"Fellow Taoist Zhenxuan!" Huang Yi searched for his reputation, but it turned out that Master Tongmiao, Patriarch Chijian, Patriarch Fangtang, Zhenjun Weishang, and Master Juewen were all Yangshen Zhenjun of Lingnan Dao, who stayed behind in the ends of the earth. Zhenjun Weiyu has now fallen, and their group is the strongest monks in Lingnan Dao. However, the people in Lingnan are devastated, and countless famous mountains and rivers have been destroyed. The group of disciples who followed everyone to Tiangong can be said to be the only remaining talents in Lingnan '.

"I've met Fellow Daoist Tong Miao, Fellow Daoist Chijian." Huang Yi hurriedly responded.

Several people are seniors of Lingnan Dao, and they came to find themselves because they saw that they were Lingnan Dao monks. Today's Lingnan Dao can be said to be swept away by Liting, and it is adjacent to the South China Sea. The current situation of "counterattack" in Lingnan is If it is unrealistic, at least the siege of Qingshan must be cleared before there is an opportunity to conquer Lingnan. Otherwise, it is really useless to rely on a few Yangshen Zhenjun.And this catastrophe, judging from the current situation, the southern four ways can be said to be seriously injured, and the Lingnan this time belongs to the kind of yuan big injury that even lost their pants. Life will be difficult in the future. Now It is even more necessary to gather strength to deal with the crisis.

"Fellow Taoist Zhenxuan, what are your plans now?" Zhenjun Tongmiao asked.

"Fellow daoists, do you have an idea? Zhenxuan is a descendant of Lingnan. The current situation is really unprecedented, and I still need some advice from seniors." Huang Yi responded.Qiwei Mountain was flattened, two left-behind disciples lost their lives, and the Pearl River Dragon Palace was slaughtered. Now in the world, it can be said that they have no relatives. It can be said that it doesn’t matter what they do. In fact, no one can escape if they don't practice. If you don't make trouble, you will come to your door sooner or later, not to mention that it is a critical moment for the demon to destroy the world. Therefore, Huang Yi does not intend to stand by and do his part for the realm. It should be, but without the involvement of the sect, it would be impossible to put in a dead effort. The sky is falling and there is a tall man at the top, and now Huang Yi has not reached that level.

"That's fine, I'll go with you together, so I can have someone to take care of me." True Monarch Tongmiao responded, and then said: "The situation in the world is critical now, and my generation of monks also knows the righteousness, but when the mountain gate is destroyed, I will take care of you." Many magic treasures and spirit charms are not in hand, the strength is not inferior to its full glory, and there is no place to replenish it. For this reason, it may be prudent to deal with the enemy. According to Pindao and others, we should rush to the central region first to check the situation. If you encounter a demon head, you should avoid its sharp edge, and wait for Emperor Chirong and Qiye Tianzun to free up your hands, and then make plans."

"Brother Tong Miao's words are reasonable." Huang Yi echoed, and this was his own idea.

The group of six reached an agreement on this, and drove the magic weapon to fly across the North Sea and head towards the central region without haste.

"Everyone, I have just landed, and I feel restless. The Yang God seems to be covered by something else, and it is clear, and now it is unobstructed. For some reason, is it plotted by someone? I hope you can clarify your doubts." Huang Yi asked on the way.

"Fellow daoists, don't panic. The behavior of fellow daoists should be that the energy of calamity has entered the body. We all have different reactions. We are creatures in the world. During the catastrophe, the energy of calamity will be added to our body. We have taken refuge in the sacred mountain outside the sky before." In the middle, the robbery energy has never been added to the body, and now returning to the realm, and passing through the net of the robbery energy, suddenly a part of the robbery energy in the body floats up, and the method of conflict is like this. At the time of the great catastrophe, the sky is covered, and we, the Yangshen Zhenjun This yang god is light and agile, and it is normal that there seems to be a tulle under the cover of heavenly secrets. My fellow Taoists don’t show the aura of calamity, and there may be calamity, but there will definitely be no calamity!” Fangtang Patriarch responded.

Huang Yi nodded: "Thank you Fangtang for your guidance!"

"Taiwei Golden Light Sword! Duh!" A golden light flashed, and a heart-piercing roar came from the valley, and then an old maple tree split into countless pieces, and then turned into nothingness.

This is a demon formed by the energy of the wood element mixed with the essence of the outside world. It is called the green ghost. The green ghost is good at lurking and is not easy to be found, but limited by its shape, it cannot move until it reaches the golden core.

The situation in the Qingming Realm is worse than everyone imagined. In the Xuantian Mirror, everyone can only see the changes in the main battlefields, but in fact the current situation is quite like a war.It only needs a little extraterritorial essence, mixed with the aura of the realm to create an extraterrestrial demon. The extraterritorial essence is scarce, and the strength of the demon created is low. If it is normal, even a foundation cultivator can fight a battle. There is no generation at all. Meaning, but the current situation in the realm, not to mention the Foundation Establishment cultivator, how dare even the Golden Core cultivator dare to hang around?The weaker Fang Cheng's extraterritorial celestial demon, the more he needs to absorb the power of the green underworld as nutrients. These little extraterritorial essences are like dandelion seeds, sprouting everywhere in the earth!

Coming from the north, Fang started to be quite normal. Occasionally, he saw these extraterritorial celestial demons, all of which were of low strength. A group of six people took turns to share their merits, but the closer they were to the central region, the more critical the situation was. Heavenly Demon seems to be something that can be seen everywhere, and one can be seen almost every three to five miles. Although the strength is not high, it has caused disasters to the mountains, rivers and earth of the Qingming Realm.

The six of Huang Yi originally wanted to wait and see first, so they spread out to clean up these "rooted and sprouted" extraterritorial demons. That take care.

In just one day away from Tiangong, Huang Yi killed more than 70 extraterritorial demons. Even if the strength of these extraterritorial demons is low, even if one of them can only gain a little merit, that is an exaggeration. What you get from killing extraterritorial demons is the way of heaven Merit, about [-] points can almost accumulate enough external merit for a Yangshen cultivator! (during the catastrophe, merits will not be settled)

In the Qingming world, the common extraterrestrial demons are red ghosts, green ghosts, water ghosts, golden ghosts, earth-turned five-element essences, mixed with some wind ghosts, fog ghosts, etc. There is no such thing as thunder and lightning. These are the extraterritorial demons born after mixing with the spiritual energy in the realm, and those alien demons that are completely generated by the extraterritorial essence do not exist in the realm, only in the void. , known as Yan Mo.

"Fellow Daoist Tong Miao, the situation is not optimistic. This time there may be a real disaster!" Huang Yi said worriedly when everyone gathered in the evening.

True Monarch Tongmiao also had a worried look on his face. He also gained a lot in a day's work. If you give him another day's work plus the accumulation in the past, then the external skills will be enough. This will be left in the past, and he should find someone tomorrow after he is busy. Take it quietly, wait for the catastrophe to pass and wait to become a fairy, but the current situation, with the rich harvest, shows that the disaster brought by the demon is even greater.

"There is no news from Qingshan yet. I'll wait for another day. Subduing some demons in the outskirts can be considered as a contribution. If there is no news tomorrow, I'll wait!" Master Tong Miao made up his mind.

Another day, if everyone goes as smoothly as today, everyone can accumulate enough external skills, and they can do things without any scruples.In addition, they are trying their best to eliminate demons here, so there is nothing to blame. As for why the delay, the current situation in Lingnan Road makes them leaders have to think about it!

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