I am a super cop

Chapter 560 Jiangnan International Circuit

Chapter 560 Jiangnan International Circuit
"Comrade policeman." The driver looked at Gu Chen, and said involuntarily: "It seems that you can put yourself in another place, so you start to regard me as a research object?"

"Get used to it." Gu Chen said with a smile, "If you owed 200 million yuan in debt in Jiangnan City, you would choose to open Didi, but after all, you don't owe 200 yuan. Can you pay off the debt with Didi? "

Being directly tortured by Gu Chen's soul, the driver smiled calmly: "I can't."

Gu Chen, Lu Weiwei and Yuan Shasha looked at each other again.

The driver master seemed to have seen everyone's thoughts, and felt that he was treating himself as a research object.

"Comrade policeman." The driver suddenly drove from the small lane to the main road, and said after merging into the traffic flow, "Actually, business was easy to do at that time, and it was easy to make money, but it is not so easy in today's industry."

"It's like me. I didn't manage well last year and owed 200 million, and I didn't have the habit of saving. When it was time to pay back the money, I found that the money was all spent."

"I know that starting Didi is not worth 200 million yuan, but this is just a transition for me, and it can solve some life problems."

"So, are you trying to temporarily solve the problem of food and clothing at home?" Lu Weiwei asked.

"That's right." The driver nodded and said with a smile: "If it's all like this, wouldn't it be over if I'm still lying at home?"

"At the very least, I started Didi to pay off my debts, but the family can eat, so I won't let them go hungry. After all, the four members of the family are all talking."

"You have two children?" Gu Chen asked.

The driver nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, two daughters, one is nine years old and the other is one and a half years old."

"That's really stressful." Gu Chen nodded slightly.

The driver glanced at Gu Chen through the rearview mirror, and said again: "Anyway, there will be a chance if I last until next year or the year after. If I can't even last until next year, then what kind of dreams should I have?"

"You have to know that my wife stays at home full-time, and the family's expenses are [-] a month. Fortunately, Didi is quite profitable."

Speaking of this, the driver master immediately raised his right hand and gestured to the three of them, "Let me do the math for you. Except for the 220 gas fee for renting a car, I'll make a net profit of 500."

"This kind of work is not bad in Jiangnan City, and you can basically survive starvation."

"So much money?" Lu Weiwei also widened her eyes, feeling a little unbelievable.

After all, I have heard of Didi drivers, but it is really not an ordinary person who can reach this income level. It can only be said to be a master level in the industry.

Gu Chen also nodded and said, "Then you should be quite efficient."

"That's right." The driver stepped up the accelerator, and after passing a traffic light, he smiled calmly: "But the premise is... to receive orders efficiently, and must run 10 hours a day."

"Sometimes, in order to save time, I have to drink less water if I don't go to the toilet. I even unlock new skills. I find that I can skip meals."

"Haha, so amazing?" Yuan Shasha felt a little unbelievable, and asked him softly: "Isn't it easy to get stomach problems if you don't eat as a Didi driver?"

"Little girl." The driver glanced at Yuan Shasha, who was on the co-pilot, and said sadly:

"You have to know that the reason why we were not hungry when we ran the order is because the order has already been assigned before I reach the next destination, so I don't have time to eat."

"We drive Didi, and we are racing against time every day. If you want to have a high income, you must be diligent, and it is not enough for you to be diligent. You must also know how to receive orders efficiently and plan reasonable routes efficiently."

"You must have an understanding of all the roads in this city, and keep these roads in your mind, so that I can receive more assignment orders at the same time."

"Only in this way can I earn more than my peers."

Listening to the driver's words, everyone has already driven out of the city and is heading towards the suburban route at high speed.

At this moment, the street lights have also been turned on, and beams of light flashed quickly, as if giving people a feeling of traveling through time and space.

Gu Chen nodded slightly, and said, "Can you take orders like you, can your body still handle it?"

The master driver shook his head: "No way, I have to carry it if I can't bear it. I believe I can bear it. Especially, I really like watching the amount on the app gradually increase."

"Especially 190 or 180. I thought in my heart that if there is another one, it will become 200. I feel a sense of joy."

"But think about it, when you were rich before, 1 to [-] yuan was not taken seriously, but now ten yuan and [-] yuan feel very cherished."

The master driver sniffed, as if talking about his own sadness, he couldn't help feeling sore.

He looked at the three people in the car, and quickly forced a smile and said: "Fate is a strange thing, right? It can make you up and down, and let you know the evil consequences of not cherishing money at the beginning."

"If at that time, even if I bought an extra suite, it wouldn't be like this now."

"If I hadn't spent money indiscriminately, I wouldn't be getting up early every day to be greedy in the dark."

"If... if I don't want to be overjoyed and expand blindly, I will... I will..."

After thinking about it, the driver master sighed and said, "Oh, forget it, the past is the prologue, let the past go with the wind."

"Hehe, the driver is quite open." Yuan Shasha smiled and looked at Gu Chen behind her.

Gu Chen asked: "Then what happened to you, what does sister-in-law think?"

"My wife?" The driver glanced at Gu Chen, and said with a smile: "If you want to talk about my wife, then her change of attitude is the most obvious. In herself it was the exact opposite."

"Oh?" Lu Weiwei was stunned for a moment, and said with great interest, "I really want to know."

"Hehe." Yuan Shasha looked at Lu Weiwei, and said in embarrassment: "Senior Sister Lu, is this someone's privacy?"

"It's okay." The driver didn't mind shaking his head, and said calmly: "Actually, I used to go out every week to socialize and go to bars and KTVs. If there were other girls there, my wife would ask me when I got home, and I would say that I was calling Mahjong."

"Does the sister-in-law believe it?" Gu Chen asked.

"Hehe, I don't even believe this when I say it, do you think she does?"

Seeing that Gu Chen didn't make a sound, the driver said again: "I don't dare to talk about going to KTV anymore, because it's all lies."

"However, I'm very honest now, and I don't need to lie anymore."

"I see my wife waiting for me to come home every night and helping me prepare meals, and I feel so guilty because she knows it's not easy for me now."

"Like before, she spent money lavishly, but now she can save more than me."

"It's indeed a good wife." Gu Chen nodded, admiring her, and asked again: "Then... what about your two children? Are there any strange contrasts between them? For example, they were spoiled and raised before, but now they are slowly becoming sensible?"

"Haha, Comrade Police, I have to say it when you talk about this." The driver seemed quite satisfied with his two children. After calming down, he said calmly:
"Like my little girl, every time she hears the doorbell, she will take the initiative to run over and hug me, put her arms around my neck and kiss me."

"I can see such a little princess every day, even if you are tired these few days, I don't care."

"What about your parents?" Lu Weiwei followed Gu Chen's topic and continued to extend to the driver's parents.

It seems that to study a person's character, one must have all aspects.

At this moment, the driver master suddenly moistened his eyes, sniffed and said: "In the past, my son was a hero, and his parents were also stars in the village."

"But this year's Spring Festival, we didn't go home. A few days ago, the old man sent his granddaughter to school. He picked up bottles on the way and sold them for [-] yuan. I was very happy. I showed them off to me when I got home, but it was just a drop in the bucket."

"For me, who is in debt of 200 million, it is useless at all, but starting Didi is the best side job for me."

Dodging a small passenger car coming from the opposite direction, the driver slowed down, rolled up his sleeves with his hands, and turned left and right for everyone to see.

"Did you see it? Do you feel that the two arms are different in thickness?"

"Huh?" Yuan Shasha was sitting in the co-pilot closest to him, so she took a closer look and said, "That's right, Master's arms are really different in thickness."

"Really?" Lu Weiwei didn't believe it, and got closer from the back seat.

"Hehe, that's because I used to work as a courier porter for 25 yuan an hour, and it was only 150 yuan a day."

"Have you ever worked as a porter?" Gu Chen was surprised by this, and it was hard to understand how crazy a person would be if he owed 200 million, or how much potential he had.

When a person really has nothing, it may be when he is desperate and puts down his dignity and face.

The driver master smiled and said: "It's nothing, I still plan to do a side job, that is, to spare time during the day, continue to sell clothes, and use all the time to make money."

"If you have to go to work during the day, then run Didi to subsidize housework at night."

"I have been holding back these pressures in my heart. I usually dare not tell my family. Today I also see that you three comrades in the police are destined. Fortunately, I will tell you."

"Then we are also your loyal audience?" Lu Weiwei said with a light smile.

The master driver nodded slightly: "Forget it, these words usually feel very uncomfortable in my heart. I dare not tell my family members, and I can't find anyone who can listen carefully to my story of being brave."

"But you are different. Not long after getting on the bus, this handsome police officer seems to have noticed that I am different from the usual Didi driver."

"Yes, of course I am different from them, because I am in debt of 200 million, and they are just subsidizing the family."

"When these two different situations are placed in the same industry, then I have to spend [-]% of my efforts to make money."

"So, that's why, we are all Didi drivers, but I earn more than them, that's the reason."

Gu Chen was very interested in hearing this, and couldn't help asking: "Then can I take the liberty to ask, you said that Didi drivers with different backgrounds have a huge income gap, and which aspect mainly depends on it?"

Gu Chen has always been very interested in unfamiliar fields that he knows.

Just like understanding the unknown, Gu Chen can have a strong curiosity.

For any question, I like to cut through the cocoon and ask clearly.

It is rare to meet an inspirational driver, how can I miss the opportunity to ask for advice?

Seeing Gu Chen's sincere attitude, the driver also said with a light smile, "Little brother, logically speaking, I wouldn't talk about things in the industry, but seeing that you are destined today, then I will tell you."

Picking up a bottle of water in the car, the driver took a sip, and then said: "The income of Didi mainly depends on three aspects."

"The first is the model, the second is the mentality, and the third is the cost."

"Models, the express car has a capped income of 700+, followed by Youxiang 900+, and the highest is the special car that can reach more than 1000."

Yuan Shasha nodded slightly, but Lu Weiwei was really stunned, and instantly became an elementary school monk who listened carefully.

Gu Chen couldn't help asking curiously: "But why is there an income limit?"

"Why is there an income limit?" The driver laughed dryly, and then said: "Yes, there is indeed an income limit, because Didi company stipulates that the working hours of online work should not exceed 10 hours a day."

"At 10 hours, I will be forced to take a break and go online again after 6 hours."

"So that's the case?" Gu Chen memorized what the driver dictated in his mind.

Seeing Gu Chen's sincere attitude, the driver shook his right hand and said, "There is also the second point I just said."

"Mentality?" Gu Chen asked.

"Yes, it's mentality." The driver master affirmed: "Because some drivers think that if they make money, it's OK, so they can't run for 10 hours."

"A driver like this may only run three or four hundred a day, and his monthly income is less than ten thousand."

"But I'm different. I belong to the category of working hard. I don't go home until I run for 10 hours."

"That should be very hard, you have to rush to eat and drink water." Lu Weiwei said.

The driver master shook his head: "It's nothing, the main reason is that the cost is high and the pressure is high. When it comes to cost, I'm going to talk to you about it."

"The third point is the cost, because many drivers rent their cars, and the cost of renting a car ranges from 4000 to 7000."

"Secondly, fuel costs. Different vehicles have different fuel costs, so the things I said only represent my own income, not all drivers."


Hearing what the driver said, Gu Chen suddenly felt his posture rise.

In the pleasant communication between everyone, the vehicle gradually drove along a remote road.

In the distance, a large conjoined building stands beside the track not far away.

The driver pointed to the front right and said, "Look, the International Circuit is here. Now only the first phase has been built. The first phase is a track for karts and motorcycles. Of course, you can also drive racing cars on the road."

"But the second and third phases are professional racing tracks, and many racing enthusiasts are eager to try it."

"Haha, the driver should also be a racing enthusiast, right?" Yuan Shasha pointed to a small accessory on the driver's car, and said involuntarily: "Like this small model, only those who have won the monthly championship will be held by the racetrack." Only then will it be issued."

"You know this too?" The driver was quite surprised, and couldn't help but glance at Yuan Shasha beside him.

Yuan Shasha said unhurriedly: "My friend also liked drag racing before, and I saw it in his circle of friends."

"Oh, yes." The driver couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and said, "After all, you are here at the International Circuit, and you are more or less knowledgeable players."

While speaking, the master driver has already driven the car steadily into the exclusive parking area of ​​Jiangnan International Circuit.

After getting off the car, the driver stuck his head out and said, "Everyone, remember to give a good review."

"No problem." Lu Weiwei nodded, quite satisfied: "It's a pleasure to take your car, and I'll find you next time I take a taxi."

"Haha, it's easy to say, as long as you can take care of the business, then you have fun, and I have another order to run." The driver master was already driving the car on the road while speaking.

Gu Chen couldn't help but shook his head: "It feels like a person with 200 million debts can still be so optimistic. This master driver is indeed not easy."

"We are not simple." Lu Weiwei said with a smile.

Yuan Shasha immediately nodded and said, "That's right, but now, don't we have to go find Brother Gu's friend?"

"That's right, I almost forgot about it." Gu Chen just remembered chatting with the driver, and didn't remember calling Xu Zhenggang on the way.

At this time, I took out my phone again, and I found that there were two voice messages from Xu Zhenggang in my WeChat dialog box.

It probably means to ask where Gu Chen is now.

Gu Chen didn't think much, and directly dialed the voice call.

Not long after, a man's voice with a magnetic voice came over quickly.

"Gu Chen, are you here?"

"That's right." Gu Chen took the phone and looked around: "I'm at the gate of Jiangnan International Circuit, how can I find you?"

"You wait there, I'll send someone to pick you up." After speaking, the voice call was suddenly cut off.

Gu Chen also looked at his phone, and said angrily, "What the hell is this guy doing? It's so mysterious."

"Could it be that Junior Brother Gu's friend is going to the toilet?" Lu Weiwei interrupted suddenly.

Gu Chen: "..."

Yuan Shasha: "..."

The two of them froze there for a moment, not knowing what to say for a long time, they could only look at Lu Weiwei with a dry smile.

Xin said that Senior Sister Lu's imagination is indeed very criminal investigation.

Not long after, I saw a middle-aged man wearing a black formal suit and combing his hair meticulously, walking out of a hall.

After looking around, he quickly locked his target on Gu Chen.

"You are Mr. Gu Chen, right?" The middle-aged man stepped forward and asked.

Gu Chen nodded slightly: "Exactly."

The middle-aged man looked at Lu Weiwei and Yuan Shasha beside Gu Chen again, and asked, "Who are these two?"

"My colleague." Gu Chen said.

"Oh, that's okay." The middle-aged man didn't mind, then turned around, gave way to his body and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Gu, this way please."

After Gu Chen, Lu Weiwei and Yuan Shasha looked at each other, they all followed behind the man in formal attire, always feeling that this man had a strong aura.

After all, what age is it?He combed his hair back, as if he was handsome, but he was not.

In Lu Weiwei's eyes, this kind of person is generally not useful.

Although tall and mighty, like a personal bodyguard, in fact, in terms of actual combat, those seemingly inconspicuous little people can often explode with amazing strength.

But the pretentious uncle in front of him is obviously not.


(End of this chapter)

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