Marvel Magic Event Book

Chapter 492 I am the Nine-Headed Snake

Chapter 492 I am the Hydra ([-])
"Nick Fury was brutally murdered. But any reasonable person would regard him as a martyr rather than a traitor!" Alexander Pierce spoke eloquently while standing in the office.He was attractive, with his bushy short blond hair, old-fashioned round eyes, crisp gray suit and demeanor believable as an effective politician.

There was no suspicion on his face, as if he had not instructed his men to kill Nick Fury.Alexander Pierce did a good job of showing a little burnt-out, leading the WSC to decide that he, too, wanted to delay InSight.

"Do you know why he's a traitor?" Director Powell Booth's hologram, grimly showing the reflection of his bald head, looks like he's in his office right now.Pierce remembered that there was a window behind Director Powell Booth, and the Washington sunlight would stream in. "He actually sent mercenaries to hijack his own ship!"

The World Security Council is full of bureaucrats. He has already taken this position in the era when handwritten reports are required. Dealing with bureaucrats is what Alexander Pierce is best at.The death of Nick Fury this time is also a good article material. For example, the news that "Nick Fury hired pirates to hijack the Star of SHIELD Lemuria" was revealed through the inside line installed by the World Security Council. Be vague in the report to those bureaucrats, and those stupid pigs will think they have a big advantage for S.H.I.E.L.D.

They'll investigate on their own until they find the cookie that Alexander Pierce left them.Everything they investigated was the truth, that Nick Fury did hire pirates to hijack SHIELD ships and force the council to delay the launch of Insight.Now that Nick Fury is dead, dead people can't speak, and all hats can be pinned on him.And due to the adverse effects of the attack on the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Washington, D.C., the World Security Council will take the initiative to push the insight plan online-they only know that they must agree with what Nick Fury opposes, and they must agree with what Nick Fury agrees with It must be opposed, just like the freak party he organized.

Just a bunch of pigs.

Director Singer agreed with this statement and explained to Alexander Pierce the consequences of Nick Fury's actions.

"Do you want me to take the blame and resign?" asked Alexander Pierce.He tried not to look like he cared, but he really didn't.He has bigger plans than a job at the US State Department. "I happen to carry a pen and paper with me."

"We will discuss this matter later." Hawley, the only female member of the council, prevented the debate from slipping into the abyss of unreasonable quarrels.So far, all the plans are working as Alexander Pierce envisioned, forcing the council to make a choice and play its cards.

"We've discussed it, Mr. Secretary General." Director Powell Booth smiled victoriously. "The board has made a decision to restart the Insight Project immediately. If you want to shout, do it now."

Alexander Pierce tried not to smile.


"You're too conspicuously dressed, too British." Agent Natasha Romanov gestured her fingers up and down, "You should know that Americans don't wear such formal suits, right? We're going to a crowded place Dodged arrest, and now you look like you're going to a prom."

"I don't have T-shirts and hoodies in my wardrobe. It's true. I've never worn them. Do you want to see me in a robe?" Salomon was quite satisfied, even the black widow didn't know his wardrobe what's in it.He never wears clothes that would be arrested or even shot directly outside. This is his little hobby, and SHIELD will not know the scale of the anonymous pictures he posted on the Internet.Thanks to his oil painting skills over the years, no fan should respectfully call him a teacher.

"I won't be walking with you," he said. "I have classes, ladies and gentlemen, or I wouldn't be here today. Nick Fury died yesterday."

"Where are you going?" Steve Rogers asked.

"This matter is not that simple, Rogers." Salomond had no choice but to find a legitimate reason for his actions. "My spell can kill a lot of people, and the guns in their hands are just toys to me." He paused for a moment, as if wanting to give his companions time to prepare themselves, "but I can't do that Well, I can't bring magic into mortal disputes, at least not directly, it's not allowed. I have to obey the commandments, this is not an extermination level event like New York or London where the secular governments cannot resist alien invasion. In Kama Taj's view this is nothing more than a change of power between secular governments, it doesn't make much sense, it will die out sooner or later anyway. So my weapons are only these two knives, and Dinah's gun, what I can do Very limited."

"You don't know what you have in the USB flash drive, do you?" Agent Romanov keenly sensed that Salomon was not at all interested in this USB flash drive containing key information.She told him that it was copied from the Star of Lemuria. "What do you know? Or, what can you reveal?"

Salomon glanced at her.This woman was too clever, and she broke part of his pretense.But he is still very happy, because he really needs a talent like Natasha Romanov. The Immortal City has not enough manpower, and the formation of the intelligence department and the training of assassins are imminent.Out of respect for the artificial people, he will not add more artificial people for the time being, but if he fails to complete this recruitment, he must do so.

Every material in alchemy exudes the fragrance of gold, and Salomon's gold reserves are not so much.The alchemy laboratory next to the biological laboratory is the most expensive item in the Immortal City. Other items can be carried out by burning dollars, and these two items cost real gold, plus Palasu The short sword of Celsus.

"I think you'll always have a way of knowing what's in it." His tone sounded like a prophecy, "And I'm going to protect the vital forces of S.H.I.E.L.D.."

It's just that it doesn't say whose pocket it's going to go in, he thought.

"Now that Nick Fury is dead, the lives of many loyal agents will definitely be threatened. We need their help to sort out the ins and outs of this matter and dig out all the conspiracies." Salomon said, "This matter does not rely on One or two people can do it, we need help."

Even Agent Romanov had to admit it was a good idea. "Who are you going to find?"

"Agent Victoria Hand, Level [-]," Salomon said, "I trust her ability."

By the time Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers saw him again, they were in a completely different situation.And Salomon just ended his conversation with the person he wanted to see. "You know everything?" Steve Rogers stared at Salomon and the person lying on the hospital bed angrily, "You too!"

"There are very few people I can trust, Captain." Even though he was seriously injured and lying on the hospital bed, Nick Fury still had sufficient dialectical thinking and language skills.He had just made a deal with Salomon, a deal that only he, Salomon, and Agent Hill knew about.


After several hours of sailing, an assault transport boat painted dark black slowly approached an aircraft carrier floating on the ocean.This aircraft carrier is a mobile base of S.H.I.E.L.D., and several S.H.I.E.L.D. executives are located on this aircraft carrier—they already knew about the attack on Nick Fury. No one believed it, including my comrades in arms.The atmosphere on the aircraft carrier was very solemn, and after receiving the news from Washington, DC, fighting broke out on the aircraft carrier immediately.

The assault transport boat removed its camouflage, and then swaggered down onto the deck of the aircraft carrier.A dazed-looking Agent Victoria Hand emerges under the protection of the Sisterhood.

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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