
Chapter 1 Lending the Money to Someone Else

Chapter 1 Lending the Money to Someone Else

Yang Dongsheng walked to the head of the village alone, looking at the lights of Wanjia behind him, he felt a sense of sadness welling up in his heart.

Many years ago, during a routine physical examination in the company, Yang Dongsheng was found to have a tumor, which could be resolved with a minimally invasive surgery.

Unexpectedly, it relapsed soon after the operation, and the girlfriend who was about to get married broke up with him immediately.

This can't be blamed on others. Yang Dongsheng's company has produced several like him before.

The youngest one was less than 30 years old when the tumor was discovered. At that time, his wife was just pregnant, and when he died, the child in his wife's stomach had not yet been born.

It wasn't until a stench came that Yang Dongsheng realized that he had unknowingly walked to a river.

Yang Dongsheng remembered that before he entered high school, he was still learning to swim in this river and was almost drowned, but now it has turned into a stinking ditch.

"What is that?" Yang Dongsheng suddenly noticed a bright light not far away.

When Yang Dongsheng took a closer look, it turned out to be a large temple.

Yang Dongsheng remembered that there was indeed such a temple by the river here, but it was dilapidated a long time ago. Last year, I heard that the richest man in the village took the lead in raising funds to rebuild the dilapidated temple.

When Yang Dongsheng walked in, he saw the carved beams and painted buildings in the temple, resplendent and resplendent. He didn't expect it to be so grand.

In the middle of the temple, there is a large altar with fine wine and food, and an incense burner filled with smoke.

It's really rich, the wine and meat stink, the road is frozen to death, he is poor and has no money to see a doctor, but he spends huge sums of money to pursue spiritual life.

Suddenly there was a "squeak" outside the door, and a golden luxury car stopped at the gate of the temple.

In order to prevent being misunderstood that he was here to steal the offerings, Yang Dongsheng hurriedly hid behind the pillar.

A fat man full of local arrogance soon appeared at the door, with a gold watch, gold ring, and gold chain shining.

The fat man looked unfamiliar, and Yang Dongsheng couldn't remember which one in the village it was for a while.

As soon as the fat man entered the door, he sniffed suspiciously, sniffed, and walked straight towards Yang Dongsheng, who was about to be exposed...

Suddenly the fat man sniffed again, his eyes slanted, and he saw the offerings on the table.

The fat man looked at the altar, and then at the pillars.

After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly yelled and rushed towards the altar.

Yang Dongsheng poked his head out from behind the pillar, and saw that the fat man was holding a fat chicken in one hand and a wine jug in the other, with juice and wine dripping all over his front.

Yang Dongsheng found it strange that this person didn't look like someone who couldn't afford to eat.

"Hi——!" After a short meeting, the fat man swept away the food and drink on the table, burped comfortably, and stretched, as if he felt uncomfortable.

He took off his coat, gold watch, gold chain, gold ring, and untied his belt, and then fell asleep with his back leaning against the altar, "Hoo ha, ha ha..."

After a long time, Yang Dongsheng came out from behind the pillar, and secretly said that this guy is big enough, isn't he afraid of being robbed by this appearance?

The gold watch and gold chain are just placed next to it, so it can't be fake, right?

Yang Dongsheng picked up the gold chain and weighed it—it was so light, it looked like plastic coated with gold.

"Why bother?" Yang Dongsheng shook his head and was about to return the things to others.

When Yang Dongsheng turned his face, he met a pair of piercing little eyes—that fat man woke up at some point!
The fat man grabbed Yang Dongsheng's collar and yelled in a voice like a Beijing opera, "Little thief, you actually stole it from your grandpa... Whoops!"

The fat man forgot to untie his belt before going to bed. As soon as he stood up, his pants fell to the ground. The fat man hurried to lift them up, but he had drunk too much wine just now, so he bent over and fell straight forward. .

"No, listen to my explanation... Ah!" Yang Dongsheng was pushed on his stomach by the fat man's head, and he stepped back again and again. After finally stabilizing his foot, he knocked his foot on the threshold again and exited the temple gate directly.

After taking a few steps back, Yang Dongsheng was trying to stabilize his body when he suddenly felt his feet slip and fell backwards. He heard a crash and felt a chill all over his body—it broke down and fell into the river.

Yang Dongsheng has been afraid of water ever since he almost drowned while learning to swim before high school.

Yang Dongsheng wanted to call for help, but when he opened his mouth, water poured into his mouth, making him unable to make a sound; Yang Dongsheng wanted to breathe, but as soon as he inhaled, the water rushed in from his nostrils, and his whole lungs were burning of……

"Are you going to die? That's fine..." Yang Dongsheng didn't feel too scared, but felt an indescribable sense of relief. After so many years of suffering from malignant tumors, he also needed relief.

In a daze, Yang Dongsheng didn't notice a bright light appeared under his feet.


"Dongsheng, Dongsheng!"

"Hey, I'm angry!"

Yang Dongsheng felt a burning pain in his lungs. He was in a mess and didn't know what was going on. He tried to open his eyes, only to see a [-]-year-old boy in front of him, who looked very familiar. "Good luck?"

"Okay, okay, Dongsheng is awake! Brother Dongsheng, you really scared us!" shouted the child who was called Jiayun by Yang Dongsheng.

"Jiayun, you, why..."

This child named Jiayun's full name is Yang Jiayun. He was the one who saved Yang Dongsheng's life in the accident when Yang Dongsheng almost drowned before he entered high school.

But when Yang Dongsheng was in college, he heard that Yang Jia was transported to a small coal mine to dig coal, but died in a coal mine disaster in a mining accident.

Why is he here?
Looking around, I found that they were all acquaintances, but they all looked much smaller...

"Incompetent, I can't even swim..." At this moment, a man came over cursing.

Yang Dongsheng saw that it was his father who came, and he was much younger.

"Isn't it all right?" Yang Dongsheng's father snorted coldly, seeming very dissatisfied that Yang Dongsheng didn't drown.

"Brother Dongsheng, let's go!" Yang Jiayun patted Yang Dongsheng.

Yang Dongsheng saw that his father had gone a long way.

"I, is this rebirth?"

Yang Dong looked at the people and scenery around him, and gradually realized in his mind that it was the early 90s, Yang Dongsheng had just graduated from junior high school, and he was in the first year of high school after the summer vacation.

When passing by the ruined temple by the river, Yang Dongsheng couldn't help but look in. There was a statue of a god standing in the middle of the ruined temple. The head of the statue was smashed off and the face could not be seen clearly, but judging by the figure, it was definitely a fat man.

(End of this chapter)

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