I am a super cop

Chapter 233 Lecturer 【For subscription】

Chapter 233 Lecturer 【For subscription】

Inside the Net Red Hotel.

Before the dishes were ready, Gu Chen, like other customers, took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the man standing on the seat and giving a passionate speech in front of many customers.

"It's so wonderful." Jiang Xiaomi admired, and then asked Wu Meixi: "Sister, did you take the picture?"

"What's so good about this?" Wu Meixi rolled her eyelids, and said again: "It feels like it's purely disturbing the people."

"This should be considered news material, right? I think this is a person with a story." Lu Weiwei joked, gently took it over, and then asked Gu Chen: "Junior Brother Gu, guess what occupation he is? "

"It's hard to say. Many professions require excellent eloquence, such as insurance sales, and there are some professional lecturers who teach people how to make money. They need to use eloquence to persuade people." Gu Chen said casually.

"A lecturer? The kind of lecturer who teaches a group of people richer than yourself how to make money?" Lu Weiwei looked at Gu Chen with a dull gaze.

"You can't say that, it should be regarded as an enterprise service lecturer, similar to the kind of enterprise 5S management training, the kind that teaches others to make money, at least learners have to be richer than students, otherwise how can they be convincing?" Gu Chen drank Taking a sip of water, he still stared at the man.

"That." Wu Meixi felt a little unacceptable, and said: "We are here to eat, not to attend a brainwashing course, and the content of his soliloquy speech is all routine terms , I feel like I was beaten up by a training institution."

Jiang Xiaomi also said sternly: "I think it's a bit similar, it's similar to the kind of occupation where the operation is as fierce as a tiger and the salary is two thousand and five. Everyone must fully stimulate their potential and be fearless. Kind of."

"Ah?" Lu Weiwei was a little unbelievable, and said, "It's really scary if this is true, but this man can't even speak Mandarin, so it's really difficult."

Jiang Xiaomi raised her chin slightly, raised her head, and said in a lyrical tone: "It's such a big melon, cut it in half, give half to you, and give half to him."

While saying these words, Jiang Xiaomi matched her body movements with the man's speech, which was almost the same.

"God is in sync!" Lu Weiwei exclaimed in surprise.

"This is a kind of speech body movement that we have learned in school. We don't know how to make gestures during speeches, so we just use this movement for a long time. It is suitable for beginners." Jiang Xiaomi said.

"Then he is really a lecturer?" Gu Chen asked.

"It should be considered." Jiang Xiaomi lowered his head and reorganized his language: "However, this level can only be regarded as an entry-level level. I guess he just joined a training institution and was called by his superiors to practice courage."

Wu Meixi nodded: "In this case, it is reasonable to say, but this kind of crazy attitude has completely reached the state of selflessness, and it feels like all of us have passively become his audience.

Jiang Xiaomi couldn't help but said, "By the way, is he here for dinner?"

"It is estimated that the clerk will come over to chase people away." Gu Chen has already discovered that the seats in the restaurant are basically full so far.

In front of the seat where the man was standing, several customers with bags were already waiting.

Everyone was holding back their laughter and pointing, but none of these disturbed the man's normal speech.

On the contrary, it seems that the courage just now has been raised to a certain level, and the man's speech is even more passionate.

It wasn't until the waiter knocked on the stool to signal the man to end his speech that the middle-aged man reluctantly stepped down and bowed deeply to the waitress, causing the waitress to step back in fright.

"Sir, this is a restaurant, not a place for you to speak. Would you like to eat or leave?" The waitress was obviously disgusted.

"Then let's have a bowl of noodles." The man said.

"Please order at the front desk, thank you." The woman was also a little rude.

There was another burst of laughter at the scene, and then the previous order was gradually restored.

The man carried a black computer bag and walked towards the front desk...

"It's finally quiet now. It's better for Internet celebrity restaurants to be more normal, right?" Master Xi suddenly cheered up and said, "When I was in a group handling cases, the most troublesome thing was dealing with a group of brainwashed people. They are the best in the universe, they are omnipotent, and can even absorb the energy of the universe."

Gu Chen thought for a while, but did not refute.

What Master Xi said is true...

Some lecturers can indeed get rid of some inferiority complex after training, and their abilities can be improved to a certain extent.

But it is also a bit over-inflated. After being brainwashed, I feel that I am the best in the world, thinking that after mastering a set of trading scripts, I can be omnipotent and invincible.

Jiang Xiaomi looked at the videos and photos he had taken, and concluded cheerfully: "I have material for tonight's news, and the leader always asks me to discover the stories around me, but how can I have such a good story? What I usually meet It's all trivial matters, but the guy who was suspected of being a lecturer just now gave me some motivation to explore the news."

Wu Meixi picked peanuts boredly.

She was indeed a little speechless about some recent reports about her cousin Jiang Xiaomi.

Since Gu Chen helped him write a hit article last time with the help of news hotspots, this girl hasn't published any hit articles for a long time.

This time I came to the Internet celebrity restaurant, I don't know if this girl can do it, I feel that there is nothing to explore in the lecturer industry.

It is nothing more than the mentality of many people who want to get rich overnight and want to succeed quickly.

Most of the preachers Wu Meixi arrested had the same mentality.

At this moment, the restaurant waiter is already serving the dishes, putting them in front of the four of them, and said with a smile: "Please take it easy."

Just as Gu Chen and Wu Meixi wanted to move their chopsticks, Jiang Xiaomi and Lu Weiwei stopped them in time.

"Wait, let me take a picture." Lu Weiwei couldn't help but took out her phone, first took a picture of each dish, and then took a panoramic picture.

The same is true for Jiang Xiaomi, the operation is similar to that of Lu Weiwei, and the spirit is in sync.

"Have you two finished filming yet?" Wu Meixi waited silently with a blank expression.

"Sister, let's take a group photo." Jiang Xiaomi suddenly suggested.

Lu Weiwei agreed with both hands: "That's a good idea. Miss Ben has some material to post on Moments tonight."

"Hehe." Wu Meixi was a little dumbfounded.

Afterwards, several people sat together.

Gu Chen sat in the middle, with Jiang Xiaomi and Lu Weiwei on the left and right sides.

Wu Meixi sat opposite and was in charge of taking pictures.

"Sister, have you finished shooting?" Jiang Xiaomi posed for a long time, facing the camera at a 45-degree angle, and said, "Remember to apply beauty and face-lifting."

"Understood, you guys are really long-winded." Wu Meixi reluctantly clicked to take a photo, and then handed the phone to Jiang Xiaomi.

"Xiaomi, send me the photos quickly." Lu Weiwei couldn't wait any longer, and urged: "You can't post photos to Moments exclusively for yourself."

"I know, I will post it together after P is done."

"Yes." Lu Weiwei nodded in satisfaction.

Wu Meixi couldn't stand it anymore: "I said, two aunts, can you start now?"

"That's fine, please do whatever you want." Lu Weiwei only looked at the photo with Gu Chen, but she didn't care about the rest.

The same is true for Jiang Xiaomi. I feel that the likes and comments in Moments tonight will definitely break through new heights.

Just when a few people started eating, a man suddenly came over and asked the bench next to him, "Can I sit here?"

Gu Chen turned around and saw that this person was the man who was practicing eloquence talking to himself just now.

At this moment, he was holding a tray in his hand, and there was a bowl of noodles in the tray.

Originally, the seat where Gu Chen and everyone were sitting was actually a seat for six people.

The longer sofas on both sides can seat three people, and there is a long table in the middle.

Considering that all the surrounding seats have been occupied by customers, Gu Chen froze for a moment, and looked at the other three people.

Lu Weiwei shrugged and said it didn't matter.

Jiang Xiaomi didn't mind either.

Although Wu Meixi was somewhat repelled, she was still acceptable.

"You sit here." Gu Chen pointed to Xi Ye's side.

"Thank you." The man was not polite, and after sitting down, he began to eat noodles alone.

Suddenly there was a stranger, and everyone's atmosphere became a little awkward.

However, seeing that the man was eating a bowl of noodles alone, he must have left soon after eating, so he didn't complain too much.

"Do you usually practice eloquence like this?" Gu Chen suddenly couldn't help asking him.

The man smiled blushingly, looked up at Gu Chen and said, "It's okay, this is the third time I have practiced speaking in public today. My Mandarin is not good, so I need to practice harder."

"Are you a lecturer?" Jiang Xiaomi asked him in an interview tone.

"Not really, but he will definitely be a lecturer full of positive energy in the future." The man raised his head again and smiled slightly.

To be honest, the man's appearance is not bad, and there are indeed bonus points in terms of image.

But speaking Mandarin with a slight dialect does bring some oral obstacles to the speech.

"Are you a family?" The man asked about the situation of several people while wolfing down his food.

"Uh, we are colleagues." Wu Meixi answered first.

"Are you working in an advertising company?" The man suddenly tilted his head and asked, "I think you have good looks and figures, so you should be plane models for an advertising company?"

When Lu Weiwei heard this, she was overjoyed at the time, and without waiting for others to refute, she said directly: "You are really discerning, you have discovered all of this, haha."

"That's great." The man smiled, poured all the remaining noodle soup into his mouth, and hiccupped: "In Jiangnan City, it's easier to mess with such a good-looking person, like I haven't read about it." No matter how many books you read, you can’t speak Mandarin very well, much worse than you.”

"Do you usually work alone in Jiangnan City?" Gu Chen asked.

The man wiped his mouth with a tissue and said with a smile, "Heroes are always lonely, and only minions get together. The [-]/[-] rule applies to every truth in this world."

He looked at Gu Chen and the three beauties, and said with a smile: "I often have no way to choose my relatives, or even my company colleagues, but we can choose our own jobs and our own life circle, so When I feel particularly helpless, I must bury my head and prepare for each leap, striving to raise myself to a higher level and become a better person."

The man's voice was full of chicken soup, which was obviously the result of his training.

However, it can be seen that although Mandarin is not good, he is full of self-confidence.

Just like what Lu Weiwei and Jiang Xiaomi said, even if they were killed, they would not have the courage to stand on the chair and give a speech, but this man could.

"Have you worked in Jiangnan City for a long time? According to your accent, you are a foreigner?" Wu Meixi began to question the man with a professional questioning tone.

"Yes, I am indeed a foreigner." The man said without hesitation: "I have worked hard in this city for ten years, I have survived countless nights, I have seen the streets at four o'clock in the morning, for my own Dreams, I keep moving forward, I have suffered countless hardships and suffered countless grievances, but I have survived them all, so that one day I can earn a lot of money and buy whatever I want.”

Lu Weiwei was also taken aback, feeling that this guy was telling an inspirational story, so she couldn't help asking: "Are all the uncles nowadays so inspirational?"

"To be honest, little sister." The man calmed down and said, "I have never been lucky since I came to this city from a small place. There is a line in the supermarket, which line should I line up, which line is the slowest, and where should I wait for the bus?" It won’t come any time, it won’t take the test, whichever question I press, it won’t take the test.”

Seeing the dubious looks of the four people, the man smiled wryly and said: "Don't believe it, if I don't bring an umbrella when I go out, it will rain heavily any day, whoever's small restaurant I like will definitely close down, and I will buy football Whoever, whoever is unlucky, I have struggled in this city for ten years, but until now I have achieved nothing."

"Then you are really miserable." Gu Chen looked at the man who was still somewhat tired, feeling rather worried.

The man feels like a lone ranger to himself.

In his own words, that is why the more outstanding a person is, the more out of gregarious they are?

Beasts always walk alone, and cattle and sheep are in groups.

He thinks that when he reaches a certain level of excellence, he will find that few people understand him.

It feels like this person is really persistent, always stopping and going in his own world.

It's no wonder that he stood on the seat just now and gave a passionate speech. In Gu Chen's view, it was more like an emotional vent.

Seeing that Gu Chen looked worried about himself, the man smiled and said, "I said, little brother, I can tell you from my experience over the years that the weak will be jealous of you, bully you, and isolate you, because they know that they are stronger than you." Not on you."

"Excellent people tend to have more courage to go against the current, and are more able to endure loneliness. Excellent people are not out of gregariousness, but loneliness is more like a pleasure than talking nonsense with non-speculative conversation partners."

"You're right." Gu Chen felt a sense of déjà vu in front of him, as if he had practiced this technique countless times.

"That's right, time is fair." The man saw that Gu Chen was more serious than the other three, so he said again: "If a person spends more time socializing, then the time spent on self-improvement is less Less, and if a person spends a lot of time on self-improvement, he must feel lonely because he doesn't have much time to manage his social relationships, right?"

The man first looked at Gu Chen, and then asked Wu Meixi, Lu Weiwei and Jiang Xiaomi: "Are you right?"

"Uncle, I think what you said is quite right." Gu Chen also expressed his own opinion, saying: "Indeed, the circle of excellent people is different, and the misfits you see are just people who are not at your level. It's just a group, and you can't get in touch with his circle at all."

"Haha, this is called looking down on others and seeking defeat alone." The man suddenly felt as if he had found a like-minded person, and immediately wanted to shake hands with Gu Chen.

"Young man, how much do you earn a month?" the man asked.

Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, and said, "It's only a few thousand yuan."

"Then do you want to make a fortune? Live in a villa and drive a sports car?" the man asked again.

Gu Chen thought about it carefully, and said, "My job is rather special, and I'm not interested in getting rich."

The latter responded positively: "You can't do this. Young people should pursue a little bit. Think about it, are you willing to do a career with me and earn ten years a year, or even 20 years, 30 years?" money?"

Gu Chen was suddenly speechless...

My professional ethics is to serve the people.

It is certainly not my pursuit to make more money from Grandpa Mao legally, otherwise wouldn't it be better to directly inherit the family property?
"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." Gu Chen replied simply.

The man was obviously shocked, and his eyes were full of disappointment, but he quickly turned his attention to Master Xi, Lu Weiwei and Jiang Xiaomi beside him.

Before the man could speak, the three quickly shook their heads to express their lack of interest.

The man couldn't help but sighed, and smiled at Gu Chen: "It's okay young man, if you figure it out, you can contact me at any time."

Afterwards, the man took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Gu Chen, saying, "This is my business card, is it convenient for me to add you as a friend?"

Gu Chen smiled, but did not respond.

In fact, during the handling of the case, how many female victims and their families wanted to ask Gu Chen for their phone number, but Gu Chen didn't agree, so how could he just give it to a stranger?

All kinds of financial phone calls every day are enough to cause headaches.

The man is also a sensible person. Seeing that Gu Chen was unwilling to give the number, he didn't force him. He just said that there will be a time later. After meeting by fate, he got up and left.

"It's scary." Jiang Xiaomi looked at the man's back blankly, and couldn't help complaining: "This uncle has been brainwashed so badly, what he said makes sense, but it's all useful nonsense."

"I feel that this guy is a little abnormal. As long as he doesn't do illegal things, I won't care about him. If he commits a crime, then I, Jiangnan Xiye, will never agree." .

I always feel that after these people are brainwashed, they will feel that they have entered a cosmic space that they think they have, and the magnified structure of themselves is good, but sometimes they underestimate their abilities.

Putting down the drink cup, Wu Meixi suddenly warned: "Listen to me, stay away from these people, and never get close to them."


(End of this chapter)

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