Chapter 75 August Day

July passed quickly, and time came to August.

In August, the scorching sun is like fire, and the blazing sunlight shines down the mountain wall to the Lijiang River.

In Yiqing Jiangshan Building, today is a rare holiday, Bai Xianyu and Yuanyang are standing on the roof teasing Huo Mei.

Huo Mei is the blood-crying bird raised by the mandarin duck.

Rhododendrons are late birds.

The early ones usually take nearly a month to fly out of their shells, and they do not become birds until six to eight months old.

The late ones will take one to four years to become birds.

And the Bloodbird was later.

It takes four to five months to fly. As for the adult bird, I don't know how long it will take to become an adult.

Because of this, bloodcrows are rare in nature.

At present, Huo Mei has grown dense feathers.

The whole body is fiery red.

It's like a section of gorgeous red silk, held in the hands of mandarin ducks, it's really pretty.

For this little guy.

The mandarin duck is no longer the hate it used to be, but loves it like a sweetheart.

Even the old dog Ah Huang, who used to be her favorite, didn't hold as high a position in her heart as Huo Mei.

It can be seen how much this little girl likes Huo Mei.

The mandarin duck happily teased Huo Mei, taking out a small shrimp from the basin to feed it from time to time.

"Miss, miss, these are freshwater shrimps that I specially fished from the river. Huo Mei really likes them. It tastes happier than the last time I ate wheat ear fish. I plan to get some more next time."

Bai Xianyu was also stroking Huo Mei's bright red feathers, feeding it a shrimp or two from time to time, and couldn't help saying: "I think we can catch some unpalatable things like cockroaches, stinky fart bugs or bitter scale insects. Give it something to eat!"


The little girl was startled, she stared blankly at Bai Xianyu, and said stupidly, "Cockroaches and farts?"

Miss, you are a devil!

Yuanyang looked at Huo Mei.

I saw that this little cutie didn't know anything, and was enjoying Bai Xianyu's grooming very comfortably.

Huo Mei, Huo Mei, Miss wants to feed you bitter scale insects, give me some feedback!

However, this little thing doesn't understand the little girl's heart at all, and still enjoys Bai Xianyu's touch comfortably.

With a light cough, Yuanyang said cautiously: "Miss, Huo Mei is very cute, there's no need to feed it cockroaches and stinkbugs! As for the bitter scale worm, it's better to punish it after it makes mistakes."

Seeing Yuanyang Congxin's expression, Bai Xianyu smiled lightly and said, "Of course I have my reasons for doing this!"

Speaking of this, Bai Xianyu explained: "Huo Mei has already started to learn how to fly, and she will fly away soon."

"Now it's time not to make its mouth tricky, but to train it to know as many recipes as possible."

"If cockroaches, stinkbugs, and bitter scale worms can all swallow it, there will be nothing they can't eat after the fire has gone out. In this way, it will have a wider range of diets, and it will not be easy to starve to death, so it can live longer."

"Moreover, only if it doesn't eat well will it arouse the desire to leave the White Mansion to find food alone."

"If it eats well every day, what if it doesn't go away in the future?"

"It won't make it stay in the White Mansion alone, isn't it that it can't even find a companion?"

The little girl nodded blankly, thought for a while, and said: "Miss is very reasonable, a loving mother has many failures, I really should find more unpalatable things for Huo Mei."

"I'll catch cockroaches today, and I'll look for stinkbugs nearby. As for bitter scale worms, they're not easy to find."

The little girl frowned, and said seriously: "But no matter what, I will work hard, and I will definitely fulfill my responsibility to raise it."

The little girl stroked Huo Mei, and looked at it lovingly.

As for his heart, he was contemplating what unpalatable food to choose for it, and broadened his diet for it.

The little thing Huo Mei didn't know that her good days were coming to an end, she still swallowed the shrimp leisurely, enjoying the caress of Bai Xianyu's master and servant.

The two played around for a while, and saw Ah San coming out leading a tall red horse.

"Miss, the red dragon is here!"

"The targets are also set up in the yard!"


Bai Xianyu nodded, activated the scale armor Gu, and jumped down from the second floor.

With the recently trained skills and the true perception gained in the projection battlefield, it is very easy to land safely.

He took the reins and rode on the tall horse.

Bai Xianyu believed in the rein, and began to practice using ice needle Gu while riding the horse.

There are many mountains in southern Xinjiang, and there are not many horses.

However, the White House still kept a lot of horses.

It's just that most of these horses are pony horses that carry goods.Like the red dragon, it is one of the few good horses in the White House that can act as a facade.In addition, there are more than a dozen ordinary big horses, which are the pulls of several exquisite carriages in the White House.

Riding a red dragon.

Bai Xianyu ran back and forth along the dripping water.

From time to time, he would urge the Ice Needle Gu in his hand to attack the straw figures placed by the river.

On the projection battlefield, Bai Xianyu had already mastered the use of Ice Needle Gu.He even mastered the coordination of Ice Needle Gu and Puppet Manipulation Gu.But in reality, Bai Xianyu still worked hard to practice his use of ice needle Gu when riding a mount.

Riding a mount and using Gu worms can't be done on the projected battlefield, Bai Xianyu must practice in reality.

Relying on the precious real essence.

Try to master the sense of distance, sense of direction and use skills.

This can also be regarded as a preview of future flight combat.

Fortunately, Ice Needle Gu consumes less real energy, so Bai Xianyu can practice it multiple times only after turning two real energy.

But even though he was at home, Bai Xianyu did not practice unscrupulously.Instead, calculate the consumption of true essence, after nearly [-]% of the crimson true essence has been consumed.Immediately stop practicing, and make a look that the real energy is exhausted.Holding the primordial stone in hand, he began to slowly recover his true essence.

"It's amazing, miss, the ice needle almost hits all!"

"And the lady's equestrian skills are also amazing!"

Ah San and Ah Si took the reins and reported the results to Bai Xianyu with excitement.

As for the little girl Yuanyang, she trotted over with a bucket of warm water and helped Bai Xianyu rub the towel.

"Here, miss!"


After receiving the towel, Bai Xianyu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then began to look at these grass figures.

Bai Xianyu's flying probe technology is very good.

It can basically hit the vitals within the range of the shot.

Even riding a horse did not affect the accuracy of the flying probe.

This was the first time Bai Xianyu used Gu while riding a horse.

Before, Bai Xianyu could only ride a horse, but it was the first time to use Gu while riding a horse.

"Continue to work hard and further strengthen."

Returning the towel to the mandarin duck, Bai Xianyu continued to absorb the true essence, intending to recover and continue practicing.

"In addition to flying needles, I feel like I can also practice archery and javelin throwing."

"I have the power of a pig, and I am cultivating the power of an ape. The lethality of mortal bows and javelins in my hands is probably better than ordinary ice needle Gu."

"Besides, I will burn these straw men later to avoid being seen by too many people."

"After all, the results of the ice needle Gu activated by the crimson true essence and the ice needle Gu activated by the light red true essence are somewhat different. I must try my best to protect the secret of the four-flavored wine worm."

Bai Xianyu had realized that he shouldn't have used the four-flavored wine worm to refine his true essence before.

The power of the Ice Needle Gu activated by the crimson true essence is somewhat different from that of the light red true essence.

People who are familiar with Ice Needle Gu probably discovered that Bai Xianyu had the Four Flavors Wine Worm because of this.

If there are many people who have Ice Needle Gu, this will be a fatal flaw.

"In the original book, Tie Ruonan would be able to get rid of the cocoon by Tie Ruonan if he solved one more gambling stone, and he would be aware of the intelligence of his aptitude. And using Gu worms by himself will naturally leave some traces of intelligence."

"So, every time you use Gu in the future, you have to think about it in detail, and you can't use it casually like in the projection battlefield."

This is the flaw left by not fully analyzing and considering the situation the day before the practice.

Bai Xianyu can't guarantee that he will be flawless, he can only reduce such mistakes as much as possible.

"Fortunately, I'm still in school, and there are still many opportunities to exercise myself. If I perform tasks, it will be hard to say!"

(End of this chapter)

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