Longevity begins with loose cultivation

Chapter 747 Constructing the Dao Domain

Chapter 747 Constructing the Dao Domain
"Running fast."

Lu Zhong withdrew his hand without any disturbance in his heart.

However, this is also a matter of course.

Now, he has not yet completed the construction of the Tao Domain, and he has just broken through. He relies on his deep foundation to be able to overpower these veteran monks.

It's a blessing to be defeated, but how dare you expect to keep the other party?
"Waiting for the construction of the time and space domain to be completed"

Lu Zhong thought of this, with a smile on his face.

Immediately, he looked at the defeated Heluo Sect monks.

Without any mercy, he raised his hand, and under the influence of the surging mana and the laws of time and space, the entire sky shrank instantly.Tens of thousands of monks, without even a chance to resist, were forcibly captured into a large dragon's eye ball. What awaited them would be Luofu's trial.

Handing the ball to the incarnation, Lu Zhong continued to cross the border.

"It's time to bring this war to an end."

Reappeared in Luofu Immortal City.

Like the other two places, this place was also attacked by the Hundred Immortals City. However, under the protection of White Star Fortress and with the assistance of a large number of servants, Fairy Wuxia failed to achieve much results despite the menacing attack of Fairy Wuxia.

When Lu Zhong arrived, Fairy Wuxia had disappeared.

Apparently, news of the failure in other directions had reached here.

He had no intention of pursuing.

Among the three giants of the former Hundred Immortals City, this one has lived the longest. It is said that he has lived for a million years. After living such a long life, there is no doubt that he should be the one with the deepest background. He is connected with Qingzi and Old man Duanfeng was not sure to stay, let alone the experienced Wuxia Fairy?

Looking across the battlefield, the battle is coming to an end.

Under the bombardment of the White Star and Luofu fleets, the monks of the Hundred Immortals City were now in full decline. They were fighting and retreating with their only flying boats. Failure was already a matter of time.

Luofu won this battle after all.

This result was already doomed when Lu Zhong broke through the Golden Immortal.

The news that the three giants of Baixian City joined forces but were defeated by Luofu spread quickly.

For a time, Luofu became famous.

The monks in the Immortal Realm were astonished and began to look at this remote and small force that had just emerged, but they only looked at it squarely.

With the strength of Jinxian, it is enough to become a famous town.

But looking at the entire fairy world, there are still some things that are not enough.

Unless Da Luo, it is a small local force after all, which can only create temporary miracles. Once it confronts the real big force in the immortal world, the result can only be like a chicken and a dog, and collapse at the first touch.

The reaction is different from the six worlds.

The monks outside the territory have a different attitude towards this.

In their eyes, Luofu has used this battle to prove his strength and is already the largest force in the outside world, so many monks enthusiastically joined, hoping to take advantage of the development.

For these monks, Lu Zhong would not reject anyone who came.

After all, Linghuan and Shanhai alone are no longer enough to support future war plans.

Therefore, we can only rely on the power of the immortal monks.

In the days that followed, Luofu resumed its pace of expansion, swallowing or encroaching on the territories of Heluo Sect and Baixian City, expanding its territory bit by bit.

At the same time, Lu Zhong began to build a Tao domain.

You don’t know how difficult it is to build until you actually try.

It is no exaggeration to say that constructing a Dao realm is no less difficult than constructing a small world. In essence, the two are almost the same, or even more so.

The entire construction process must be completed alone.When it comes to building a Tao realm, outside forces can offer little help.

Especially at the beginning, we must try to simulate the state when chaos first begins.

Only by completing this step can the "origin" be constructed, which is the prototype and foundation of the Tao Domain. All subsequent changes must be based on the origin.

But what is chaos?What is the state of the world in chaos?
All of this must be realized through the opportunity to transform into the Dao when he broke through to the Golden Immortal.

If it is unfortunately missed, it will greatly increase the difficulty of constructing a Dao realm. According to the records of the Yinlou Dao Palace, many Yinlou Dao Golden Immortals missed the opportunity because of this, and eventually became Wudao Realm Golden Immortals.

This is true for the monks from Liandao Palace, not to mention the monks from other forces.

As soon as he started, Lu Zhong's scalp started to feel numb.

Difficult, so difficult!
But so what, he is determined to win the Dao Domain, so why give up?We can only bite the bullet and continue to build. If we make a mistake once, we will try again.

Just like that, the days passed by.

There is a saying that one day in the sky and one year on the earth.

When Lu Zhong got into the construction of the Dao Domain, time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed.

After spending a mortal life, he finally achieved some results. At least he had a preliminary idea about the chaotic state of the universe and the construction of the entire set of origins.

The next thing to do is very simple, just improve it step by step on this basis.

During this period, Luofu developed rapidly.

Not only did the territory double, it also attracted a large number of monks to join.

Although Luofu has some shortcomings in some aspects, and there are also many unsatisfactory places. It has been criticized and criticized for this, and there is even dissatisfaction internally, but Luofu is still beginning to show the trend of prosperity. , forming a very sharp contrast with the chaotic state of other places.

It can be called a piece of pure land in troubled times.

But no one knows how long this tranquility can last.

The trend of the Shattered War is still getting more and more intense. Not only the monks are involved, but even the mortals are beginning to be affected. Mortal countries are often affected by the fighting, and thousands of creatures suffer disasters as a result.

Whether intentional or not, after all, even the secular world cannot avoid it.

Under this circumstance, the intensity of the war is increasing day by day.

The death of immortals in battle is no longer a strange thing. Jade immortals and golden immortals of a higher level also frequently appear on the list of returnees. In addition, Da Luo Taiyi also takes action more frequently year by year.

Anyone can see that this battle is far from over.

Another day.

Lu Zhong's mood at this time was as refreshing as drinking ice water on a hot day.

It's about the construction of "Original Point", and it finally succeeded.

At this moment, there was a silver-gray ball in his consciousness. It looked inconspicuous, but in fact it was the key to constructing the Tao Domain, which was also known as the "origin".

The origin is slipping and turning.

Lu Zhong looked at it for a while, then smiled happily.

In order to achieve this step, he spent ten Jiazi's time.

During this period, I don’t know how many times I failed.

Fortunately, it was a success.

Although the completion of the construction of the origin does not necessarily mean that the Dao realm can be constructed, no matter how you say it, it is a big step forward and deserves to be celebrated.

(End of this chapter)

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