Chapter 471 Fully automatic high-altitude collective shooting machine (second update)
What Salomon said to Stephanie was not an excuse, he was really, really busy.Because during this period of time, he needs to lead several fully armed artificial humans to follow the hundreds of suspected clues given by artificial intelligence.Mr. Finch and Mr. Reaser were too busy fighting black cops in New York City at this time to pursue these leads.

The task of tracking down these clues is very important. The artificial intelligence said that this is to track down an artificial intelligence with the same level of intelligence, and the most important step is to ensure that a man with a damaged brain who is under surveillance by the intelligence agency continues to lie on the ground. bed.It was difficult to gain untraceable access to the man under surveillance, but Salomon managed it.

Under the condition of ensuring that Harold Finch and Mr. Reese did not disrupt the situation, he personally confirmed the health status of Mr. Finch's old classmate without letting anyone see it, including his wife.

But there's more than that taking up spare time on his schedule, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury has been having a rough time lately.He invited Salomon to visit the Tricurve Wing headquarters building many times, but Salomon felt that he had bad intentions.The S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters was the AI's dead end, and it was sorry that it couldn't help.

Salomon doesn't blame it, but he's still concerned about the level of intelligence shown by the AI.

It just so happens that a sample of the macro cannon recently produced by Immortal City needs to be tested after adding a semi-automatic loading system.So when Salomon walked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, the muzzle of a giant cannon as tall as a man was aimed at Nick Fury's office under the cover of the woods. The sisterhood had already loaded the shells and was ready fire.

They don't worry about their master's safety at all, but that doesn't mean they won't use force against those who have ill will against their master.Because that was the most outrageous act of profanity, and no sorority member would condone that kind of behavior.

"I know what you've been chasing recently." Nick Fury was uncharacteristically generous, and he handed a pile of thick documents to the mystic.Perhaps the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was very happy that he could take advantage of intelligence, and he gave the answer without hesitation this time. "Samaritan," said Nick Fury. "The project you're chasing was stopped by Congress in 2005, and the code was destroyed. There's nothing left."

"Is this what you called me for?" Salomon looked like he was flipping through the document roughly, but he was actually using magic to read it in detail.Even if it is an unopened document, he can clearly understand every word on it.Under Nick Fury's puzzled gaze, he reached to the bottom of the pile of documents and pulled out a thin brown paper document bag.

"You can play bingo with this ability. Should I be glad that SHIELD didn't receive the alarm call from your casino?" Nick Fury said, "I invited you here for another thing. A It’s not important to develop an AI that fails, what matters is the idea of ​​this project, an AI that detects and predicts crimes, before they happen. What do you think about this project?”

"Usually if you ask for my opinion, it means that you are doing it. At least you are planning to do it, or you have already done it but no one knows." Salomon sat on the chair opposite the desk Come down, "I'm not a law student, I don't know much about computer technology, I study physics and astronomy. And when did S.H.I.E.L.D. care so much about the crime rate, isn't that what the police do?"

"SHIELD is..."

"Okay ok, skip. Do you remember the police strike in New York City? When the police left the streets, the crime rate in New York City dropped to an all-time low that day, even in black neighborhoods. It's gone." Salomon couldn't help but sneered at Nick Fury, "Maybe you should fire all the police, so crime won't happen."

"Speak the truth!"

"No problem. To enjoy safety, you must give up a certain amount of freedom. I am not a fool who has been brainwashed by democratic education, and I value freedom more than anything else." Salomon satirized many people, but Nick Foo Rui pretended not to hear. "Americans are concerned about crime and at the same time collectively oppose the installation of a camera network. Weak politicians worry about losing votes, so they only install cameras in rich areas, and the police refuse to police poor areas. So you can do whatever you want, because this The problem isn't solved by a machine that can predict crime, it's a problem with the social system, and nothing you do will help."

"Sorry, I didn't mean you, you are still very important." Salomon whispered to the vibrating mobile phone.

"Why are you talking on your phone?"

"Nothing." Salomon returned the document to Nick Fury, and then drank the hot tea brought by Agent Maria Hill.This female agent has always had a cold attitude towards Salomon, so it is really surprising that she will serve tea for guests this time. "I'll go if there's nothing else. You'll never meet anyone with a temper like mine in your life, Nick Fury."

"Are you sure you want to leave now?" The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. also stood up, "You already guessed what I did, don't you want to see the specific situation?"

"You mean, do you want to invite me to see your 'automatic high-altitude mass shooting machine'?" Salomon's teasing tone surprised Nick Fury, and he recalled Salomon's information again. advantages, and the consequences of this series of intelligence advantages.If the "automatic high-altitude collective shooting machine" in Salomon's mouth refers to the three sky carriers of the Insight Plan, even if Nick Fury is reluctant, he can only admit that this nickname is very vivid.

Damn prophecy, how does he know everything?

"Let's go, what are you waiting for?" Salomon stood up, "During the French Revolution, the guillotine designed by Louis XVI can only chop off forty or fifty heads a day, I believe your big guy must be more efficient. Come on, let me see how much wisdom is condensed on the guillotine of modern high technology."


"Mater, why are you so happy?" Through the connection between souls, Tita, who was following Salomon, felt that her master's mood was very strange.Since leaving the SHIELD Tricurved Wing headquarters, Salomon has been in a state of excitement.This is not only because the design of S.H.I.E.L.D. is perfectly in line with the multi-turret design of the large cannon, but also because Salomon has already planned in his mind how to deal with this part of the resources.

The Nazi faction of Hydra is the most developed of all Hydras.

Although the Malik family has gained political status, it is far inferior to these smugglers who actually own military-industrial enterprises in terms of resources.Whether it is resources in military technology or human resources, the Malik family is inferior to Alexander Pierce. Even Gideon Malik's former seat on the World Security Council was carried in by Alexander Pierce just to make a place for himself. Internal response.

Of course, even if he played off during the Battle of New York, with the "democratic politics" of the United States, Gideon Malik, who launched the nuclear bomb, could still retreat unscathed.

"Because we're about to have an aircraft carrier." Salomon said happily, "and maybe a few more planes."

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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