Half-demon Raising Immortals

Chapter 160 Yunying City

Chapter 160 Yunying City

Dahan has changed.

A layer of foot-long translucent long hair spreads from the forehead, to the neck, and finally to the back.

The fingers became pointed and covered with a layer of translucent carapace.

Lu Tong reached out and pressed Dahan's shoulder, pouring mana into it.

The blood and temperature are tame.

One of them was particularly thick-blooded, lying on top of its head like a small snake with a sharp back.

The snake's tail hangs behind its head, and there is a faint tendency to continue to grow.

He was relieved a lot.

Dahan is starting to wake up.

"Si'er, from today onwards, make Dahan a blood-tonifying medicinal soup every day."


Dian Si'er doesn't know how to make alchemy yet, but only uses elixir to make medicinal soup.

Lu Tong withdrew his palm and looked at Old Han.

When he was in Jianhai, the old Han said that when he died, he wanted to be buried in the water and grow into a coral.

However, at the end of the day, he still wanted to be buried in Yunying City.

It's time to go back to Yunying City.

He took a few glances and returned to the room.

When he was alive, he did not treat old Han Tou badly.

Died, not very sad.

inside the room.

Lu Tong sat cross-legged on the bed, exhaled, and his shoulders slumped limply.

Take a healing elixir and close your eyes to heal your wounds.


the next day.

Lu Tong opened his eyes and woke up.

Dian Si'er has already fetched clean water and is waiting by the bed.

"Master, Chuanyun wants to see you, and has been waiting outside the yard for a while."

"Let him in."

Lu Tong rolled over and got out of bed.

After washing, open your hands.

Dian Si'er put on the resentment woman's robe and a golden belt for him.

"He asked the master to go out for a while, there should be something."

Dian Si'er handed over a cup of spiritual liquid.

Lu Tong took over and rinsed his mouth. After drinking half a glass, his mouth was filled with the fragrance of grass and trees.

Early in the morning, there were no outsiders.

Dahan was lying outside the formation, still sleeping.

Two tigers and three girls are eating.

"Boss.", "Master."

Lu Tong nodded and walked out of the courtyard.

Far corner.

an old tree.

Chuanyun squatted under the tree, holding a soft sword and stabbing the tree boredly.

His right hand has no thumb, and his sword moves are very strange.

Stab Xizadong, swing up and down.

"what's up?"

Chuanyun was thinking about something, he was shocked and jumped up violently.

"Why are you walking without a sound?"

Lu Tong looked at Tiger Claw.

After the claws are retracted, there is a layer of fleshy pads underneath, making no sound when walking.

Chuanyun put away the soft sword, hesitantly said: "I... I want to ask you to kill someone, how much?"



Chuanyun nodded, and said: "The strength is not as good as yours, and you don't even have supernatural powers. It's very ordinary."


"Tian Qianmu."

Lu Tong shook his head and said, "I'm not asking about the name, who is Tian Qianmu?"

"He should have died a long time ago. All the beggars and thieves in Yunying City belong to him."

Chuan Yun looked at Lu Tong, and continued: "In these years, there are no less than a hundred little half-demons who died under his hands."

"There are so many damn people, I can't kill them."

Lu Tong walked towards the Dakui Courtyard.

There are many beggars in Yunying City, which may seem inconspicuous, but they add up to a fortune.

With an ordinary foundation-building cultivator, it can't be occupied.

There is a backer behind Tian Qianmu.

Chuanyun followed behind, saying: "I will pay for it."

Lu Tong shook his head.

There is no shortage of money now.

And Chuanyun is only for Qi training, so it probably doesn't have much money.

Step into the courtyard gate.

Chuanyun shrunk his face into a ball and stood at the door.

Lu Tongdao: "Come in, people can't be killed randomly, and you can eat mixed vegetables as you like."

Chuanyun looked at the two lanterns on the left and right, shook his head and said, "I don't like watching funerals."

Then turned to leave.

Lu Tong looked at Chuanyun's back, shook his head slightly, and sighed.

This little guy is mysterious.

There are many such monks.

Homeless, roaming around, living on the street, dying on the street, maybe disappearing forever.


"Master, are you going?"


Jing Xin breaks through the Golden Core and prepares to return to Yiyezong.

Come in a hurry, come back with scenery.

A group of people packed many cars.

Nearly a hundred vehicles, large and small, and animal vehicles, lined up in a long queue and entered the whale boat one after another.

Among them, black and white lanterns were hung outside the two beast carts.

A black wooden carriage belonging to the Zhen family.

A Lutong's golden bullock cart.

The carriage that Zhuo Rong left behind was big and gorgeous, golden and shining, with dragons and phoenixes carved on the surface.

San Niu is tall and strong, with full muscles, shiny fur, and good-looking horns, and the golden carriage is just right.

It's just that Sanniu doesn't want to pull the cart.

Lu Tong forcibly put the carriage on.

San Niu made a fuss for a long time, and only allowed Lu Tong to ride alone, especially not Er Hu.

In the end, Dahan and Erhu, one on the left and one on the right, accompanied Sanniu in front.

Dian Si'er took his sisters and bought another puppet car.

inside the carriage.

Behind, there is a coffin engraved with formations.

On the left and right, there are piles of local treasures, natural materials and earth treasures in the intercepting lake.

Lu Tong sat cross-legged in the center, with many Dharma doors in front of him.

Liaoshan tiger, step on the dragon, capture the eagle, the tiger roars the mountains.

Five-color mandrill, cirrus cloud, tearing wind, cloud sword and wind knife.

Mountain Egg Thunder Demon, Purple Lightning Thousand-striped Snake.

In addition, there are also insights from "Secret Demon Fate of the Body", He Fei's Star Luo Stake, and Feng Xiong's trading of the Wind Snake Technique.

There is no shortage of methods and enough money.

Returning to Yunying City this time, I will lie dormant for a few years with peace of mind and lay a solid foundation.


Whale boats, day and night.

After several days, they finally arrived at the pier of Donghaizong.

"Boss, do we sell the boat? They only give 500 taels of silver?"


"Boss, I disassembled the magical artifact on the boat and sold it for an extra 300 taels."


Drive along the avenue, day and night.

After walking for two days.

Outside the carriage, the white mist was thin and the wind was blowing.

"Ghost fog blocks the way, detour!"

"Follow up, don't fall behind!"

Lu Tong looked at Bai Wu through the window, and looked away after a while.

What happened on Qianxue Mountain back then is vivid in my mind.

The real corpses are all over the mountain.

Compared with the ghost fog, the fighting on the gambling table is like a child's trick.

Now, not yet.

Walked for nearly ten days.

Finally arrived outside Hukou Pass.

Lu Tong stood on the bullock cart and looked towards Guankou.

The sharp stone pillars are uneven.

He has mixed feelings.

It's back again.

Since practicing, he has made a fortune several times, but it seems that they are all outside the pass.

Inside the pass, the major families have deep roots, and there is no room for outsiders to intervene.

If he stayed in Yunying City all the time, he probably wouldn't even have enough money to build the foundation.

Jing Xin flew into a hall above the pass.

After a while, the gate was released, and the vehicle was put into the gate without inspection.

After entering the customs, the huge convoy dispersed one after another.

Most of them headed east to Yiyezong's residence.

Lu Tong and others continued to sail towards the city.

outside the city gate.

He got off the bullock cart, looked up, and couldn't help frowning: "Is Yunying City so short?"

In my impression, Yunying City is a big city.

The city is high and there are many people.

When I came back this time, I saw the city wall again, but found that it was much shorter than I remembered.

Nine feet high, khaki.

The city gate is completely open, only two feet wide.

It's not as good as the Flying Crown Immortal Ship, and it's even worse than Worry-free Mountain.

Dian Si'er asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, let's go."

Lu Tong shook his head.

It's not that the city wall is short, it's that it's "tall".

I have never seen a high mountain, but when I meet Baizhang Mountain, I feel majestic.

Having seen the real mountain, looking back at the top of the mountain again, I naturally feel that it is low and short.

After entering the city.

From a distance, I saw the signboard and the five characters "Liang Yao Tea Tavern" on it.

Lu Tong smiled unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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