Marvel Magic Event Book

Chapter 532 2 Old Guy

Chapter 532 Two Old Guys (Part [-])
He was a charming old fellow, tall and slender, with a mildness to his face lined with wrinkles.Just like his voice, his eyes are equally gentle. Surrounding him are not only sexy girls with hair curly on their shoulders, but also neatly dressed, serious men.Like his inappropriate attire, the topics he talks about are out of place in a rowdy nightclub.

To these men and women he told of his travels, of the mysteries he had encountered in foreign lands.He was very polite, even in the face of doubts, he never raised his tone, but used an unusually gentle tone to resolve the other party's doubts.He talks about the quality of brandy, about the regions where the wine is produced, about the paintings in the Louvre, about the sanctity and corruption in the paintings of the Baroque Spanish painter Valdez Leal in Seville, about Weird, misshapen magical dwarfs by Spanish purple and gold noir artist Ribera.He talked about French symbolist painter Gustave Moreau's obsession with myths, compared the depravity of Rome with modern materialistic desires, and sent out moral torture from the heart to everyone.

He is so persuasive and discovering, often commenting on things from a perspective that others cannot see.He can find beauty in rotten sludge and ugliness in vigorous life.His voice quietly passed through the loud music, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of each listener. For those girls who were close to him, he was a funny person-he would praise the girls who changed their hairstyles today, he would praise Their makeup and posture, he said they were as noble as the court ladies of Louis XIV.He seemed much younger to them as they were dazzled by the flood of praise.

After pointing at everything in the secular world, he turned the topic to the unknown and mysterious realm.The audience excitedly awaited his speech.

He spoke of the greatest alchemical mysteries of nature, the red lion, known to none but Hermes and the great Albert.It is a very difficult substance to make, and it needs two very coordinated and skilled alchemists to complete it together.He claims that in [-] some natural tincture buried in southern Bavaria seeped into the soil, and people called it a miracle, and a church was built on that land; Reese Bryan, a court physician, experimented with the effects of potions, and turned old hens back into chicks; he spoke of the ancient alchemists' belief in the spontaneous origin of life, saying that a man named Emil Bestny A book called "The Sphinx" written by the author records in detail that Count Johann Ferdinand von Kufstein made experiments with living creatures with souls in Tyrol in [-].He claimed that modern science is staggering on the path that alchemy once walked, and that modern humans will one day use modern tools and technology to reproduce the mysterious achievements of the past.

When he was talking about the mysterious Rosicrucian Society, Dave, who had been waiting for a long time, finally couldn't bear to interrupt him.

"Dave." The old guy smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and introduced him to the girl beside him without any explanation.Somehow, Dave felt that the old guy seemed much younger than when he first met him.He was like falling into a dream, and he was still a little dizzy, and he couldn't believe what he had experienced.

"This is my student, and the mysterious knowledge he has learned is what those charlatans have dreamed of all their lives." Under the curious eyes of everyone, the old guy announced loudly to him. "But he's a nerd!" His palms gripped Dave's shoulders tightly like iron pliers, making it impossible for Dave to escape, and pain and embarrassment flooded his cheeks.Everyone laughed in good faith, making Dave swallow the dissatisfaction again.He really couldn't lose his temper in front of so many people, his shyness was enough to overwhelm everything.The old guy pushed him forward, and at the same time pushed a glass of strong drink into his hand, "Time to show him the beauty of life, ladies."

Somehow Dave felt like the old guy was getting younger.

"If you want me to say, Merlin is a troublemaker. Compared with him, Loki is just a child." Odin poked a piece of meat steak with a knife, biting recklessly, the meat juice dripped on his gray beard, which angered Fu Li Jia rolled her eyes.But he didn't care at all, and continued to comment on the former supreme mage who always caused trouble in the tone of an elder teaching a junior.Odin snorted a few times in dissatisfaction, until Frigga patted the table angrily, then he put down the meat and switched to using the knife and fork. "The troublemaker has no conscience," said the All-Father. "He is a projection of human emotions, like a mirror. He is a half-breed nightmare who feeds on the emotions of his dreams."

"eat vegetable!"

The All-Father hesitated for a moment, but still inserted a piece of mushroom.Frigg nodded in satisfaction.

"If you want me to say, the current supreme mage is better." As the existence of the father of the gods who fought with Agamotto, no matter what he said, Salomon had to listen carefully. "Although Agamotto is also a nagging guy, and Gu Yi has a bad temper, it's better than Merlin who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement!" Odin seemed to be thinking of the troubles Merlin caused in the past, and he felt a little He couldn't be more angry, "He even tricked me into playing with the Eternal Spear!"

Salomon coughed frantically, and Stephanie, who was standing behind him, quickly handed him a glass of water.

Frigga narrowed her eyes and looked at the girl who was inseparable from Salomon.She didn't want Salomon to introduce this mortal, but she could see how delicate the clothes on Stephanie's body were, and her movements were full of politeness and education.Frigga didn't plan to speak until she figured out the identity of this mortal.What caught the queen's attention was the magic jewelry on Stephanie's chest - judging by the magical aura and years of experience in casting spells, the delicate silver chain inlaid with sapphires was immune to disease, but the queen found that the amulet was full of Kama Taj The style is obviously made by Salomon himself.

At first Stephanie didn't know why Salomon brought her to Finland, but after the previous conversation, she also knew that this is not the place for her to talk.Although she had known for a long time that her boss had something special, she never thought that Salomon was so familiar with Odin, and she only now knew that the organization Salomon belonged to was actually connected with Asgard.

On the surface of this conversation, Salomon agreed that Stephanie had access to some unknown truths.

It made her tremble with excitement.

Gideon Malik told her that the United States and the World Security Council once questioned the threat of Asgard. Nick Fury, who was still the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Projecting power as an interstellar force is unstoppable for humans, and according to the information he has obtained - the source of the information is kept secret, but Stephanie now knows that it is Salomon - the Rainbow Bridge is a star-destroying weapon, and its technological level is far beyond Human beings are just the weakest civilization in the universe.And historically, Earth seems to be a vassal of Asgard.

Those words were a knock on the proud and complacent forehead of the United States.But even so, the United States has not changed much. Even after the Battle of New York, New York City was not blocked to avoid the leakage of alien viruses.Some politicians also chanted the slogan of "peaceful development with aliens" for votes, which has almost become one of the slogans of political correctness, just like "surrounding", "gender equality" and "prohibition of racial discrimination".There are endless alien cults among the people, and some people even hope that the Asgardians will rule the earth and overthrow the government.

Stephanie despised those guys severely in her heart.

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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