I am a super cop

Chapter 126 The Emperor's New Clothes

Chapter 126 The Emperor's New Clothes
Gu Chen actually gave Hu Cheng a chance, but he regarded this chance as a fluke.

Hu Cheng even thought that the police could do nothing to him without evidence.

But he was wrong, a complete miscalculation.

He didn't expect that Gu Chen would use such a method to make himself who was proud just now humbled to the extreme in an instant.

Just now I looked handsome when I lit the Givenchy lighter, but now I look very stupid. People have already seen through everything, but I am still kept in the dark.

After all, whoever can think that he is living a chic life in the interrogation room is really stupid.

After more than ten days of planning, Hu Cheng even thought about using sleeping pills and other methods, but in the end he gave up his previous considerations and decided to use a natural death method to make the murder look real enough.

Everything seemed to be according to his own script, Xiao Li died, and there was almost no flaw.

But now Gu Chen has dug out these little tricks of his own almost without reservation, feeling that the last fig leaf has been torn.

Although he was wearing a brand-name formal suit, Hu Cheng felt like the emperor's new clothes, and felt that all of this was fake.

In Gu Chen's eyes, he is like a mannequin for art students to copy.

No matter how it is occluded, in the eyes of art students, the occluded parts can be clearly depicted.

Hu Cheng regrets it now, he has no chance to compromise.

"I... I only have one question." Hu Cheng gave up his resistance, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he stared at Gu Chen and asked: "All these are very common and there is no doubt, but how did you think of me? "

If this problem is not resolved, Hu Cheng will not give up.

Obviously, this layout is already very good, and ordinary policemen can't see any flaws.

But why?Why is this young policeman staring at him all the time?
"Hu Cheng, if you want to know why, that's fine." Gu Chen nodded, then he took out a forensics bag from the drawer, and poured out the pesticide inside.

"Remember this?" Gu Chen asked.

"Yes, is it my insecticide?"

"It's because of this that I have doubts about you." Gu Chen also told the truth.

From the entry-level observation ability to the professional-level observation ability, the concentration in observation ability is obviously much more accurate than before.

"Just because of this?" Hu Cheng seemed a little unbelievable.

"Hu Cheng, I went to the library to check the relevant information."

Gu Chen flipped through the materials he had sorted out, and said: "After a poisonous bee stings someone, he will not die immediately, so after Xiao Li was stung by a poisonous bee and died of a severe allergic reaction, you made a poisonous bee sting With the evidence of human beings, the poisonous bees were killed with pesticides.”

Hu Cheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes flustered.

Gu Chen continued: "After the poisonous bee was killed, you threw it on Xiao Li's skirt, so that this obvious clue could be clearly grasped by the police, and it was also to mislead the police's judgment in the first place, and to make the police think that This is an obvious case of poisonous bee killing."

"So that's how it is." Lu Weiwei suddenly realized: "No wonder Junior Brother Gu wanted to bring back the insecticide and the dead poisonous bee earlier."

"That's right." Gu Chen nodded with a smile: "It was based on this suspicion that I gave both the insecticide and the poisonous bee to Forensic Doctor Liu for testing. As expected, the poisonous bee did die from This kind of insecticide, but when we arrived, Hu Cheng pretended to be surprised, and deliberately led us to find Xiao Li's sting wound, and then let us find the poisonous bee corpse on Xiao Li's skirt."

"Haha." Hearing this, he didn't know that Gu Chen had these sophisticated police officers before, and he was immediately happy: "Hu Cheng is indeed a master of acting, but unfortunately we were almost deceived by you."

"Hu Cheng is really smart, but it's a pity that he pretends to be smart." Lu Weiwei looked at Gu Chen with adoring eyes, and said with a smile: "But I still think our junior brother Gu is smarter."

"Thank you, Senior Sister Lu." Gu Chen already had immunity to the compliment from Lu Weiwei, but he still thanked her out of politeness.

"So that's how it is." Hu Cheng lowered his head, surprisingly quiet.

After all, highly educated people like Hu Cheng often have a kind of conceited psychology.

And I always think that I am very smart, and others can't see through or guess.

But it turned out that it was a bottle of insecticide that caught the young policeman's attention. After all, he was careless.

If Gu Chen hadn't been allowed to take away the bottle of insecticide back then, perhaps there was still a chance to salvage the matter.

But life is broadcast live every day, and I am not allowed to have a chance to start over.

"Why did you kill Xiao Li? Aren't you planning to get married?" Gu Chen habitually changed his pen and asked, "Is she sorry for you, or are you sorry for her?"

From Gu Chen's point of view, if the conflict has intensified to such an extent, I am afraid that the marriage will not be possible, and there must be a major conflict between the two parties.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault, it has nothing to do with Lili." Hu Cheng raised his head and looked at Gu Chen with pleading eyes.

Xiao Li's death caused Hu Cheng to collapse last night. He even started to regret it, but it was too late.

"Hu Cheng, tell me the truth." Officer Wang patted the table, frowning.

"It was because of a medical accident." Hu Cheng raised his head, his face as stiff as a piece of wood: "A few months ago, because of one of my mistakes, a major medical accident occurred and the patient was put to death."

The scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at each other, waiting for Hu Cheng to explain himself.

"For the sake of reputation, the surgical team concealed this matter, because the possibility of the patient's recovery is not high. They also explained to the family members in advance, and they also expressed their understanding and will not pursue responsibility."

"But what happened later?" Gu Chen frowned and asked.

"Later?" Hu Cheng covered his cheeks with his hands, and said in mourning, "This was a successful operation, but I made a major mistake during the process, which caused the entire operation to fail, and I killed that patient."

"It's indeed wrong for the surgical team to hide the truth for the sake of reputation, but what does it have to do with Xiao Li? Why did you kill her?"

Listening to Hu Cheng's explanation, Lu Weiwei couldn't believe it, and couldn't believe it. Could there be any connection between them?
"No, Lili is not wrong at all. It's all my fault. She is a kind girl, but I am a dark character. I don't deserve her."

Hu Cheng cried even more sadly, it seemed that the suppressed mood yesterday was truly relaxed at this moment, and everything was relieved.

"I told Lili about this matter, but Lili kept persuading me to explain the truth to the family of the patient and to give an explanation to the family of the deceased."

"She is a kind person, but she doesn't think about me at all. If she does this, I will lose my job and my salary will be cut off."

"But aren't you rich?" Officer Wang has been brooding over the fact that Hu Cheng was driving a convertible BMW yesterday: "Your BMW convertible and your outfit at least show that you are a rich man. But do you care about that salary?"

"It's fake, it's all fake." Hu Cheng said with a wry smile, "You think I live in a glamorous world, but I actually rented these things."

"Rented?" Everyone asked in surprise in unison.

"That's right, it's all rented." Hu Cheng took off the high-end watch in his hand and said:

"Except for this watch, it was given to me by Lili on my birthday. Everything I have now is rented, but Lili doesn't know."

"She has no idea that once I lose my job, I'm going to be in debt, everything is over for me, and she's going to kill me."

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid that her kindness will drive her to find the patient's family and explain everything."

"At that time, I will really be finished. For the sake of my future, I came up with this vicious plan that even I hate."

"No way, because the creditor will kill me and completely abandon me by this circle. I'm afraid, really."

Everyone was silent, but Gu Chen recorded all the transcripts just now.

"That's right." Gu Chen put down his pen and said, "When a man is forced to only know how to make money, he is already dead. When he has money, he will be reborn, but you have no chance. "

Then Gu Chen stood up, walked over with dignity, and handed the transcript in front of Hu Cheng: "Let's sign it."

"Maybe I'm not good at it." Hu Cheng picked up his pen and laughed at himself, "Everyone likes you if you're good at it, but the whole family looks down on you if you're not good at it."

After signing, Hu Cheng suddenly felt relieved, and said with a smile: "In the final analysis, it is because of my own incompetence, small-mindedness, small-mindedness, and lack of tact and accommodating."

Gu Chen ignored him, it was too late for him to say anything now, it was useless.

Looking at Gu Chen, Hu Cheng suddenly slapped himself hard, and sneered, "Disgusting!"

 Thanks to the book friends [Zuzhu 2046], [Origin, Destruction, and Destiny] for the 500 book coins, thank you [Warm to the Extreme-] for the 100 book coins, please collect and recommend tickets, thank you everyone, bow.


(End of this chapter)

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