Chapter 508
Wenyuan Pavilion.

Probably because of the death of Emperor Longqing, today's memorials are extraordinarily numerous.

The three great scholars were buried in the pile of official documents like a hill, and they were busy processing the memorials presented from various places.

At this time, Emperor Longqing had just passed away, the empress was in poor health, and the new emperor had not yet ascended the throne. General affairs were handled by the three senior scholars of Wenyuan Pavilion.

If it involves some more important matters, but there is no urgent need to deal with them, put them aside first, and wait until the overall situation is stable.

For some urgent rehearsals, the three academicians will discuss together, and after putting forward their opinions, they will be sent to the harem for review by the empress herself.

However, this kind of thing has not happened yet.

At this moment, Zhuo Yungui picked up a memorial, which was played by the Minister of the Ministry of War. In the memorial, it was written: The first emperor died, and the whole country mourned, but the country cannot be without a king for a day. , Loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, civil and martial arts, the minister boldly advises, please the eldest prince to join the great unification, to rectify the state!
Zhuo Yungui frowned, put this memorial aside for the time being, and picked up another memorial.

Unexpectedly, the next memorial is also a memorial to invite the eldest prince Zhao Wei to ascend the throne.

Zhuo Yungui flipped through it, and there were more than fifty memorials below, and there were more than forty copies of the memorial that invited the eldest prince Zhao Wei to ascend the throne.

He glanced at the two great scholars who were still processing the memorial, then stood up, and said with a faint smile on his face: "My lords, this old man has really opened his eyes today."

"Oh, what can surprise the well-informed Elder Zhuoge so much?"

Putting down the memorial in his hand, Xu Shoufu raised his head from the pile of memorials.

Although Elder Gao Ge on the other side didn't speak, he also looked at Zhuo Yungui.

Zhuo Yungui picked up the more than forty memorials, lit them up in front of the two of them, and then said: "Please look, my lords, there are so many memorials, and they all coincide with each other. They are all memorials to invite the eldest prince Zhao to ascend the throne. You say, Is it strange?"

Zhuo Yungui didn't even need to think about it, these memorials must have been carried out under the behest of someone.

"Hey, what do you think this officer is doing?"

Elder Gao Ge, who had been watching coldly, said with a smile, "It's not surprising that the first emperor passed away, and all the officials wrote to ask for a new emperor."

"Don't talk about your place, I have more than 30 copies here."

Mr. Gao Ge held up the memorial in his hand, and there was also a thick stack inside.

Xu Shoufu shook his head with a smile, and commented: "Master Zhuo is so rare."

"A country cannot be without a king for a day, and I have more than fifty books here."

The two sang together, which made Zhuo Yungui seem like a fusser.

"Don't the two adults find it strange?"

Zhuo Yungui said sternly: "Even if all the officials wrote to establish a new emperor, why so many people, by coincidence, all wrote to ask the eldest prince Zhao Wei to take the throne, but the second prince didn't even mention it?"

Elder Gao Ge retorted: "Lord Zhuo, the eldest prince Zhao Wei is the eldest son. Since ancient times, it is the tradition of the emperor's family to raise the elders but not the younger ones. Besides, the second prince is too young now, so it is really hard for him to take on the big job!"

When Zhuo Yungui heard the words, a bright light flashed in his eyes, he raised his head to look at Elder Gao Ge and asked: "So, Elder Gao Ge also meant the same thing?"

Gao Ge sneered: "So what?"

"Master Zhuo, do you have any other opinions?"

Zhuo Yungui refused to budge an inch and said, "That's right, I think the second prince, Zhao Ning, is more suitable!"

The atmosphere between the two of them suddenly became subtle, wisps of air mass swirled in front of the two of them, spinning many objects in the room.

For a moment, it was like a tornado was blowing in Wenyuan Pavilion.

"This is the palace, not outside, you two, don't mess around!"

At this moment, Xu Shoufu said in a deep voice, under the impetus of powerful righteousness, he suppressed the aura of the two of them, and all the visions in the room disappeared.

After the two returned to calm, Xu Shoufu said slowly: "A country cannot live without a king. Since so many people have submitted letters, we, as university scholars, should truthfully gather the opinions of all officials, and then ask the empress Decide!"

Zhuo Yungui originally thought that Xu Shoufu would refute Mr. Gao Ge, but who knew that the depth of his words seemed to support Mr. Gao Ge.

He couldn't help but said with a hint of anger on his face: "The empress is pregnant, because the late emperor passed away, she was already in ill health, if you submit the memorial at this time, wouldn't you want her to die?"

The late emperor's posthumous son is still in his belly, but now he wants to make other princes emperors.

No matter which prince ascends the throne, it will be a kind of harm to the empress.

According to Zhuo Yungui's intention, even if a new monarch is established, there is no need to report to the queen at this time.

We can wait until her body recovers a bit before reporting.

"A country cannot be without a king for a day, and this matter cannot be delayed any longer!"

Mr. Gao Ge added oil and vinegar to the side.

Zhuo Yungui looked at Xu Shoufu, but the other party avoided his eyes and remained silent, obviously acquiescing to what Gao Ge said.

"Okay, very good!"

Seeing this, Zhuo Yungui flew into a rage, and left with a brush of his sleeves.

After Zhuo Yungui left, Elder Gao Ge looked at Xu Shoufu and asked: "Master Shoufu, Zhuo Yungui has left, should this memorial be presented or not?"

Xu Shoufu glanced at Mr. Gao Ge for a trash who only knew how to hate, and then said: "It's okay, the opinions of the two of us are enough."

Gao Ge nodded his head and began to draft the memorial.

After a while, the senior general Gaoge prepared the memorial, looked at Xu Shoufu, and asked curiously: "Dare to ask Mr. Shoufu, I have always wondered in my heart. You are already ranked as Shoufu, why do you have to go through this muddy water?"

When Xu Shoufu heard the words, he opened the restriction of Wenyuan Pavilion with a thought, then he stood up and said slowly: "Shoufu, what's the use of Shoufu, if the Holy One wants to get rid of it, it's just a thought. "

"You and I have been up and down in the Daxuan court for more than fifty years, after Jiaming and Longqing, can't you see it?"

"Especially the first emperor, at that time he already had the intention of cultivating Zhuo Yungui to replace you and me."

"But if we seize the time when the new emperor ascends the throne and become Minister Gu Ming, our status will not change for at least ten years, and we can still be descendants."

The two discussed for a long time in Wenyuan Pavilion, and then walked quickly towards Changle Palace.

Si Tianjian, Lan Xing Lou.

Zhuo Yungui's figure turned into a faint phantom, and soon reached the top of Lanxing Tower.

At this time, in Lanxing Building, Guo Jianzheng and Zizhu Layman were playing chess.

"You two, at this point, are you still in the mood to play chess?"

Zhuo Yungui came to the chessboard with a breeze.

"Old Zhuo Ge, but what news did you hear?"

Layman Zizhu put down a flag, looked at Zhuo Yungui and asked.

Since Chongyang True Immortal sent a message, he came to Lanxing Building and accompanied Guo Jianzheng to guard the imperial city conveniently. At the same time, he used Guo Jianzheng's deduction technique to observe the situation of Daxuan.

"Yesterday's summons, you should have received it, right?"

Zhuo Yungui didn't wait for Layman Zizhu to answer, and then said: "I expected it yesterday, those two showed their fangs today, and are going to elect the eldest prince Zhao as the throne!"

"Zhao Wei?"

Layman Zizhu frowned.

The eldest prince Zhao Wei has a stubborn nature, but he has already heard about it.

Xu Shoufu is not confused logically, why should he help Zhao Wei to take over?

"Yes, at this time, they should have brought the memorial and went to present the empress's empress."

Zhuo Yungui added.

Guo Jianzheng on the side moved his fingers slightly, and he had deduced it clearly, and nodded to show that it was indeed so.

His cultivation base, since he exchanged several rare spirit pills in the Hall of Eternal Life, has reached the first rank cultivation base at this time.

Layman Zizhu was about to speak, when a tall figure outside the window leaped into Lanxing Building from outside, and landed in front of several people.

(End of this chapter)

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