Gu Shao's petite wife is an almighty boss

Chapter 123 The clue is broken

Chapter 123 The clue is broken
Si Luzhu frowned: "Stone? Sealing Yin Stone?"

"That's right! It seems to be the name." Shen Fei couldn't wait to answer.

"Where is it buried?"

"It seems to be under a locust tree..."

Si Luzhu's eyes suddenly darkened.

I have always wondered why Feng Lin's ghost is always there.Although the grievances are deep, there is no success in revenge. After so many years, why has it neither dissipated nor left.Now after listening to Shen Fei's words, she suddenly understood.That man found someone and used the most insidious means to keep Feng Lin's ghost body trapped in that vase, forever and never get out.

Really cruel!
"Do you know the address?" Si Luzhu asked again.

"I know..." Shen Fei had just finished speaking halfway.

At this moment, Shi Renyi saw that his current wife had told all his secrets, and he couldn't help feeling angry, and suddenly rushed towards Shen Fei: "You bitch! I've raised you for so long for nothing! Refuse to take responsibility for me!"

Shen Fei didn't have time to dodge, and was slapped in the face by the opponent. "Snap!—" The voice was clean and neat, and Lao Gao's cheeks were instantly swollen.

It was the first time she had been slapped in such a big age.That time three years ago, she just hit herself when she heard Shi Renyi's parking, and it was just a show.It turns out that being slapped by others hurts so much.

" hit me!" Shen Fei looked at her husband in disbelief, not caring about answering questions.

"I'll kill you bitch! It's all because of you!" Shi Renyi slapped him with a slap, and immediately raised his hand to slap him a second time.

Shen Fei wasn't completely weak, even though the other party was a man, he was much older than her and physically weak.The two people who showed their affection not long ago now wrestled into a ball like this, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Si Luzhu looked at the couple indifferently, and turned to the black shadow in front of him: "You see, they have admitted their crimes against you. Don't worry, your grievances will be cleared. I will find out and bury you later." I broke your seal. You will be sent to reincarnation after a good rescue. But now you have to go back to the little paper man.”

The black figure in front of him was trapped by the formation, but his empty eyes kept staring at Shi Renyi's direction. There was a bright red light in his eyes, and his face was terrifying. He could only repeat this sentence: "Jie Jie! Kill... ...I'm going to... kill them all..."

Feng Lin's ghost seems to want to do it himself.

Si Luzhu said lightly: "I've said it before, you can't be reincarnated for the time being if you take someone's life. For such a man, it's not worth the decision to gamble your next life."

Heiying seemed to understand her words, and the black energy surging around him weakened a little, as if he no longer wanted to rush out.

Si Luzhu pinched his fingers and recited the formula, temporarily sealing Feng Lin back into the little paper figurine.The terrifying black shadow that was still floating disappeared in an instant, the cold feeling was relieved, and the rancid smell disappeared.The lights in the box stopped flickering and turned on again.

However, Shi Renyi and his wife, who were fighting each other, did not notice all this.

Under the gesture of the little girl, Gu Yanze took down the talisman paper, and his pair of dragon eyes darkened: "Is it solved?"

Si Luzhu nodded: "It is. But before helping Feng Lin, they have to pay the price first."

She thought of asking Wuma Jiameng this afternoon, since that organization can handle such a matter, she might as well hand it over to them.

Gu Yanze, who was beside him, beckoned to Gu Yi, took what the latter handed over, and turned to Si Luzhu: "You can leave it to me to punish them. What they confessed just now has been recorded, and this can be used as evidence. Afterwards Find Feng Lin's remains and compare the DNA, and they should be able to convict them."

Si Luzhu was slightly taken aback.Before the news from the organization had time to tell the other party, Gu Yanze made preparations one step ahead of her.

Gu Yanze knew that the little girl is very good at Taoist affairs, but she has no strength for other things for the time being.All he needs to do is to provide another strength to support the little girl.

At this moment, Si Luzhu is a little hesitant, who should take care of the follow-up.

Although the organization can handle this kind of matter, it is a favor to contact Wuma Zongheng before then; but if this matter is really handed over to Gu Yanze, it is obvious that the various procedures will be more cumbersome, and it will undoubtedly add work to the other party quantity……

"Don't worry, it's not difficult." Gu Yanze seemed to see through the little girl's mind, and comforted her.As he said that, he changed the subject again, "Besides, I still have some things to investigate about that Shi Renyi."

Hearing this, Si Lu Zhubian nodded in agreement.

Gu Yanze motioned to Gu Yi behind him.

Gu Yi, who is five-year-old and three-year-old, immediately stepped forward and forcibly separated the couple who were still fighting and cursing.

At this time, Shen Fei didn't have that charming look just now.Her hair was messy, and she was ripped off a lot by her husband.The makeup on his face was all over, and he looked hideous and terrifying.Even the clothes were torn a little, and a lot of the snow-white that was already overcrowded was exposed.However, this kind of nudity can only make people disgusted.

Shi Renyi's condition was not much better than that of his wife, his cheeks were scratched by long nails.Her hair was disheveled and her tie was on one side, looking like a homeless man on the street.

The two people who stopped fighting only noticed that the shadow floating in front of them had disappeared, and they didn't know whether to be happy or not.

Gu Yanze looked at the man in front of him with a pair of icy dragon eyes, and said coldly: "I ask you, what did you do with that vase in the end? Who did you sell it to?"

Shi Renyi was taken aback, and replied subconsciously: "I...I sold it to the black market...someone in the underworld paid a high price, so I sold it..."

Hearing this statement, Gu Yanze's pretty brows furrowed.He originally thought that he would find clues about the deal between Shi Renyi and his father.Now it seems that there may be no connection between the two.

The line that proved that my father bought it on purpose to frame my third uncle was temporarily broken.

That being the case, there is no need to talk nonsense with the couple who signed the interview, and they should be punished well.

Gu Yanze waved his hand impatiently, and Gu Yi immediately took out his phone after receiving the command.Not long after, a group of men in uniforms walked in from outside.

Shi Renyi trembled all over.He is not stupid, he understood something when he saw this posture: "...Young Master Gu, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I promise, I will never cheat again... Please forgive me! I... I am willing to dedicate half of my family property!"

Obviously, he thought that the reason why he suffered here and was forced to confess his previous crimes was all due to Gu Yanze.

However, the people who came in didn't pay attention to this, and directly pulled them up on the ground and dragged them out.At that time, these people will be responsible for asking for the detailed address of Feng Lin's burial.

"The matter is over, let's go!" Gu Yanze looked at the little girl beside him and said.

Si Luzhu nodded.

Things are going well today, but obviously there are more things waiting for her.

(End of this chapter)

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