Kunlun one millet

Chapter 188 Unbreakable determination

Chapter 188 Unbreakable determination

"What? It's not enough to abduct Jiang Ru, why should Jing Shi be included?" Liang Tao asked.

Zhao Mi looked at the river sparkling in the distance, dotted with white sails and swaying. He smiled and shook his head: "Who am I? Others don't know. Master Guoshi still doesn't know? I always do ordinary people to have fun. Don't care."

Liang Tao said, "Now I dare not say that I know you well."

"Master Guoshi, why did you say that?" Zhao Mi sat down with a flick of his sleeves, while Jiang Ru brought all kinds of tea sets and carefully played with them.

"You are the descendant of the praise officer of the Tianxia Dynasty. You have the support of heaven and earth in every gesture, and you are praised by Gangji." Liang Tao said: "The demon god of the southern land recruited Bo Xing, but you were easily forced to retreat. I don't think I have this ability."

"Master Guoshi has the magical power to move mountains and fill seas, so why should you be humble?" Zhao Shu waved his hand and said, "As for the reversion of Bo Xing, didn't it just benefit from Master Guoshi throwing amulets into the earth and mediating good fortune?" ? I am just taking advantage of the merits of the national teacher, and the fox is pretending to be the tiger. If anyone does not understand this, it can be said to be blind and ignorant, and it is really not worth mentioning."

"Smart people don't speak dark words." Liang Tao was not pleased with the compliment: "How much do you understand what I am going to do?"

Zhao Mi said solemnly: "Through the cave-shaped cloud script, we can change the energy of the earth's meridians, and at the same time, use the rituals and rituals of my praise officials to shake the Tianxia Dynasty's legacy from the inside out, right?"

Liang Tao nodded slightly: "That's right, speaking these words, it can be seen that you have indeed comprehended the mystery. I'm just curious, since you are the successor of the Tianxia Dynasty Praise Officer, wouldn't you be angry if I did this?"

"Why are you angry?" Zhao Mi asked back: "Master Guoshi, did you make a mistake? I am the descendant of the official Zanli, but it does not mean that I want to restore the Tianxia Dynasty. When I was born, the capital of the Tianxia Dynasty How many years have you been dead?"

Liang Tao said seriously: "You know I'm not talking about Tianxia Dynasty."

"Oh, you mean the rules and regulations set by the ceremonial officials?" Zhao Mi asked with a smile: "How many ceremonial officials are there in the world today? I am the only heir left. Is it possible that we can still hope to restore the past? Not so stupid.

The rise and fall of existence and death is a natural phenomenon of physics, and things that should perish will not continue because of trying their best to keep them.Besides, the rules and regulations established by the tribute officials have long since declined.If it's really indestructible, it's not up to me, a junior, to destroy it! "

Liang Tao's expression was delicate: "I thought that you would look forward to the revival of the former glory of the Chancellor."

Zhao Mi thought about it for a while, and said, "If it was before, I would have thought about it. But during the days at Jianjia Pass, I suddenly realized that rituals and rituals alone are far from enough to accomplish things."

"If other people hear this, they will probably think that you are arrogant, but you have to pretend to be a fake." Liang Tao smiled.

Zhao Mi asked: "Master Guoshi, do you know what I face the most when I deal with official duties in Jianjia Pass every day?"

"It's nothing more than food, fodder and military supplies."

"Almost." Zhao Mi sighed: "More precisely, it is countless account books and documents. When will the military rations be delivered to the rear every day? How much is left to be transported to the front? In order to ensure the smooth flow of rations, is it necessary to build transit in the newly occupied land?" warehouse station?

If you want to build a new warehouse and dock, you will inevitably recruit civilians locally. In this way, you must appease the people, and you must not allow soldiers to plunder... Look, which of these things can be solved with scientific rituals? "

Liang Tao didn't answer, Zhao Mi continued as if complaining, "What's more, there are too many magicians in the Tianxia Dynasty. Cursing bansheng, secret blessing officials, Zhanhou masters, geomancy masters... It's not just praise. Officer. If I can really accomplish things by myself, do I have to wait until today?

A layman doesn't understand it, and I didn't understand it before. I really thought that Tianxia Dynasty would be able to run amok with this group of magicians.But when I personally took charge of one side, I realized that military and national affairs required countless people to participate in it, and everyone had to perform their own duties.

Behind those seemingly glorious monks and magicians, officials of all sizes are required to dispatch manpower and material resources, and tens of thousands of people are required to work and support them. All kinds of difficulties in this, scientific rituals and rituals are not useful! "

Zhao Mi's words were not purely for complaining. He clearly sensed that Liang Tao was suspicious of him. Zhao Mi's defense grew deeper.Expressing some of his true feelings may save Liang Tao from some of his suspicions.

After hearing these words, Liang Tao said calmly: "Of course, the rituals and rituals are not omnipotent. Those mundane affairs are naturally taken care of by others, and you are responsible for them."

"Mortal affairs... Master Guoshi's words are really flimsy." Zhao Mi sighed: "I want to ask, in the future, will the Dao Kingdom be in the heaven of the cave, or in the world of sensuality and food?"

Liang Tao smiled slightly: "It is both in the sky and in the world."

"My lord, I'm not talking about mysteries with you. When everything is put into practice, you have to rely on people to do it. It's not worth talking about it!"

Zhao Mi raised his forehead and scolded angrily. He had to pretend to be heartbroken and show his importance to the Dao Kingdom on Earth, so that Liang Tao thought that Zhao Mi really regarded the Dao Kingdom on Earth as his career.

"Are you imagining the future for the Dao Kingdom on earth, will you be a little anxious?" Liang Tao asked back.

Zhao Shu knocked on the table anxiously: "How can I not be in a hurry? After the autumn harvest, the villagers in the countryside will consider preparing enough grain for the next year's sowing and when the harvest is not harvested. The world is such a great cause, and it should be prepared in advance!"

"Then tell me what preparations you need to make." Liang Tao was not in a hurry, he picked up the tea offered by Jiang Ru, and sat down to taste it.

Zhao Shu got up and said, "The important affairs of the country are enshrined in the army. You have a hussar general in Chongxuan Hall, and I don't need to say more about military affairs. It's a sacrifice. Who will the Taoist kingdom enshrine? Qingya Zhenjun? "

Liang Tao suddenly asked: "Can't it be me?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Ru paused next to her, almost knocking over the tea set.Zhao Mi glanced at her and said without changing his expression: "Master Guoshi, I dare to say that the ancestors of heaven and earth have always been the most important thing in sacrifice.

You are only the descendant of Qingya Zhenjun, so you should not overstep.Moreover, the reason why you offer sacrifices to Qingya Zhenjun in Chongxuan Pavilion is because you have received the grace of his preaching and teaching, but other people in the world have nothing to do with him.To set up sacrifices in vain is against etiquette.This is not only an offense to True Monarch Qingya, but it is also not beneficial to the Dao Kingdom on earth. "

"Then what are your plans?" Liang Tao asked: "Is it possible that you want to sacrifice the emperor and empress earth in the Dao Kingdom on earth?"

"Why not?" Zhao Mi laughed.

"It turns out that you want to act like a dove occupying a magpie's nest." Liang Tao laughed: "You want to use the Dao Kingdom on earth as a resource for revitalizing Gangji? Such ambitions are too great!"

Zhao Mi was silent for a while, now he has given up this delusion a long time ago, in fact, he said this to mislead Liang Tao's view of himself.

"Emperor Heaven and Empress Earth can't do it, so let's take the name of heaven and earth." Zhao Mi said: "No statues of gods, no tablets, burnt watches to sacrifice to heaven, and buried simple ceremonies. Is this the head office? All rituals can be respected The Dharma lineage of the Xuanguan has been rearranged. In addition to the main priest of heaven and earth, there are also subordinate priests. Qingya Zhenjun can be among them, and the master of the country will follow closely, how about it?"

Liang Tao put down his cup and looked serious: "Zhao Mi, is this how you repay me?"

Zhao Mi took half a step back, seeming to be frightened: "My lord, I am only thinking about the big plan!"

"I know." Liang Tao smiled suddenly: "But I always feel that you are playing some tricks."

Of course Zhao Mi was playing scheming, but even if he was pointed out, he did not rush, and retorted: "What scheming? If you plan your own future, you can count it as scheming, who else in the world is not playing scheming?

Master Guoshi, do you know that once the Dao Kingdom in the world starts, there is no way out. No matter how you explain it, there will be chaos in Huaxu's country.At this time, outsiders still don't know about your relationship with me, but when the matter is made public in the future, you are not afraid of others making trouble, but I am afraid! "

There is no problem with this statement, and it is also one of Zhao Mi's current concerns.He assisted Liang Tao in promoting the Dao Kingdom in the world, and those who had a grudge against Liang Tao might not be able to retaliate against him, but they could attack Zhao Mi.

"You don't have to complain to me." Liang Tao said bluntly, "The elders of the Wang family and the Chu family want to tear you into pieces. Without me, do you think you can still enjoy happiness here?"

"Could it be Chu Shizhong?" Zhao Mi knew very well that his actions in Qingyan County had dealt a blow to Chongxuanguan's influence in the local area and would definitely lead to retaliation.It's just that Zhao Mi has no scruples in doing things relying on his relationship with Liang Tao.

Later, Liang Tao asked Liang Hui to send a pot of flowers, a plant with four pistils, and Zhao Shu cut off three of the flowers. His intention was to imply that Liang Tao's Chongxuan House was dominated by the Yongjia Liang family and swallowed up the other three.

Now the children of the Chu family in Chongxuan Pavilion take Chu Fenggui, the servant of the court, as the head of the family. In terms of cultivation base and mana, he certainly cannot be compared with Liang Tao.However, among the four surnames of the Xian family, the Chu family is the most prosperous, and there are even several branches, such as Yi'an Chu family, Yuepu Chu family, Tanyan Chu family, etc., so that the children of Chongxuanguan are appointed as local officials. Chu's family background.

It is true that Chongxuan Pavilion has a large number of people, but it is by no means monolithic.It's just that the Liang clan in Yongjia is the most prosperous in martial arts, Liang Tao has Liang Tao in the court, and Liang Bao has Liang Bao in the border. Naturally, the Liang clan is respected in everything.

The four surnames of the immortal family have the same interests and live in peace with each other.But what if they conflict with each other?
Zhao Mi discovered that the other three families of the four surnames of the immortal family may not know about the Dao Kingdom in the world.Moreover, the Liang family of Yongjia seems to be respected, but most of the people are restrained at the Juhong Pass. Even if Liang Tao has the skills of being a clone, he can't do everything. Many things have to be done by the people below.

In order to gain the support of the other three families, Liang Tao indulged the children of the three surnames in the local area, and protected them with the prestige of a national teacher in the court.

Zhao Mi suddenly remembered that when he was in Quartz City, Liang Tao found more than a dozen jars of Taihuang Jianyu Niang in Chu Mengchun's manor. Chu Mengchun only sent one jar of this precious elixir to Difei Mountain every year. shout greedy.

It is conceivable that the children of the other three families also have their own interests, and they are not quite as frank as the Yongjia Liang family.And even if he is as powerful and profound as Liang Tao, he can't control the overall situation.

From Dongshengdu to Qingyan County, on the surface, the king used Zhao Mi to suppress Chongxuan Hall, but Liang Tao also used Zhao Mi to suppress the other three houses.Now that the Zheng family in Jiujiang has collapsed, Liang Tao did not choose to protect the Zheng family, how will the Wang and Chu families deal with themselves?Will he rely on Liang Tao everywhere?

However, what Liang Tao wanted to do couldn't be accomplished by himself.The blessing land mandala scattered all over the Huaxu Kingdom needs the disciples of Chongxuan Pavilion to protect them no matter what. The Liang family in Yongjia is short of manpower, so they have to rely on the other three, and it is impossible to completely tear themselves apart with them.

Similarly, the other three surnames did not dare to fight Liang Tao head-on, but this did not prevent them from using all kinds of methods to prevaricate, evade responsibility, and force Liang Tao to make some concessions. There is still a way.

So a few days ago, it was none other than others who impeached Zhao Mi in the imperial court, but a group of officials headed by Chu Fenggui, the attendant. Their actions actually meant to test Liang Tao.

Zhao Mi also found it ridiculous. On the surface, the entire Chongxuan Pavilion could benefit greatly from the Dao Kingdom on Earth.But after careful study, the original structure of the four surnamed families of the blood and blood of the immortal line will immediately change to Liang Tao and the Yongjia Liang family as the only one, completely overwhelming the other three families.

This is not to say that the other three have nothing to gain, it's just that compared with the greater opportunities in the future, people may not give up the benefits they have already grasped.What's more, even in the eyes of other monks, Dao Kingdom in the world is almost whimsical. Even Zhao Mi is dubious with his praise of officials and family learning. Others in Chongxuan Hall may not believe that Liang Tao can do it.

"Large families also have their difficulties." Liang Tao sighed: "Although Master Qingya is an immortal ancestor with four surnames, the Liang family has declined in the early years. And as time goes on, the old friendship is not as good as the benefits." Calculation. You should now understand why I can't be in the position of a priest. If the name is not correct, the words will not go well. You know more about etiquette than me."

"Do you have to put yourself in the position of chief priest?" Zhao Mi asked again.

"That's right." Liang Tao nodded, his tone undeniable.

Zhao Mi still persuaded: "Do you know how much burden is involved here? I know you have a high level of cultivation, but this kind of thing is not a joke! Once you reach that position, the people's wishes will roll in, you can bear it." Is it? You should have seen the big snake that appeared in Jianjiaguan, that is the fate of being infected by faith and wish! You are a master of the immortal family, you should pursue freedom and detachment, why bother to sink into it?"

Liang Tao raised his eyebrows lightly: "Do you think I'm not as good as that big snake?"

Zhao Mi didn't answer, Liang Tao said: "Youzhu is just a structure created by Fengju Ten Witches out of thin air, forcibly infecting the innate sacredness, so that it has a selfish spirituality, how can it compare to the long-condensed true spirit of the fairy family? You haven’t reached the realm yet, so don’t pretend to be smart.”

In fact, Zhao Mi's persuasion was not entirely to cover up, he was indeed trying to persuade Liang Tao to give up the Taoist kingdom on earth, instead of causing chaos in the end, if Liang Tao would take the initiative to think about quitting, it would be the luck of countless souls.

However, no one can lose his ambition, Liang Tao's grand plans and great achievements, how could Zhao Mi be able to move them with a few words?

(End of this chapter)

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