Marvel Magic Event Book

Chapter 427 Bilateral Transaction of the Mystic

Chapter 427 Bilateral Transaction of the Mystic Mage (Second Change)

The arrival of Salomon makes Agent Coulson feel like an enemy.

At this time, the agents who came to help have left. Although Agent Ward's loss of control was unexpected, it was also a matter for Coulson's agent team. Whether it was interrogation or detention, they still couldn't intervene.And for now, Clairvoyance is dead, it's over, and Agents John Gartler and Victoria Hand both have their own business to attend to.

Although Agent Coulson defended Salomon a few words in front of Agent Hand, he still had some doubts about Salomon in his heart.This is an agent's instinct, he will instinctively doubt everything, especially Agent Ward's loss of control is completely beyond common sense.

Every field worker has undergone strict training on psychological endurance, and such things as losing control of emotions should not happen.

And Salomon Damonet can be counted as one who has the ability to affect the emotions of others.No one knows how many kinds of magic he knows, and no one knows what he can do.Agent Coulson still remembers Salomon erasing his memory, which makes Salomon even more suspicious.

"This is a secret, how did you find us?" Agent Coulson walked down the cargo ramp and greeted Salomon who was carrying a black plastic bag.Simmons and Skye followed Agent Coulson nervously.Agent Simon originally wanted to inform Melinda May, but Agent Coulson rejected the proposal.He didn't want to show hostility in front of Salomon, what's more, if Salomon was hostile, no one on this plane could escape.

"I was just passing by." Salomon was wearing a neat suit, but surprisingly, his suit trousers were covered with mud, and his leather shoes with shoe polish were also covered with dust.This was hardly something that should have happened to him, Agent Coulson had never seen a dirty Salomon.

He lifted the heavy plastic bag in his hand, and Agent Coulson glanced at it and found that there were also Subway sandwich bags inside. "I went to dig some things, and then I saw your plane parked here." Salomon said, "In fact, I arrived first, and you are the latecomers."

"What are you going to do?" Agent Coulson lowered his vigilance slightly, because Salomon stuffed two sandwiches into the hands of Simmons and Skye.The two girls froze for a moment, and then took it at a loss. Skye was about to open the bag and take a bite when Simmons stopped him with his eyes—Simmons quickly glanced at Salomon, and then hid the sandwich behind his back .

Don't eat what strangers give, this is the basic common sense of agents.Although Salomon was not a stranger, he was still suspected after all, and it was really unwise to eat what he gave.

"Sorry, it's not reception time," Agent Coulson said with a smile. "We are on official business. If you don't mind, can you tell me what you are doing? As far as I know, you should be in Oxford by now." right."

"I'm going to take a degree in archaeology." Salomon started talking nonsense, but his nonsense has material evidence, and no one can easily deny him. "Look." He opened the black plastic bag. Under the Subway sandwich bag, there were pieces of bones and soil packed in plastic bags. "This is the rib of Gaius Julius Caesar." , I only found this unburned one at the bottom of the river, I don’t know if it can still be used; this is the skull of Socrates, the skull of wisdom; this is the mummy palm of Ramesses II, I only had time to cut off the palm , the museum security came to stop me..."

Salomon's frank crimes made Agent Coulson almost dizzy, and Skye was even more grateful that he didn't eat the sandwiches placed on the bones.This is not a question of hygiene, but a question of psychological acceptance.The mystic was still babbling about showing Agent Coulson the remains of famous people he dug up. He went to many places, but only found this little, which made him a little discouraged.

Agent Coulson is still considering whether to arrest Salomon now.

Especially the crime of running to a museum to destroy a mummy, Agent Coulson only wished Salomon was wearing a hood.

"Oh, this is the radius of Cyrus the Great. It was accidentally crushed." After Salomon showed the bottom of the plastic bag, everyone on the cargo ramp fell silent.

"You have to know that you can't get a degree in archeology just by digging up the remains of historical figures." After a while, Agent Coulson said with hesitation, "You have to have systematic research, and you have to have the right knowledge. Protective excavation of the tomb, or you are a grave robber."

"I know, I know, I promise I didn't leave a passage for tomb robbers to enter and exit. I opened the portal to get in." Salomon wiped the sticky sweat on his face, "I just wanted to dig Washington's As a result, you came here. So I came to say hello to you."

"Please don't do that." Agent Coulson had a headache, "That is the founding father of the United States, please show him some respect."

"Well, anyway, a slave owner doesn't have too many heroic qualities." Salomon shrugged, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Agent Coulson considered for a moment. "Please don't destroy historical sites," he said. "I can't stop you anyway, can I?"

"That's why I like you, you're more self-aware than Nick Fury."


Maya Hansen's use of the Extremis virus to transcribe the DNA of ancient heroes is just the first step in the genetic experiment, and the help that the Sola Red Forest Druid Order can provide is limited, and their knowledge is not enough to support the next experiment .Therefore, as the high priest, Mariana Stern can only do repeated experiments to ensure the stability of the Extremis virus that has transcribed the ancient hero's DNA, and to produce enough samples for subsequent experiments.

And only Maya Hansen can see the even more terrifying transformation process of alchemy magic.

He first cast a spell on the sample provided by Maya Hansen-the somatic cells that had been cut many times were placed in the test tube, and the Extremis virus combined the genetic material of the knights of the round table, the genetic material of Salomon and the Asgardian genetic material spliced ​​together, and the DNA in all the test tubes was slightly different.This is a variable prepared for human experiments in subsequent experiments, in order to observe which base pairs reflect which characteristics.

Then there is extremely dark magic, which is beyond the level of Salomon's spellcasting. Therefore, Salomon paid part of his rationality and spiritual power as a price, and initiated a transaction with the One Who Returns Everything in another universe. The genetic modification skills possessed by the goddess of the forest, the black goat of the forest that bred thousands of descendants.

However, Salomon will never lose money in business. He has already thought about the transaction process.

He gripped the silver key tightly, and at the same time his other hand gripped Agamotto's talisman.As the first Supreme Mage who has insight into the mysteries of the universe, he has the ability to protect Salomon's soul and face the most filthy power.As a price, Agamotto will share with Salomon the part of the knowledge sent by the One Who Returns All.

Obviously, the deal worked out, Salomon lost part of his sanity forever, and he gained the knowledge he wanted.As one of the objects of the transaction, Agamotto protected Salomon's soul from going completely insane.

After this transaction, Salomon needed a long time to recuperate.Everyone has made a lot of money except Yog-Sothoth, who doesn't care about anything.

The laziness of the All-In-One makes him stuff all kinds of knowledge. Maya Hansen saw that Salomon's eyes and nose kept dripping crimson blood, and the blood immediately turned pale when it fell to the ground. It became a milky white fat maggot.Just as she was about to come over, she was forced back to the corner by the constantly flashing colorful light balls and the golden eyes that appeared out of nowhere in this room. She saw Salomon's body convulsed, and he was still holding on to the amulet and the key.

She heard Salomon singing some unintelligible words loudly, and she saw a golden light begin to bloom from the back of Salomon's head.Somewhere, she heard the sound of the chain breaking, and Salomon's hand also burst into light.

When Salomon opened his eyes, a compelling golden light overflowed from his eyes, the dripping blood was all evaporated, and the maggots evaporated into a black mist.

"I understand." His voice sounded like a chorus of thousands of people, "I understand everything."

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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