Chapter 815
The National Academic Exchange Conference for Archaeological Experts was held as scheduled on November [-]rd. The largest meeting room of the five-star hotel was filled with experts from all over the world, including those from universities, local museums or cultural heritage bureaus.

Each expert will also bring one or two people, so the huge conference venue was filled with over a thousand people.The standard of this academic exchange meeting is very high. At the beginning of the meeting, eight people attended the conference, which highly affirmed the positive significance of Millennium Group hosting this academic exchange meeting.

There are five days of the meeting, three days of academic discussion, and the remaining two days are to organize participants to visit all the museums in Yanjiao area.

In general, museums in places are relatively small in scale and have few categories. Like Yanjiao, except for the bronze-themed museum, it covers everything, from the priceless Heshibi and the Night Pearl of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods to the Kowloon Sword worth billions. From the "Picture of Emperors of Past Dynasties" worth more than one billion, to hundreds of millions, tens of millions, and millions of various antique cultural relics, it is enough to shock everyone.

On the last day of the meeting, the higher-ups announced the information on some of the stolen tombs in various places so far, and uniformly arranged manpower to carry out the second excavation and archaeology.

In just five days, the representatives participating in the meeting deeply felt the strength of the Millennium Shengzang Group, and Li Mole's strength. It was said that he has the eyes of the gods. Compared with ordinary people, he is omnipotent. It's almost the same as a living fairy.

The National Archaeological Academic Exchange Conference was held very successfully. At the conference, it also focused on discussing the feasibility of the construction of Buddhist pilgrimage sites.Everyone present was deeply shocked by this large-scale and far-reaching blueprint.

It’s mid-November in Kyoto, and the weather is like a roller coaster. I wore a sweater yesterday, and I’m going to start wearing a down jacket today.Fortunately, the weather in the north is cold outside, but it is very warm inside.Li Mo sat on the sofa drinking lime juice, watching Sisi and Ruirui playing with toys on the cushion.

Qin Sirui was sitting on the side doing yoga, stretching her graceful figure.

"Honey, the Hundred Flowers Awards will be held in a few days. You agreed to attend with me before, why did you suddenly change your mind?"


"Why don't you go to Shaanxi to preside over the work?"

Li Mo finished drinking a bottle of fruit juice, put the empty bottle on the coffee table and continued: "There are policies, and there are countermeasures. I will accompany you to participate in the Gusu City Hundred Flowers Award first, and then go to Shaanxi. I heard that you are going out there now." Just wear a spring and autumn coat, it’s not as cold as Kyoto.”

What Zhang De'an was talking about was about Qin Sirui's hidden marriage and childbirth. Although there were reports before, there was no real hammer. This time it must not be hidden.

"Either...or else I won't walk the red carpet." Li Mo said hesitantly, jokingly, there are many obvious, directors, and investors' home courts. If I really steal their limelight, I am afraid that I will be criticized by many people . "

"Let's go, let's go. I have already booked the lunch banquet. I also made an appointment with Mr. Huang. She arrived ten minutes earlier than you."

"Hahaha, I won't be in trouble, I'm just worried that it will cause trouble for you and your wife."

"You also have an entertainment company under your name. Under the operation of Sister Huang, you have gained a great reputation in the past few years, and you have won several popular young stars. If it is really not possible, how about you participate in the Hundred Flowers Award as the boss?"

"Because you are a unique young and promising man in this world. Director Zhang said this, and I think he is right, so you will definitely cause a great sensation when you walk on the red carpet that day. I am worried because of you All the obvious red-carpet appearances of the day will be overshadowed."

The original plan was to go to Shaanxi on November 17, and the No. 19 is the Gusu City Hundred Flowers Award. Now I will postpone the time for two days before going to Shaanxi.

"Aren't Associate Professor Zheng and the others participating in the archaeological work on the tombs of Emperor Zhou in Los Angeles?"

All those who are invited to participate in the Hundred Flowers Awards will be provided with uniform accommodation, of course in a nearby five-star hotel.

Li Mo glanced at Qin Sirui's waist, his eyes were hot, and then asked: "I'm not an actor, I just attended as an award presenter, but why do I feel that I have such a high status in Director Zhang's mind?"

"The work over there has been carried out very smoothly, and there is no need to put all the main forces there. Besides, Zhou Tianzi's tomb group was able to excavate half of one of the large tombs a year ago, which is considered very fast."

"A friend invited me, how could I refuse. It's just that I have never participated in such a grand award ceremony before, and I'm afraid that I didn't do well enough during the process to cause trouble for you."

"The superior arranged for me to go to Shaanxi. There are a few stolen ancient tombs waiting to be re-excavated and studied. Although I don't know the specific situation, but it is close to Chang'an area, so it is worthwhile for archaeologists. expected."

"Then we've made a deal. Your formation will not change. Director Zhang contacted me yesterday because he was afraid that you might not be able to attend due to important matters."

"Forget it, I'll walk the red carpet with you."

Time passed by, and Li Mo and Qin Sirui rushed to Gusu City early that day. He was quite familiar with this famous city in the south of the Yangtze River, and he often ran towards this place when he was a child.The main reason is that his mother, Shi Yi, has a soft spot for Gusu gardens and is a good amateur garden designer.In the future, she will personally participate in part of the planning and design of the manor garden design in Yanjiao.

As soon as Li Mo and the others got out of the car, they saw Director Zhang De'an walking towards him, stretched out his hands and said with a smile from a long distance: "I am really honored to be able to invite you, a great professor."

"Hahaha, your husband is not omnipotent, how can he take care of everything. This time I went to Shaanxi, I specially selected seven people, Sima Haotian, a professor at the National People's Congress, Zheng Bin, an associate professor at Peking University, and five people I brought along. A graduate student. With their help, I'm a hands-off shopkeeper."

"If this matter falls on other top performers in the entertainment circle, there will definitely be all kinds of worries and worries, for fear that their star career will die prematurely. But our family, Si Rui, only regards acting as a profession. At worst, we can change professions. As long as she likes it , I support everything."

The top directors in the country came out to greet people in person, making people who came and went to look at it curiously.At first they thought Director Zhang was here to welcome Qin Sirui, but he was joking with the young man beside Sirui.

And Qin Sirui stood aside with a sweet smile, looking at the young man with different eyes.

It wasn't until Li Mo and the others walked into the elevator that one of the young men suddenly exclaimed: "That man looks a lot like Professor Li Mo of Peking University, so much alike."

"At first, I also thought the face was familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere. Hearing what you said, I remembered who he was."

(End of this chapter)

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