Marvel Magic Event Book

Chapter 485 Stage Examination

Chapter 485 Phase Examination (Second Change)

Both Yog-Sothoth and Visandi are suzerains who advocate knowledge, and many believers who worship these two true gods are to obtain knowledge and truth.This is also a major reason why Salomon will never fall into Dormammu's trap, not only because of the protection of the Venerable, but also because Salomon really doesn't think much of the knowledge Dormammu used to seduce him ( In the wizarding world, knowledge and power are synonymous).

White magic is provided by The Book of Visander, and black magic can be obtained through the silver key and Randolph Carter's note.Not to mention the magic knowledge in the stigmata, he has never lacked anything in the inheritance of magic in his life.

He grew up in knowledge since he was a child, so when Salomon tried to teach the Maximov siblings at the speed he used to learn, they showed the reactions that normal people should have.Not surprisingly, the two of them suffered from information anxiety syndrome. This kind of mental illness can only be caused by huge information pollution. Normal adults who deal with high-traffic information.

This is unbelievable for Salomon, who has used the high information pollution spell [Scholar's Touch] to read since childhood, and has been polluted by stigmata information since childhood. He can even read the uncompressed files sent by Yog-Sothoth. Accept, this bit of knowledge is really nothing.

But not even scalding hot tea could calm Pietro's dizziness.Salomon has no superpowers, so he can only teach through scientific methods.For example, Little Lorna's magnetic field ability can be used to control the conductor to cut the magnetic field lines to generate current, and the current regenerates a magnetic field to move, and Little Lorna is currently busy with calculating how to use her super power to create a portable Railgun.

Even though little Lorna looks no different from a bad girl, her grades in school are among the best.When she was about to enter high school, Athena planned to send her to a private girls' school.Salomon also suggested that Lorna could make a super-large robot to fight for herself, so that she could become a stand-in messenger.

Like Lorna Jr., Pietro's primary field of study is physics, and Salomon has him learn about his superpowers of haste and the effects of his acceleration on his surroundings and himself.Combined with the physical examination report provided by the Hydra researchers, Salomon was able to easily know the physical parameters of the Maximov siblings and infer some key data.

Pietro learns much faster than Wanda in the field of science, because he can read and think quickly with his own speed, which is similar to the Flash next door, but he is not as fast as exaggerated.As for the application of abilities, according to Salomon's test, Pietro surpassed the speed of sound with ease.At that speed, even a piece of paper can be extremely sharp.

"Attention! There is an exam tomorrow! Pietro, your exam subject is physics. Wanda, your exam is practical training." Salomon's words made the Maximovs feel suffocated. "The scope of the questions includes today's teaching content. As long as you can pass, you will have the opportunity to take a one-day trip to London, and I will pay for all the expenses." He raised his hands, as if he was happy for the Maximovs, " Especially you, girl, maybe you want to buy some nice clothes? Huh?"

Salomon blinked.Wanda needed new underwear, he could tell, but he didn't say so in order not to embarrass the girl.

This is a parenting problem, his subconscious behavior.While he drinks, fights, smokes, and swears, he's a genuinely polite gentleman who takes the other person's emotions into account to some degree.

Previously, Salomon was very dissatisfied with Wanda's behavior of smashing with magic power.But after his teaching, the girl finally learned to calculate carefully. If she blindly casts spells according to instinct and relying on her talent, then sooner or later Sithorn will settle the bills with her that she can't afford.

The gifts given by fate are secretly marked with a price, and Salomon knows that this sentence also applies to himself.

"When I send Pietro back, you can restore consciousness to the researcher outside. By the way, I am very satisfied with your progress." Salomon said.The Maximov brothers and sisters are not the only ones locked in this castle. Hydra researchers dream of replicating their conditions to other experimental subjects.Salomon wandered around there, only to find that many people have been driven crazy by those guys, and the only ones who can touch the Soul Stone without any injuries are the Maximov brothers and sisters.

The Avengers do have a reason to level this place, but the embarrassing thing is that not everything can be shirked by Hydra, because this is an institution directly under the United States.The reason why the hydra here can get the mind stone scepter is because he is doing things for the government.

Just like American pharmaceutical companies, charitable foundations, and individuals who test unproven vaccines on people in third world countries, they use their geographical location here to avoid this domestic disadvantage in the United States.In the past it was taxation, human rights, media, now it is the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. or political enemies.With the outbreak of the Battle of New York, the mania for superpowers that had arisen in the United States in the 70s struck again, and the military and the CIA once participated in and even led some superpower experiments were also put on the agenda again.

Experiments such as telepathy, farsightedness, levitation, bending metal spoons, and even plans to use superpowers to control other countries.Most people don't have this talent, but there are a small number of people who are born with the ability to drop metal plates on the ground, and such people are unsurprisingly hunted down by the military, because the military wants to use these people to study Talk to the dead about such supernatural phenomena.

Athena's orphanage was established to shelter such children.So when people see American movies slandering other countries on the big screen, they must understand that some things are adapted from the United States based on its own experience.I've done it, and you'll do it too—this is the state of America, and reality is far more unbelievable than the movies.

Not to mention that in this messy universe, Salomon has a congress-led experimental base for children with superpowers.Although the fart has not been researched, they did abduct some "superpower children" from their homes and take them to the army for compulsory service.

Maybe spoons in the army need superpowers to straighten, who knows~
"What if they find out we're not here?" Pietro asked.

"Oh, that's not a big deal," said Salomon. "I can squeeze two snowmen out of the snow outside and they won't notice."

"Can I do it too?" Wanda asked.

"That's an alchemy subject, you're still far behind." The mystic said with a smile, "That's an advanced subject, wait until you can get A+ in your charm class, math class, and spell-casting gesture class. I forgot By the way, if you pass your exam tomorrow, you'll all get a little present, something you can't even buy in London."

"Is it a surprise?"

"I promise." Salomon nodded.

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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