Marvel Magic Event Book

Chapter 738 Trouble

Chapter 738 Trouble (second update)
His passion for mortal experiences is no secret to many who do know him well.

He is keen to enjoy everything, but at the same time he is extremely demanding on himself when facing responsibilities, which is like a spiral of contradictions, often at the two extremes of complete relaxation and ruthlessness.However, for those who knew him better, it was just the difference between opening the stigmata, and there was nothing surprising about it.Most people like him in his mortal state, but even without the stigmata, his character itself is quite contradictory—it is quite incomprehensible that humor and harshness, incomprehension and empathy can happen to one person at the same time , no one knows when he will say a word that is enough to pierce the heart and lungs.The extremely rich language library allows him to always start from some extremely small details, using the first language of others to unleash terrible mental violence on the other party. To understand those languages, he even needs to bear in the complicated and incomprehensible local customs. The suffering that comes with the arduous trek.

In the eyes of many people, he is different, but if you haven't read this book, you may see him as a tyrant who is uncertain, an ascetic who loves to torture himself, and a man who devotes himself to the pursuit of justice. A monarch paid by the human race, an unkind, fair and just king, etc., just like there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people-who is Hamlet, you ask?It was a playwright named Shakespeare who lived in the first millennium.The Palace Library has Shakespeare's manuscripts, alongside plastic robot toys.You youngsters should really be reading more instead of wandering around on those boring little planets trying to take down some aliens locked up in zoos.

In any case, he is actually quite likable without the stigmata.

I mean, when it's not about work.It's hard to imagine, right?
I know this book has been banned, you ask why I was not arrested by the Janissaries representing Glory, why do I know so much?Of course it was because I had stood next to him and withstood his punches and curses.Could prison be more terrible than his fist?I don't think so, at least here I can fight back and get away with it, that's why I'm in this prestigious position.I know some people will misunderstand.No, no matter how noble a position is, I will not miss the prison. I was beaten only because he thought there were some "false" contents in this book, such as his female fate and so on.

There's no denying that he's quite a charming guy.Tall, strong, with this pretty face.

You asked me his name?Won't you look up, you idiot!
[Excerpt from the published interview of "Memoirs of the Deacon of Karma Taj: The Beginning and End of the Secret Law", "Daily Mail" Issue 620, written in [-]]

[Breaking news: Our reporter reported that according to the investigation, the reporter of "Daily Mail" was found to be an alien spy and has been arrested by the Ministry of Justice.Loyal citizens of the empire, beware of the extraterrestrial and alien lackeys around you!Report suspicious phenomena to the Legal Department in a timely manner!Boltguns are good for mental health! 】

"You promised me that there will be a child named Malik in the future."

"Yes, but not now and not in this way."

There is an astonishing forty centimeter gap between Stephanie's height and Salomon's, but this does not prevent him from admiring the swimsuit traces that Stephanie worked so hard to expose to the risk of skin cancer.According to Stephanie herself, she needs to wear a lot of sunscreen when doing this difficult job, and she needs someone to water her regularly to prevent her from dying from hyperthermia.

"It's like watering flowers." Salomon commented.He could picture rows of women in bathing suits sprawled out on the beach in the hot sun, and someone patrolling them with a watering can and watering them.Maybe someone would expect something to grow on the beach, but in fact only sunglasses and forgotten slippers will be dug up.

"It's a private beach, and the Malik family has a seaside manor there. I also have a servant, a female college student who was handed over by a lower-level family. But the hard work is worth it, isn't it?" She boldly asked The mystic shows his body while not forgetting to remind the traces that time has brought to certain places.This is the only place where she agrees with her father, that she is approaching the limit of her gestational age, and it is time to think about it for the Malik family.

"We can solve cancer."

"You know that's not what you're talking about!" She had seen the mystic master's ability to pretend to be stupid, "Don't tell me you want to pass genetic engineering?"

"Maybe, but not all of them." Salomon shrugged, "I don't know if I can conceive a child with a mortal woman!"

Angrily, Stephanie put on a gorgeous crimson gown with gold ornaments that belonged to Salomon, and left the original clothes behind, and she just wore a dress as thin as a nightgown, with no ties. No.Without waiting for Salomon to stop him (in fact, he didn't, he was just pretending), the head of the interior department ran back to his room angrily with flashing gold lights and high heels.

The artificial man in charge of security coughed twice, then swallowed his opinion under Salomon's eyes, with an exaggerated expression like a third-rate actor in a second-rate theater.He would not allow himself to be surrounded by a group of noisy and stupid girls, he just glanced at the artificial man in charge of security issues, and made a gesture of closing his mouth. As for what the girl was thinking, whether he promised to keep it secret, Salomon didn't have time to find out, and he didn't think the androids would disobey his orders.He fell straight through the portal into the wine cellar of his own manor, knocked over a pile of toys that the Cheshire cat hid here, disturbed Pegasus who was trying to bite the cork with his teeth, and made the dark wine The cellar is full of chattering toy balls running around, giant mechanical fish stuffed with cotton and staring dead fish eyes, and feathers all over the sky.

"Master!" Dinah appeared in the wine cellar like a ghost.She stepped aside Pegasus who ran out of the wine cellar in a panic, skillfully kicked away the robotic fish bouncing towards her, appeared in front of Salomon accurately, and reached out to catch him coat.Apparently, the moment he opened the portal, the psychic network among the androids let Dana know where Salomon had landed.

"Let me enjoy playing games for a day." He said, "Remember to bring back the alchemy golem when the time comes, I want to see what class I have today."

"You let the alchemy golem replace you in class again." Dinah said dryly, "Today Tony Stark called, and he seems to need to find you."

"Then let him keep looking for me, have you ever seen me call someone back?"

"The next is a message from the Witch to you. 'Honey, can you do me a favor?', the specifics are as follows: Prepare two dresses, your adoptive mother Athena seems to want to have a drinking party, so the two Witches They all need a classy dress."

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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