Chapter 15
The next day, the sun rose.

The morning sun shines brightly, like a gentle lover holding you in his arms and caressing you slowly.

Under such weather, the overlord of Mingguang Lake was lying on the island in the center of the lake, looking down at the pig-faced big bird beside him busy.

From time to time, this naughty guy would throw some sand to make trouble, causing the pig-faced bird to scold.


This smelly crocodile is dead!
Sometimes this hard-working gardener is annoyed, so he puts down his work and pecks him with a strong beak.

While the two were fighting, Minghu Taisui's voice came from the lake.

This person does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so he must have something to do this time.

Fang Ming said hello to the pig-faced bird, then plunged into the lake and swam towards the shore.

"Ah hoo..."

Found the trace of the big bat.

Minghu Taisui's words put Fang Ming into a fighting state.


Let's go, we must kill him this time.

After the two talked, they immediately set off and embarked on another journey of hunting.

In the past 17 years, the two of them have never given up looking for the trace of the Nine Heavens Youbat, and have fought against it several times.

Even being hit by this big bat once, even the big pig-faced bird was seriously injured.

It can be said that these two waves of people have become feuds at this time, and they are incompatible with each other, and they vowed not to live in harmony.

Now that the trace of the nine-day ghost bat is found, it is natural to plow the courtyard to sweep the hole and cut the weeds and roots.

The two left Mingguang Lake, traveled through the jungle, climbed mountains, crossed valleys, and finally came to the place.

I saw that the place was full of mud and the smell was suffocating. There were no weeds or birds or animals around, only some hard rocks were scattered here and there.

Fang Ming looked at the surrounding environment, pointed to a dark hole and asked.


Big Tiger, is this here?
"Ah hoo..."

Yes, this is it.That stinky bat smell, unmistakable!

Minghu Taisui's nose moved slightly, and a pair of dark eyes flickered with coldness.


Alright, then let's go in and kill these two thieves!

Fang Ming raised his front legs and slowly crawled forward.

"Ah hoo..."

Minghu Taisui let out a low growl, held Fang Ming down, and shook his head slowly.

"Ah hoo..."

Don't worry, let's try throwing two living creatures down first.

After all, Minghu Taisui sniffed the air around him, suddenly his eyes lit up, he bowed his head and shrugged his shoulders and walked away to the distance, and soon caught two monsters that looked like sheep and dogs.

The two monsters were held in the mouth by Minghu Taisui, and Fang Ming grabbed one and threw it into the cave.

After a while, the sound of the monster came from the cave.The two nodded slightly, and ate up the remaining monster.After resting for a while, the two entered the cave.

After arriving in this cave, Fang Ming only felt that his eyes were pitch black, and he quickly rolled his turbid eyeballs. After a while, he got better.

At this time, Minghu Taisui had already caught the dropped living creature, slapped it unconscious with his palm, and held it in his mouth for later use.

The two looked at each other, Fang Ming nodded, walked ahead, and slowly crawled forward.

Minghu Taisui behind him pricked up his ears, carefully observing the movement around him.


I don't know what kind of structure this cave is, Fang Ming and the two walked only two steps, and encountered a whirlwind.

And the whirlwind whistled, which sounded quite intrusive.

However, one of these two is Tai Sui in the forest, and the other is the overlord of the lake. They don't sound scary, but rather happy.

If it wasn't the time for playing around, Fang Ming even wanted to sing along with the voice.

After the whirlwind blew away, the two straightened up and continued to move forward.

The cave was muddy and difficult to walk, and there was no light, so it was very difficult for the two of them to walk.

However, this environment is very beneficial to Fang Ming. As a crocodile, he can hide his body in the mud and only expose a pair of nostrils to breathe.

It was indeed a bit uncomfortable for Minghu Taisui, but this master is not a hypocritical one, and he followed suit and walked slowly in the mud.

The two walked like this for about an hour, and finally saw some light.

Not far from the two of them, there was a white stone emitting fluorescence, and there was another stone emitting blue light in the distance, and there was a cave further away. The cave was colorful, obviously a treasure land.

Fang Ming and the two thought together for a long while, and felt that people like Jiutian Youbat did all kinds of evil, and took advantage of it whenever they saw it. They decided not to let such a treasure land go, so they planned to go in and have a look.

However, since the two experienced the Condor incident, their tempers were much calmer.

In addition, there happened to be a scapegoat in their hands, so the two awakened the captured living creature, and threw it over with one throw.

While the living creature was jumping around, Minghu Taisui suddenly moved his ears slightly, and his eyes slowly turned 160 degrees to look at a dark place.

I saw that the place was in the darkest part of the cave, if you didn't look carefully, you might not be able to find it.

Minghu Taisui heard some noises there, so he looked over.But nothing was found.

Out of feline instinct, he felt that he was heading towards that place, wanting to take a closer look at what was there.

But Fang Ming at the side stopped him and shook his head at him.


Don't cause trouble.

As a crocodile ancestor, although Fang Ming has no skills, he has the right time and place in this dark cave.

He had already noticed the monster in that dark area early on, but he didn't want to provoke him.

After all, the most important goal of this trip is the Nine Heavens Youbat.

"Ah hoo..."


Minghu Taisui was very witty, upon hearing this, he immediately understood what Fang Ming had discovered, so he pretended he didn't know anything and moved on.

The two walked forward like this, while waiting for the sound of the living creature.

After a while, the living creature creaked and screamed. The two nodded slowly when they heard the sound, and moved slowly towards the glowing cave.

At this time, in the dark area behind them, a red light flashed quietly.

When he got close to the cave, what Fang Ming saw was colorful, white, red, blue, green... colorful gems scattered all over the place.

"Screw rustle..."

At this time, Fang Ming suddenly heard a nymph-like noise, and a figure hanging upside down appeared in front of him. This figure glowed with white light, and his figure was graceful and graceful, with a special flavor.

But this is not the time to think about these crooked ways, Fang Ming hurriedly turned his head to look at Minghu Taisui.

Tai Sui's eyes were dark without a trace of white light. Looking at these strange figures and messy noises, his eyes were surprisingly clear. Looking carefully, it turned out to be greedy.


What the hell?

"Ah hoo..."


Fang Ming was startled when he heard this, can this thing be eaten?
Is my ally suffering from some serious illness?
But after thinking about it, he replied.


I also want.

It seems that after staying in the prehistoric for a long time, he also got a little bit of it.

(End of this chapter)

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