Chapter 167 Bai Qing'er


Chu Tianxiu's sharp eyes quickly recognized the "white jade beauty" who was offered a reward from the scroll held by the person who was talking. Who is it?
Even though the appearance on the picture scroll intentionally reduced Houhou's appearance by six or seven points, making her look less thrilling than her real appearance, and can only be called a beauty, but after all, her physical characteristics described a person perhaps.

However, on top of the reward order, the most eye-catching thing is not the beauty on the painting, but the huge bounty of 100 million taels of silver under the portrait.

After Chu Tianxiu saw this arrest warrant, he immediately understood the origin of this Tianxialou.

Especially after Chu Tianxiu entered this Tianxialou, he found that this place was just as he thought, it was a pure Jianghu intermediary.

The intermediary tasks in Tianxialou are very complicated. There are some rewards of varying amounts, which are used to arrest thieves, flower pickers, underworld masters, etc. The most, and the rewards are extremely rich, are some missions from the Money League to recruit people to go overseas.

Generally speaking, these tasks are roughly divided into seven levels according to the rewards of the tasks. The first level tasks are the simplest, and the rewards are all below 50 taels of silver, the second level tasks are more than 50 taels, the third level is more than 500 taels, and the fourth level is 3000 taels Above, above 1 taels for level five, above 10 taels for level six, and above 50 taels for level seven.

According to the level division, the reward for capturing Houhou is undoubtedly the highest level reward task, and parallel with this task, there are also the assassination of Fu Cailin, the master of Yijian, the assassination of Gao Yuan, the king of Goguryeo, the search for Heshibi, and the location of Yanggong's treasure house For the four missions, the reward amount is more than one million taels of silver.

This special organization similar to the mercenary union in the previous life novels is familiar to Chu Tianxiu, but at the same time, he can't help but feel a little helpless. It makes him deeply feel that the strange knowledge in his head is indeed a A kind of "knowledge poison", even if he just said it casually, it may infect the world with his color.

"Qing'er, you gave me a big surprise!"

Chu Tianxiu looked at the organizational structure of the world building with great interest, then climbed up floor by floor, and walked to a main hall on the upper floor of the attic, where he saw the man lying on the chopping board writing The boss of Tianxialou, who was writing quickly, said with a light smile.

Bai Qing'er, who was lying on the side of the desk, was startled when she heard the words, she couldn't help showing a murderous aura and murderous intent, so that the color of her jade hands, which were already fair at first, suddenly turned into a color like human bones. Pale.

When she raised her head and saw Chu Tianxiu's appearance, a flash of surprise and panic flashed in her eyes, and then she cheered in a voice of surprise and joy:
"Young master! You are back!"

While talking, Bai Qing'er immediately rushed over, throwing herself at Chu Tianxiu like a baby swallow returning to her nest, she threw herself into Chu Tianxiu's arms tightly, and even rubbed her hard.

"Well, I'm back! Hey, I haven't seen Qing'er for a long time, I miss you so much! Probably only when I'm here with Qing'er can I feel the taste of martial arts!" Chu Tianxiu said with emotion.

"It's Qing'er Sansheng's fortune to be favored by the young master—"

At the beginning, Bai Qing'er was still happy in her heart, and subconsciously recovered her soft voice, but when she remembered the content of Chu Tianxiu's words, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and stopped talking halfway.

For a moment, Bai Qing'er felt a little baffled, and almost doubted whether Chu Tianxiu had said something wrong, but at the same time, she couldn't help thinking wildly, worrying about what Chu Tianxiu was going to do.

She naturally didn't know that Chu Tianxiu's words really came from the bottom of his heart.

Ever since Chu Tianxiu made his debut, where has he encountered any luck or chance, what he encountered was all bad intentions and calculations, which made him have to walk on eggshells all the time, almost like a little "welfare" in martial arts novels, Never enjoyed it.

Over the years, the only one who helped him satisfy his imagination of the beautiful martial arts world and allowed him to fully enjoy the treatment of the protagonist in the martial arts world was Bai Qing'er.

For nothing else, Chu Tianxiu had to support Bai Qing'er just because of this point.

"Qing'er, you are so kind to me! In order to help me catch that Goryeo girl, you have spent so much effort, and even copied the mercenary union that I mentioned when I was bored. ! These days, I really suffer from you!"


Bai Qing'er originally had a complicated and perfect reason in her heart, which could not only explain her original intention of building this Tianxialou, but also make Chu Tianxiu happily hand over this Tianxialou to her without making a show. disposal.But she didn't expect that Chu Tianxiu handed over the ladder directly when she obviously didn't do anything, letting her already prepared fists hit all the empty spaces.

This time, Bai Qing'er was completely confused!So much so that the nonsense that had been prepared was suddenly stuck in her throat, and she couldn't speak it out, so that she stammered and said:
"Qing'er, Qing'er doesn't work hard, it's my biggest wish to be able to share my worries and repay your kindness."

"Alright then, Qing'er, keep up the good work! No matter how much you pay, you have to take down that witch! After wrapping it up, throw it whole on my bed and be my concubine!"

Chu Tianxiu's voice was full of teasing and joking, as if this was just a flirty affair, but his eyes at this moment were piercing, without any romance.

"Don't worry, my lord. I, this world building, was originally prepared to help you capture that demon girl. You will definitely get what you want in ten years at the most."

After a look of both surprise and joy appeared on Bai Qing'er's face, she couldn't help but took a deep look at Chu Tianxiu, as if she wanted to remember Chu Tianxiu's appearance deeply in her heart before she spoke slowly.

Among smart people, there is no need to say too much, the truth is in the words.

Generally speaking, none of the Jianghu people who can gain fame and status in the Jianghu is a fool, so if one day, he suddenly becomes stupid and does something stupid, it will not be that he is really stupid, but there are enough reasons And necessary, let him deliberately pretend to be confused.

Since Chu Tianxiu didn't reveal her identity directly, and instead let her continue to be in charge of Tianxialou, which has transformed into a behemoth, it was an important statement.

"My good senior sister, this time, I finally have the money to fight with you—"

(End of this chapter)

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