Marvel Magic Event Book

Chapter 585 The Battle of the Lone Bridge

Chapter 585 The Battle of the Lonely Bridge (Second Change! Earning Cat Food Money!)

"I thought you were already here!" Jacob's voice came from the intercom.Since the distance is really far, we can only rely on the drone as a signal relay station, so the sound interference is a bit serious during the conversation.But even so, Salomon could still hear the relief in his voice.After Salomon and Catherine's team rushed all the way, the forces of the Undead Legion spontaneously shrunk to the top of the mountain, which also led to an acceleration of the rearward advance.

"Do you want to come and witness this scene with your own eyes, Jacob?" Salomon squinted his eyes, looking at the crowd of undead legions ahead through the strong wind and snow on the top of the mountain.The dead couldn't stop him, but it would have been time consuming to clean up without a bolter.Considering the ammunition reserves, Salomon took out a fireball wand, added super magic skills, and added some Salomon's personal aesthetics, which exploded quite nicely.

"I don't mind at all, and I think it's necessary." After a few clicks of the walkie-talkie, Jacob's voice became clearer. "The [Sacred Source] has changed a little bit, and I still haven't figured out why. If it wasn't for the [Sacred Source] change, I don't think my alchemy would have led to such consequences." He said with a smile, "Perhaps I can say that this is entirely due to the instability of your alchemy products?"

"That's the Philosopher's Stone, Jacob. Did you transmute it into gold?"

"Otherwise how the city was built, the refugees don't have the gold to paint the statues."

"So, my product is not bad." Salomon said with a happy expression.From this point of view, in the future, he really has a chance to make the touchstone.That was a coveted treasure in the field of alchemy, enough to make him famous in the magic world of multiple dimensions.The battle ahead is not too difficult for him. Salomon, who has experienced many big scenes, has already formed his own fighting skills.He asked Catherine and her team members to wait where they were, and then he used fade and levitate techniques to reach the only solitary bridge leading to the room of souls.The undead legion has set up a defense here - the soldiers in the front are wearing armor, holding shields, long swords, and halberds, while those in the back row are carrying quiver bags and holding longbows tightly.The dry flesh and blood on their faces is enough to prove that [Holy Source] has tortured them. There is no blood in their shriveled veins, and what drives them is the burning soul.Their tactics are completely the tactics of the ancient cold weapon period. If Salomon's technological level is also at the level of the Middle Ages, the Undead Legion might still be able to stop him.

He chanted a spell softly, and several black gelatinous tentacles protruding from the shadow blocked the retreat of the undead army. The dark shadow extended to the soldiers' feet, rolling up and squeezing the bowmen in the back row.Taking advantage of the fact that the undead army could not retreat and had not found his location, Salomon uttered the next incantation.A pool of black sludge formed in the middle of the formation. Except for some soldiers who reacted quickly and did not carry shields, everyone fell on the slippery asphalt without any surprise.Only then did Salomon call the sisterhood to activate the steel wings, take off from the unfinished dome of the lecture hall 20 meters below, and fall from the sky like a meteorite, smashing hard in front of the barely disrupted battle formation of the Undead Legion department.

Catherine's team specializes in melee combat. Although they don't reject the use of long-range firepower, they prefer the thrill of chainswords slashing at enemies rather than the roar of bolters.Especially for enemies wearing armor, in Catherine's mind, there is no better scene than the rapidly spinning sawtooth cutting through the steel and the flesh underneath.

Salomon couldn't figure out what happened to Catherine's alchemy engine, but he was still happy to see such a change.

"Make room for Daddy, girls." Salomon stretched out his palm wearing the ring, a chain of lightning jumped between the armor of the undead army, and the flesh and blood under the armor gave off a scorched stench.The soldiers who had died many times were very experienced in combat, and they could tell at a glance that Salomon was the most dangerous one.With their halberds upright, they charged Salomon and the girls along the long bridge.

Then there was a burst of gunshots, and the halberd soldiers of the Undead Legion fell down like knights in the musket era.

A 12-inch caliber bolter has a louder gunshot than a pistol of the same caliber, and its charge is comparable to that of a rifle bullet. In addition, the internal mechanical structure of the bullet and the charge composition are far ahead of the times. The 7mm bolter has unparalleled stopping and penetrating power (meaning blasting).If it weren't for the help of power armor, it would be difficult for ordinary people to use this extremely violent burst firearm.

Catherine took out the pistol that had been hanging around her waist with a displeased face.She raised the gun, took aim, and waited a moment.Accompanied by the sound of violent expansion of the air, a straight blue plasma with a high temperature like the sun violently smashed out a passage full of ozone, molten iron and burnt meat smells in the dense crowd.

She glanced enviously at the bolter in her companion's hand, then sighed helplessly.Same reason she chose the chainsword over the force field sword, she didn't think it was loud enough, not big enough.As a squad leader, she must carry a weapon capable of breaching defenses, a firearm that a bolter cannot match.As a weapon that was recently installed in the Immortal City, the Wakanda Science Department has put a lot of effort into this technology, which has improved the structure of the plasma gun and reduced the failure rate.

The artificial people advanced steadily, and at the same time, the undead legionnaires who were scattered around the lost city before and killed by the combat team were also reborn from the soul chamber.They didn't have time to put on their armor, so they picked up simple weapons and rushed towards Salomon and Catherine's combat team.As they struggled to suppress the onslaught of the ever-reborn army of the undead, the hum of engines piercing through the clouds came from far and near.An assault transport boat with a cannon on each side of the nose climbed up from the mountain at full speed, then turned its nose with incredible maneuverability, and dived towards the isolated bridge.

The rear hatch of the assault transport boat slowly opened, and a five-member combat team with heavy firepower jumped out.They reached the top position of Catherine's team very tacitly.Their power armor locked into position, steel heels pinned them in place, motors began to hum, five heavy bolter machine guns linked to belts and ammo packs slung at their waists, at the moment when Catherine's team ran out of ammunition. A moment later took over the fire.Metal storms and small implosions, which were exponentially denser than before, swept across the entire bridge. The deafening gunfire even cracked the ice on the building, and miniature avalanches continued to occur.

Even the power of [Sacred Source] cannot immediately regenerate soldiers. It takes time to burn the soul to build the body.When the heavy fire team let go of the trigger, there was no longer a single complete body on the isolated bridge, and there were so many piles of stumps and damaged armor that the bridge deck was covered with stone bricks layer upon layer.

"Since I have you, I feel that I am redundant."

"Please don't say that, Monarch. Human beings cannot be compared with machines." Although wearing a helmet, Aura's gentle voice still reached Salomon's ears through encrypted network communication.Except for the first artificial human Dinah, Salomon did not interfere too much in the growth process of all other artificial humans. He only set the lower limit value when cultivating them. All are subtly different.

Just like Biola, no one knows why the breastplate of her power armor needs to be specially customized.This gentle artificial man is often stationed at the door of Salomon's office, and his usual work is similar to Salomon's life assistant in the Immortal City.Apart from Tita, she also had more contact with Dana than any artificial human. The witch also knew the name of this artificial human who had to hand over work with Dana every day.

"Everyone activates the steel wings, and we go straight into the chamber of souls. Speed ​​up and don't let those unlucky ones come back to life." Salomon said with a smile, "I can't wait to unwrap the present."

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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