The Favorite of the Space Group: She Was in 80 Chaowangfu

Chapter 302 The house renovation is completed, and the space mall purchases a meeting ceremony

Chapter 302 The house renovation is completed, and the space mall purchases a meeting ceremony

Shen Wanxi's eyes widened when she saw the structure of the house. The house before she left was messy, covered with weeds everywhere, and the corners she saw were basically dust.

But today's house is completely new. The walls that should have been covered with dust and cobwebs are extremely clean, and there is no dust on the ground. It looks like it has been carefully cleaned.

The weeds had been removed long ago, and the ground was paved with many pebbles as she said.

She bought all these pebbles in the mall. The pebbles in the mall are extremely cheap. Shen Wanxi saw that the price was good, so she bought them all.

It just happened to pave the road, which is both beautiful and beautiful. The whole house has changed a lot, and Shen Wanxi is very satisfied.

She couldn't wait to put down her small package, and started to browse the house. This house is very big. Excluding the kitchen and the main room, there are seven rooms in total.

The reason why Shen Wanxi chose this house is because she has many rooms and her family can live there.

However, seven houses are still not enough. There are more children in the family, and the living space is not very spacious.

Now that the house has been decorated, Shen Wanxi plans to take some time to go to the second-hand market.

Winter is about to enter, and at this time people on the street are wearing cold-proof clothes.

Winter is over and the first month will soon be ushered in. The first month is Shen Wanxi's first new year in this era.

Before she knew it, she had traveled here for a year, and Shen Wanxi was very happy these days.

Every day is very sufficient. I not only found a suitable job, but also bought a house with my own efforts.

Although it was an old house knocked down by others, Shen Wanxi wasn't bothered, the price of this house had been pushed to the lowest, if it wasn't for the owner, they needed to leave urgently.

It is impossible for Shen Wanxi to buy such a good house, and she is already very satisfied with it.

In addition to these achievements, Shen Wanxi also accidentally obtained a love that she never thought of before.

It was an accident to meet Gu Yunxian. Later, the two met again and again, and gradually became friends. As they got to know each other, they changed from friends to partners.

Soon they will go to meet their parents, as long as the parents of both parties are satisfied, they will soon become a real couple anyway.

Shen Wanxi is very satisfied with her current life, but she has not forgotten the goal she set before.

In two years, Shen Wanxi will usher in the opening of the college entrance examination. By then, Shen Wanxi may have to apply for high school first.

Because the original owner only graduated from junior high school and did not enter high school, if Shen Wanxi wanted to take the college entrance examination, she could only start from the first year of high school.

It is almost the same for Shen Wanxi from which grade to start reading, it's just a matter of time.

After Shen Wanxi simply walked around the whole house, she closed the door and went back to her uncle's house.

She has to go back and tell her aunt that she should move here after buying the furniture in a few days, and it's not very good to live in her aunt's house all the time.

She and her aunt are very hospitable, but Shen Wanxi is still a little embarrassed and doesn't want to trouble them.

Back at her aunt's house, Shen Wanxi frowned slightly when she found that there was no one in the yard.


Shen Wanxi yelled as she walked, it was worth looking around the kitchen, room, and main room, but Shen Wanxi didn't find anyone.

She was a little puzzled. After she couldn't find anyone, Shen Wanxi also gave up. She turned and went back to her room.

After returning to the room and putting down her luggage, Shen Wanxi decided to go into the space to have a look. Before leaving, she threw the pudding into the space.

The situation of pudding was pretty good before, but I can't find that guy these days.

I don't know where to go to play, the space is so big, and she always had meetings with Gu Yunxian before, and he didn't have much time, so it was impossible to find that little guy anytime and anywhere.

Now that she is finally free, Shen Wanxi naturally wants to enter the space to see how the little guy is doing.

Thinking about it, Shen Wanxi ascended into the space, and after entering the space, Shen Wanxi began to shout the name of the little wolf cub.

"Pudin, where are you, Pudding? Come out!"

Shen Wanxi shouted and walked forward, but the space was too big, Shen Wanxi walked for a long time without seeing the little wolf cub.

Shen Wanxi was almost tired from walking, and this little boy didn't know where he went, Shen Wanxi was very helpless.

She wanted to give up, this little brat was too difficult to find so she didn't want to, let this brat continue to play, Shen Wanxi didn't understand how big the space was.

What if the space is too big and she can't find it at all?
"Pudding is coming out for dinner!"

Shen Wanxi, who shouted for a long time without getting any response, gave up. She went straight back to her small mansion, grabbed her phone and lay lazily on the sofa.

I almost vomited in the car for the past few days. Going out to a long distance is very unfriendly to a motion sickness patient.

Shen Wanxi has been in a daze for the past few days, not vomiting is already her greatest respect for the car.

Since Gu Yunxian wants to take her home to meet her parents, Shen Wanxi can't hold her back.

I opened the mall to take a look, it would be better to bring something there, girl, Shen Wanxi planned to pick out the skirts of this year.

For this reason, Shen Wanxi bought several sizes of skirts for spare, anyway, the mall can return them.

That is, if the remaining sizes are not suitable, Shen Wanxi will return them all.

If the cousins ​​like the Four Treasures of the Study, Shen Wanxi simply bought several sets of the Four Treasures of the Study in good condition.

The price of the Four Treasures of the Study in the mall is a bit expensive, a set costs 40 points, Shen Wanxi feels a little distressed when she sees the points she wasted away.

But she still gritted her teeth and bought several sets, and when it came to the elders, Shen Wanxi bought Shanghai brand cream for Gu Yunxian's mother.

They bought wine and cigarettes for Gu Yunxian's father and grandfather.This wine is the best Moutai.This smoke is also the most popular smoke in this era.

These are the most popular things in this era, although they don't need a ticket to be placed in the point mall, but the price is also very expensive.

Seeing her more than 1000 gold coins slowly bottoming out, Shen Wanxi felt distressed.

In addition to being a meeting gift for Gu Yunxian's family, Shen Wanxi also bought a lot of seasonings. Since she is a foodie, food is indispensable.

In order to preserve the delicacies, Shen Wanxi also bought vacuum bags, and all the prepared delicacies will be vacuum-packed, which is also very convenient for gift giving.

If the situation didn't allow it, Shen Wanxi wanted to pull two cows over for Gu Yunxian.

After preparing gifts for Gu Yunxian's family, Shen Wanxi didn't forget her own family members, the skirt and cream, grandma, mother, sister-in-law, aunt, and auntie all had a share.

As for the men in the family, Shen Wanxi also bought Moutai and cigarettes. After sitting down, all the points were almost drawn. Looking at the remaining 200 points, Shen Wanxi silently shed lasagna tears.

This wave of big purchases is really terrible, all her small coffers are gone!

(End of this chapter)

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