Chapter 190

Jiangnan City Stray Dog Rescue Station.

One is located on a vacant lot on the outskirts of the city. It used to be an abandoned farm, but was later bought by Aunt Chen and transformed into a stray dog ​​rescue station.

The rescue station is surrounded by a mixture of earth walls and barbed wire, and there are several areas inside.

Many abandoned or homeless stray dogs are adopted here, and no one is willing to adopt them, so these stray dogs frequently give birth to more puppies, and when these puppies grow up, It became a new batch of stray dogs.

Many people think that stray dogs only threaten the survival and safety of human beings and are of no benefit. They are pests in today's society, and they should be killed.

Because they can bite children and transmit rabies, only complete elimination can ensure everyone's safety.

Another group of people think that stray dogs also have the right to survive. Although stray dogs have bitten people, it is impossible to completely eradicate stray dogs.

Nowadays, more and more people keep pets, especially dogs. Many people treat them not only as pets, but also as children.

In fact, many people must have seen stray dogs on the street, and more than once.

Knotted hair, innocent eyes, thin body, messy face, and always looking for food...

Many people wonder, where are there so many stray dogs in the city?What is the origin of stray dogs?Why are there more and more stray dogs appearing on the street?Do stray dogs really need to survive?

In fact, after careful observation, it is not difficult to find that although many dogs will meet a good owner, some dogs will still be discarded and become stray dogs.

In order to feed their hunger, they shuttled through the dark streets and alleys for a long time, looking for leftover food beside the messy trash cans, just to find some food to feed their hunger.

And stray dogs fed by people will wait for people to put food on the ground, and dare to eat when people go far away.

In many places, if you observe carefully, you will find that stray dogs are not limited to Chinese pastoral dogs, and there are also some breeds of dogs.

Such as Golden Retriever, Teddy, Samoyed, etc...

Some of their fur has condensed and the color of the fur can no longer be seen, while some are still clean.

Some of these dogs were abandoned because of illness, some were lost and wandered on the street, and some were abandoned because humans had no time or energy, and were just a temporary liking...

This is one of the reasons for the increase in stray dogs.

When Police Officer Wang drove the car to the door of the rescue station, a German shepherd chained by iron chains was snarling at him crazily. Next to the German shepherd were a few golden retrievers, relatively docile, lying on the ground lazily looking outside .

Police officer Wang found an open place to park his car, took a black bag in his hand, pointed to the signboard of "Jiangnan City Stray Dog Rescue Station" and said: "This is the destination we are going to come to today, although it is noisy. After all, I heard that there are more than 300 stray dogs inside, and those who are not locked up will not bite."

Gu Chen nodded slightly: "Except for that German shepherd."

"The German shepherd is used to watch the door. It is locked with a chain, so it must be aggressive." Police officer Wang took a few steps, looked at the free-ranging dogs in the yard inside, and continued: "The The ones are better, they are small dogs, not aggressive, generally the stray dogs that have just been sent here will be quarantined for a month, and they will be released after they are fully adapted to the environment here and vaccinated."

Police officer Wang also told what he knew in detail.

Gu Chen looked in through the iron bars...

It seemed that there were stray dogs inside, but the management staff didn't see them, so they couldn't help asking curiously: "How much does it cost to raise hundreds of stray dogs a day?"

"This is also one of the difficulties in adopting stray dogs." Police officer Wang opened the unlocked iron door, and after yelling at Demu a few times, Demu immediately faltered and went back to his kennel to continue to observe secretly.

The few golden retrievers still looked at Police Officer Wang lazily, without any fluctuations in their hearts.

These are gatekeepers, and they are generally not used to scare people, but if stray dogs run out of the compound, they will be scared back by the German shepherd.

And to enter the stray dog ​​care center, you have to open an iron gate.

Bai Xiaolan held Lu Weiwei's arm.

The two girls are very curious about everything here.

Wu Jun carried the camera, first took pictures of the signboard at the door, and then walked in.

"There are more than 300 stray dogs in this rescue station alone, but the number of stray dogs in our Jiangnan city is far more than this." Police officer Wang walked in the forefront and said involuntarily: "Currently, the number of stray dogs in our country The number of stray dogs is as high as 4000 million, such a large number is indeed difficult to manage centrally, and it is a hot potato for anyone or rescue agencies."

"Isn't there nothing we can do?" Gu Chen was also very concerned about this.

Officer Wang waved his hand and said, "It's not impossible. In fact, foreign countries have a lot of rich experience in this, and it's worth learning from."

"That's right." Lu Weiwei also interjected: "If only relying on Aunt Chen's generosity, it will undoubtedly be a drop in the bucket. Even if we rely on caring people to raise donations and face so many stray dogs every day, even if we can barely maintain the operation, what about other stray dogs? What should we do? It is impossible to focus only on these 300 dogs, after all, the number of stray dogs in Jiangnan City is actually far more than this number."

"When I traveled abroad, I saw some feasible methods." Bai Xiaolan said, holding Lu Weiwei's hand.

"Is there any particularity to this?" Gu Chen was not very clear about this.

"Of course there are. There are generally four ways to deal with the problem of stray dogs in foreign countries. One is to use public and private aid." After thinking for a few seconds, Bai Xiaolan continued: "In developed countries, public rescue centers and private rescue centers are generally adopted. Rescue agencies work together to solve the problem of stray dogs."

"From the effect point of view, it is indeed very effective, but due to funding reasons, this method requires more people to participate."

Police officer Wang also said: "The method is good, but there are certain obstacles in our implementation, because the public is unwilling to manage it, and the people are unwilling to pay. As time goes by, the number of stray dogs will increase year by year."

"Therefore, there is a second method." Bai Xiaolan suddenly smiled mysteriously: "That is to conduct unified sterilization on these dogs after centralized management, which can control rabies after unified management, and also It has a good monitoring effect on the number of stray dogs."

Seeing Gu Chen holding his chin half-understood, Bai Xiaolan smiled at Gu Chen and said, "In foreign countries, where there are stray dog ​​rescue centers, it is rare to see stray dogs on the road and emergency rabies outbreaks. "

Gu Chen also found out that Bai Xiaolan was talking to him, so he said "yes", and said: "This method is really good, I suggest that your TV station take this opportunity to promote more and give suggestions to relevant departments."

A few lame Chinese pastoral dogs, and a little black teddy, after seeing a few people walking in, they naturally leaned over to make friends.

Lu Weiwei smiled and said: "Actually, I think not abandoning dogs and being a qualified dog owner is also a factor to avoid too many stray dogs."

"Officer Lu, you are so right." Bai Xiaolan has a special right to speak about this: "In fact, the source of stray dogs is mainly from the abandonment of dog owners. To alleviate the sharp increase in the number of stray dogs."

"Since you choose to keep dogs, you should respect life and don't abandon them at will." Photographer Wu Jun was surrounded by several teddy bears, so he had to take some shots of them.

"So this is the third solution." Bai Xiaolan said with a smile: "There is another way, which is to adopt instead of buying, and recognize the status of these stray dogs."

"I think the last method is the best." Gu Chen also expressed his opinion, saying: "In this way, caring people like Aunt Chen can also reduce the burden. After all, many stray dogs were once pet dogs. .”

"That's pretty good, the lad."

At this time, a middle-aged woman in a red apron, with a bucket in one hand and a broom in the other, came out of the kennel.

"You are?" Gu Chen was a little embarrassed.

"I'm a volunteer here, and it's my turn to help here today." The middle-aged woman put down the bucket, wiped her hands on her apron, and came over to say hello: "My name is Xu Lu, nice to meet you."

"Furong Police Station: Gu Chen." Gu Chen also reported his family name.

Afterwards, Xu Lu met the others one by one.

Everyone knew that Xu Lu was working in a steel factory in Jiangnan City, and she had another identity, that is, a volunteer of the Jiangnan City Stray Dog Rescue Association.

"The Auntie Chen you are looking for has a leg injury, so our volunteers from the Rescue Society negotiated and came here in turn to help. Today is my turn."

When Xu Lu said this, she looked embarrassed: "I just finished cleaning the kennel, and my body smells a little bit, so don't be surprised."

"Aunt Xu is polite." Gu Chen said.

Xu Lu also nodded, smiled at Gu Chen and said, "The solutions you mentioned just now are very good, especially the fourth one, which is to adopt instead of buying."

"However, when many people see stray dogs, they will despise them from the bottom of their hearts, thinking that these Chinese pastoral dogs are too different from pet dogs. In fact, they are not. If you know enough about local pastoral dogs, you will find that they are also very good. , no worse than foreign pet dogs.”

"Yeah, I just like Chinese garden dogs." Lu Weiwei also agreed.

Xu Lu untied her apron, hung it on a hook on the fence, turned around and said, "Actually, we have always advocated adoption instead of purchase, but there are still many people who would rather spend money to buy a dog than adopt a stray dog. Because they don’t know about adopted stray dogs.”

Speaking of this, Xu Lu pointed to one of the black teddy and said: "For example, this black teddy is a male. I heard from the volunteers that the reason for being ruthlessly abandoned by the owner is that the dog's teeth are not good. It’s all over the sky, but it’s not the dog’s fault that it has ugly teeth, no one is perfect, let alone a dog?”

Xu Lu was also angry when she thought of this, and continued: "Look at the present, isn't it pretty?"

"I think stray dogs live on their own outside, eat rubbish on the roadside, and have no owner to help them take care of them, don't have regular deworming and vaccinations, etc., and have even been hurt by people, and their personalities have become more ferocious, and many Most people are afraid that the dog will suffer from some diseases or behave aggressively, so they are unwilling to adopt it." Lu Weiwei also squatted down and petted this docile teddy.

"The little girl knows a lot." Xu Lu was also very happy that it was rare to have someone who agreed with her point of view.

In fact, many stray dogs are impure dogs, or some Chinese pastoral dogs, and after wandering outside for a period of time, there must be certain changes in appearance.

Generally speaking, stray dogs are definitely not as good-looking as dogs that are taken care of by people. However, many people of course hope that their dogs can be more beautiful and clean, so they would rather pay for them than adopt them for free.

In addition, whether it is a purchased dog or an adopted stray dog, it needs to be taken care of and cared for carefully by the owner, otherwise the beautiful dog will only become a mess.

Coupled with all kinds of vanity...

Some people keep dogs for their own face.

I feel that the more purebred and more expensive the dog I buy, the more face I will have when I take the dog out.

And stray dogs are collected for free, unable to show their status as a symbol, and lose face. People who think this way will naturally not be willing to adopt stray dogs.

In addition, some stray dogs are usually abandoned by their owners after they have grown up, so they already have their own owners in their hearts.

If you meet a new owner after adoption, you may not have a trust relationship, and you will be less willing to approach the new owner, and it will not be easy to raise in terms of breeding.

And if it is a purchased dog, it is generally raised by oneself since childhood, which is more obedient and easy to raise.

If you look down on stray dogs, why are you willing to adopt them?

Gu Chen naturally knew these reasons, but looking at a large group of barking stray dogs, it was indeed a bit embarrassing, many of them were disabled dogs.

"Aunt Chen, someone is here to see you." Xu Lu yelled several times into the square.

"Understood." A quick response came from the room.

Not long after, a tall middle-aged woman limped out while holding onto the wall.

"This is Aunt Chen." Xu Lu introduced to everyone.

In fact, Gu Chen, Police Officer Wang and others had checked the information of Aunt Chen who was owed money by Lao Lai beforehand, so they naturally knew that it was Aunt Chen.

But it seems that he is 1.7 meters three and has a burly figure, which no one expected.

"Aunt Chen is so strong!" Lu Weiwei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Anyway, I am 168 tall, but standing in front of Aunt Chen, I feel a little petite.

"Hello, Aunt Chen, we are the policemen from the Furong Police Station. My name is Gu Chen. These are my colleagues and the staff of the TV station..."

Gu Chen introduced everyone's identities to Aunt Chen one by one.

Aunt Chen smiled and said, "You guys called me in advance and said you would come today. I thought it would be noon or sometime in the afternoon, but I didn't expect you to come so early."

"It doesn't matter whether you serve the people sooner or later, Aunt Chen, we have already helped you get back the money that old Zhu owed you." Lu Weiwei took the black bag from Police Officer Wang and opened the zipper of the bag.

Suddenly, dozens of banknotes appeared in front of my eyes.

Aunt Chen wiped her tears, and said: "It's been a few years, and there is no news of this old Zhu. I thought I would never get back the money. I didn't expect that today, a few years later, your police can help me chase the money." Thank you very much for returning this batch of arrears.”

"Aunt Chen is being polite." Gu Chen also stepped forward to comfort her.

Wu Jun carried the camera and recorded all these shots.

Bai Xiaolan took the microphone and handed it over: "We know that Aunt Chen is a caring person, and she has spent a lot of her savings for this stray dog ​​rescue station, so do you think your act of love will be recognized by others?"

Aunt Chen suddenly fell silent...

After a pause, he responded, "Actually, the resistance is quite large."

Wu Jun quickly changed the camera position and continued to aim at Aunt Chen.

"Then what are the specific obstacles?" Bai Xiaolan continued to ask.

"Generally, some people are very opposed to our advocacy of rescue of stray dogs. They think that we are all 'dog lovers'. They think that we only have dogs in our eyes. problematic group of people.”

Bai Xiaolan couldn't help laughing twice, but she quickly adjusted her status: "Yeah, these people are indeed a bit extreme."

Aunt Chen shook her head helplessly: "Actually, the development of our animal rescue stations is not perfect at present, almost all rescue stations are overloaded, and non-governmental caring people are also unable to do what they want, because the base of stray animals is too large. We also want to contribute to this city where we live, and we don’t ask for more understanding, but we don’t ask for random spraying.”

The interview went well...

The camera not only recorded the repayment of debts from the Furong Police Station, but also solved the urgent need of Aunt Chen at the stray dog ​​rescue station, and also learned something about the root of the stray dog ​​problem from this caring person.

Bai Xiaolan feels that she has gained a lot, following Gu Chen on missions, she can always gain a lot of unexpected things.

Afterwards, Aunt Chen and Xu Lu took Gu Chen and others to visit the entire stray dog ​​care center and let everyone know how hard they have been operating the rescue center over the years.

Facing the camera, Aunt Chen also issued an invitation to invite more volunteers to join the team and contribute to the stray dog ​​problem in Jiangnan City.

I looked at the time, it was already past 11 am.

Aunt Chen asked, "Why don't you stay for lunch, and I'll cook for you myself."

"Auntie Chen's craftsmanship is really good." Xu Lu couldn't help but said with anticipation: "If it wasn't for Auntie Chen's amazing craftsmanship, I wouldn't be so active in coming here to volunteer."

"Hey, that's so embarrassing." Lu Weiwei said duplicity while rubbing her growling stomach.

Since the departure was very early in the morning, everyone ate breakfast at six o'clock, so now the stomach is also empty.

"It's not too much for you policemen to send me all the money I owe. It's not too much to treat you to dinner, right? Just listen to me, everyone stay and have dinner. I still count on your police and TV stations to help me promote more .” Aunt Chen also showed her enthusiastic side at the moment.

Everyone looked at Police Officer Wang at the same time.

Officer Wang smiled and said, "That's all right, it's rare that Aunt Chen is enthusiastic, so let's stay for dinner."

In fact, both Gu Chen and Lu Weiwei understand that food is available, but everyone will pay for it silently, and will not take advantage of Aunt Chen.

Several people walked into the room talking and laughing.

And at this moment, outside the stray dog ​​care station, an old box-type pickup truck is steadily parked at the gate...

(End of this chapter)

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