Chapter 153
While chatting and laughing, Qiu Min and Qi Xiu walked into the post with shoulder to shoulder.

There is actually a reason why Qi Xiu dared to talk to Qiu Po ​​like this as soon as they met.It has been two months since he was sent to do dirty work here, and he has made money, but the Beiliang Palace is getting farther and farther away from him.

In other words, Qi Xiu wanted to go back.

It's just that the current situation doesn't mean that you can go back if you go back.

First of all, there are less than 1000 people in Qi Xiu's hands, and they will only be regarded as pawns that can be sacrificed at any time when they return to the front line, not to mention that Qi Xiu will soon have several batches of food waiting to be transported.

Grain is a big deal.

Even if Qi Xiu wanted to go back and fight for merit, he didn't dare to neglect, so he could only stay honestly to transfer food and grass.

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and he was anxious about the lack of manpower on this end, so Qiu Yu brought more than 2000 people to the door.

Although it was a bit strange that Qiu Mian would appear near Chuyongguan, Qi Xiu knew the relationship between Shan Qun and his master, and also knew that Qiu Mian was loyal to Shan Qun, so he was a little less scruples when he spoke.

"Brother Qiu, I didn't say..." Qi Xiu motioned to the left and right to come over and pour the wine, and said with a cool air, "You just stay with me for a few days, and when you have enough money, let's go west together and seek credit together, how about it?"

Qiu Min smiled and toasted with him, neither saying yes nor bad.

But in Qi Xiu's eyes, he was still on the boat, and he wanted to advance and retreat with him, so he was very happy, and asked the soldiers around him to move in for a long time.


In Chuyongguan at this moment, Mancheng is shrouded in the shadow of death.

The night wind was howling, the cold moon was hanging high, and the city wall of Chuyongguan was full of corpses.

These corpses were not hung by the soldiers in the city, but thrown into the city by the Khitans outside the city by catapults, with the purpose of spreading the plague in the city from the corrupted corpses.

At the beginning, the soldiers still had the energy to clean up, but gradually, the water and food in the city were cut off, and no one had the heart to care about the outer city wall.After all, I am a person who is going to die, so why do I care if there is a plague or not?

Xue Yu was also in the city.

He tried his best to mobilize the soldiers and civilians who were still active in the city. On the one hand, he dug tunnels to the outside, and on the other hand, he deployed the city defenses, hoping to last longer at the lowest cost.

In fact, when Xue Yu took over Yongguan, it was already a half mess here.

The two generals Du Ling and Zhang Zhao were assassinated by their lieutenants, and several lieutenants were instigated by each other, and the garrison in the city was in chaos.When the Khitans attacked the door, the lieutenants went about their own affairs, and as soon as the fight started, more than half of their troops were lost, and they had to retreat to the city.

Retiring is equivalent to breaking one's own morale.

So when Xue Yu led 2000 people to break through Khitan's undeployed army line and enter the city, what he saw was exactly such a scene.He had to cheer up to win people's hearts, and at the same time, he had to appease the people in the city, lest internal troubles would grow before the foreign enemies broke through the city walls.

What he didn't know was that none of the letters he sent had successfully arrived in Bianjing, and all of them were sent to Beiliang Palace after going around.

At this moment, the exit of Yongguan Pass has been held for two months, and it can be said that the city is really running out of ammunition and food.

Even so, Xue Yu did not allow himself to retreat.

"I have places I must go back to, and people I must meet." Xue Yu wiped his sword, turned to look at Du Ling's old troops beside him, and said, "Vice General Zhang, please clean up the troops. , began to send the first batch of people out of the city."

Lieutenant General Zhang Su frowned, and asked hesitantly: "Aren't you worried about trouble? Everyone wants to run, everyone wants to leave... But the tunnel can only allow up to 20 people to pass through at a time, plus the soldiers guarding them." , only a dozen or so people can be transported out of the city each time."

Once the other people know that this way can escape, there is no guarantee that no one will have evil thoughts.

Who doesn't want to live?
With a cold face, Xue Yu raised his sword and stood up, saying: "If anyone makes trouble, they will be killed immediately without mercy."

He walked out of the general's mansion with a straight back, and came to the high platform in the city with Zhang Su and others.This place was originally used as a gathering place for festivals and celebrations. Now that the war is turbulent, it has gradually become a place where the coach gives orders.

"My lord, shall we surrender?"

"My lord, my family hasn't eaten for two days. If I don't eat any more, I'm going to starve to death."

"When will the imperial court send someone to rescue us?"

"Has the imperial court abandoned us?"

Among the crowd, there are many such pleadings and puzzlements.

Anyone who has been besieged for two months will probably feel such despair in his heart.

"The imperial court has not given up on us, and it is impossible to give up on us!" Xue Yu pointed his sword at the sky and shouted loudly: "Behind the Chuyong Pass is Gyeonggi, which is our land! If the Chuyong Pass is breached, then the iron hooves of the Tartars will It will trample on the land of our Li Dynasty, how can we retreat? How can the court retreat?"

Xue Yu has said this many times.

Someone immediately retorted: "Since this is the case, why has the imperial court's reinforcements not arrived for two months? Isn't the imperial court sending troops to recover Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures? Is it going to abandon us first and take back Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures before we talk about it?" ?”

Xue Yu raised his eyebrows and drew his sword, pointed at the yelling person, and said: "The soldiers and horses of the imperial court are already on the way. They may be stumbled by the Tartars, but they will definitely come, and they will definitely come back! If someone speaks evil words Bewitching the crowd, disturbing the morale of the army, you should be punished!"

A word of punishment shocked the people who were whispering under the stage.

Looking at Xue Yu like this, it is really impossible to see that he has not eaten for three whole days. If he hadn't drank some of the water he had saved before, he might not even be able to speak at the moment.

"I summoned you today because I have good news to tell you besides waiting for reinforcements." Xue Yu continued, "The tunnel dug secretly a month ago has been opened, and now we can send the first group of people out of the city. -"

Before the words could be spoken, there was another whoosh from below.

Everyone wants to be the first to leave.

The silent Xue Yu raised his sword and walked towards the loudest person step by step, raised his hand and lowered his wrist, and his head fell to the ground.

The blood once again stabilized the situation that was about to collapse.

"The family members of the people who dug the tunnel with us back then were the first group of people to leave the city." Xue Yu turned his hand and rested the long sword on his elbow, wiped the blood off it with his robe, and continued to say: "I will not leave. The soldiers who leave Yongguan will not leave. We will fight to the last man and escort you to the last moment. Therefore, whoever dares to disturb the order will end up just like this person."

Still, the crowd roared.

It's just that this time it's not shouting to go out, but shouting:

"There are really reinforcements?!"

"It's reinforcements coming!"

Xue Yu turned his head abruptly, and in the dazzling sunlight, he saw the person he had been thinking about day and night.

(End of this chapter)

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