisters.

The ugly one is my younger sister, named Zhou Li.

The beautiful one is her older sister, Zhou Ying, who is also the crush of all the boys in the village, Yang Dongsheng's age.

The two girls also looked at Yang Dongsheng at this moment.

"Do you sell this vegetable?" Yang Dongsheng pointed to a large handful of vegetables in Zhou Ying and Zhou Li's hands.

The two girls should have just returned from digging wild vegetables, holding purslane in their hands, which is called hornet vegetable in local dialect.It is said that it can treat wasp stings, but in fact it is not useful at all-don't ask how Yang Dongsheng knew.


"Is 5 yuan okay?" Yang Dongsheng took out a piece of 5 yuan, thought for a while and asked, "Can you cook?"

Zhou Ying and Zhou Li quickly cleaned the pot again, made scrambled eggs with hornet vegetables, and stuffed a pot of rice for Yang Dongsheng.

That night, Yang Dongsheng had a dream. He dreamed that he was married and married Zhou Ying as his wife. But when he lifted his hijab, he found out that it was Zhou Li, but Zhou Li insisted that she was Zhou Ying.

Yang Dongsheng was depressed all night.

When I woke up, it was already daylight.

Yang Dongsheng scratched vigorously on his body.

Today I have to go to Shunhe, and I have to buy mosquito coils and mosquito nets.

Mosquitoes in late autumn may know that they will not be able to hop for a few days, and they bite people hard.

Yang Dongsheng was almost sucked dry last night.

As soon as Yang Dongsheng opened the door, he suddenly saw a figure standing at the door without any signs, with long hair draped over his shoulders, and his face could not be seen clearly.

Yang Dongsheng almost fell to the ground, "What?"

Unexpectedly, the other side was also startled, and fell to the ground all of a sudden, "Ah!"

It was a female voice, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Zhou Ying.Yang Dongsheng suddenly remembered the dream last night.

Yang Dongsheng helped Zhou Ying up, "Why are you standing here?"

"..." Zhou Ying lowered her head and said nothing.

Yang Dongsheng saw that Zhou Ying's head was full of fog, and asked again, "How long have you been standing?"

"..." Zhou Ying lowered her head and remained silent.

"What are you doing here, you have to tell me."

"I..." Zhou Ying finally raised her head, looked at Yang Dongsheng timidly and said, "My father asked me to cook for you!"

"Cook for me, you don't go to school?"

"My father..." Zhou Ying's face darkened, "I won't let me go to school anymore."

"Hey, come in!"

It's all about the 5 yuan, but I really need someone to wash clothes and cook, otherwise, with his skills, he will poison himself to death sooner or later.

"Laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, three meals a day, what I eat, what you eat, 5 yuan a day, okay?"


"Cook me some porridge first!"


In a short time, Zhou Ying cooked half a pot of porridge.

Yang Dongsheng tasted it, the softness and firmness were just right, and the thickness was just right.

"Brother, let me give you the porridge my mother just cooked..." Yang Jiayun came in with a pot in his hand.

Yang Jiayun looked at Yang Dongsheng, then at Zhou Ying.

"Eat something?" Yang Dongsheng asked.

"No, no!" Yang Jiayun chuckled twice, "Brother, then I'll go to the mine first!"

With yesterday's leftovers, I had a hasty breakfast.

Zhou Ying washed the dishes, cleaned the pot and said, "Then I'm going to buy vegetables!"

Yang Dongsheng gave the food money.

"Get on your bike, the road is long."

Yang Dongsheng locked the door and was about to go to the mine when a man came over, "Dongsheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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