Marvel Magic Event Book

Chapter 425 Suspects

Chapter 425 Suspect (Second Update)
"Just received the news from the headquarters that Chief Fury is back, and he is waiting for you at the Tricurved Wing headquarters." Melinda May said to Agent Coulson, "You can talk to him about the thing that is bothering you gone."

"It's about time, there's more than one thing bothering me." Agent Coulson sighed.The result of this mobilization of several senior agents was not good, and it could even be said to be very bad.Agent Victoria Hand, Agent John Gartler, Agent Black, and Agent Sitwell who originally joined the mission and later went to the "Star of Lemuria" on an impromptu basis.

Although they opposed Agent Coulson's views on "mind reading", they agreed to help Agent Coulson track down the so-called "clairvoyance" after years of friendship.

"That's your Santa, not mine." Agent Victoria Hand was as venomous as ever.

When the Airbus flew to an altitude of [-] feet, the hacker Skye of Coulson's team came up with a double-blind test plan and gave it to the agents.Agent Coulson determined that the so-called "clairvoyant" was among the targets he had contacted in the past, and confronting this clairvoyant would require fragmenting the information.

Skye informs one agent of the location of the potential target and the identity of the other agent. The combination and mission of the two agents are random, and no one knows the whole mission until they arrive at the destination.This can catch the "clairvoyance" who can predict the future or have mind reading skills by surprise, and Skye officially joined the S.H.I.E.L.D. and obtained a first-level agent certificate.

Skye happily put on the sunglasses he bought a long time ago.She is finally not a temporary worker, which also means she is finally paid.

When the other agents went to collect their mission documents in the electromagnetically shielded room, only Agent Victoria Hand was a few steps behind.Agent Coulson saw that Agent Victoria Hand had something to say, so he stopped tacitly, waiting for Agent Hand to speak first.

"Have you asked the magician? Could it be him who is the clairvoyant?" Agent Hand straightened her glasses. She didn't look at Coulson, but turned her head to the other side.Agent Coulson knew who Agent Hand was referring to.Indeed, if anyone has the ability to know the actions of S.H.I.E.L.D. in an unconventional way, Salomon Damonette is one of them. People who can use magic are indeed suspected.

More than that, Agent Victoria Hand remembered what Salomon had said to her. The feeling of predicting the future made her doubts piled up like dark clouds. The doubts about Salomon Damonet more and more high.If Agent Coulson hadn't led this mission, she would have dispatched an action team to capture the magician first.

"He's not interested in these things, Agent Hand." Agent Coulson shook his head, defending Salomon, "His focus is on those monsters, not people. And I..." Cole Agent Sen frowned, and he was suddenly speechless.Agent Victoria Hand was keenly aware of this, and under her stern questioning, Agent Coulson replied with a hesitant tone.

"I remember meeting Salomon after that incident," he said. "I can't remember the time and place, but I vaguely remember him giving me the answer."

"List Salomon Damonette as a suspect." Agent Victoria Hand calmly pushed his glasses and said in an unquestionable tone.Suspicions have already taken root, and Agent Coulson's experience has intensified this suspicion, "Since he has the ability to read minds, it is not impossible for him to have the ability to erase your memory."

"This is too reckless." Although Agent Coulson already had a guess in his heart, he still rejected Agent Hand's idea.It is unknown why Salomon erased this part of his memory, but Coulson believes that as long as he looks for him again, Salomon will return the memory to him.

"The ability displayed by Salomon Damonette is beyond the capabilities of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Operations team, and his usual behavior is also extremely friendly. It is enough for us to report this matter to Director Fury, Director Fury We will come up with a suitable plan.”

After moving out Nick Fury, even Agent Victoria Hand could only nod in agreement.

"Be careful, I have read the mission reports of the Asgardians and Salomon, he forcibly captured the Asgardians regardless of the friendly relationship between Earth and Thor, which shows that he feels that his ability is superior to Sol , even Odin. What you see is profiled, and it resembles a statue of Odin unearthed in Norway, and we can be sure that there was a conflict between Odin and Salomon." Agent Hand Said, "That's a very dangerous target, getting too close to him and trusting him is not a good thing."

"I believe Director Fury was ready when he asked me to contact Salomon Damonette. Don't worry, Agent Hand, I think Salomon is a good guy."

Good people don't make tea sets dance, thought Agent Victoria Hand.She nodded incredulously, seemingly agreeing with Agent Coulson's statement.She had to admit that there was something cute about the magic, but it didn't matter.She did not tell Agent Coulson of her plan. If this operation failed, it would mean that Salomon Damonette was indeed suspected, and she planned to adopt another plan in private.

"I'm going to take the transport jet back to the command center," she said, "from there to direct the field team via satellite. If something goes wrong, someone has to come to your rescue."

Not surprisingly, the operation failed.Even with the double-blind test, clairvoyance seemed to predict their actions.The Grant Ward agent team failed to find the target, and the combination of John Gartler and Coulson agents was also intercepted, and Agent Black, partnered with Melinda May, was even attacked by the death warrior. It was Mike Peterson, who Agent Coulson had recruited - which would fit the bill when John Gartler was attacked by the Death Warriors before he came here.

Therefore, the target Melinda May pursued, Thomas Nash, was highly suspected. The Tranquility Bridge Escort Center that Melinda May and Agent Black went to registered him as a patient, but that was just a cover, Thomas Nash Nash wasn't there at all.

Fortunately, one of the six shots that Agent Black fired at the Death Warrior was made by Fitz. Coulson and his team found the Death Warrior's location through the signal, and followed the clues to find the location of Thomas Nash. A high-performing Canadian securities trader who was recruited by the Canadian government into a classified program because he claimed to be able to manipulate the behavior of others.

But this is just a claim, and like the so-called miracle of bathing to cure diseases, it is all casual talk.

He developed catatonia after being in a car accident.To put it simply, he was paralyzed all over his body. Even though the later records proved that he recovered well, when Agent Coulson led the operation team to find Thomas Nash, he was still lying on the chair and could not move.

Then Thomas Nash was shot dead by an angry Agent Grant Ward, because Skye was shot because of Clairvoyance's instructions.

But Agent Coulson doesn't think Thomas Nash is clairvoyant, he might just be a puppet, but Agent Grant Ward kills Thomas Nash and all leads are broken - several attacks lead the agents to him , the whole investigation ended cleanly.Coulson's agent's intuition told him that the truth was not that simple. This matter went too smoothly, which was completely inconsistent with the ability shown by Clairvoyance before.

Were Agent Victoria Hand's suspicions true?

"Sir." Simmons hurried into Coulson's office, "Salomon Damonette is here! He still has something in his hand!"

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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