Chapter 73
The imperial merchants came in and out early in the morning, it was very busy, Douhua and the three had never seen a god, and they didn't ask in advance which imperial merchant they would come in with, so they couldn't ask around brazenly.

I had to follow the saying among the ladies in the court, carefully looking for the man wearing black gauze gown and long hair around the nose among the visitors.

But after searching all morning, there was no such person.

The three of them panicked for a while, seeing that it was almost noon, they had no choice but to walk back depressed again.

"It seems that the man of God did not come today."

Ronghua sighed, thinking about the miserable situation when she combed her hair with Douhua this morning, she looked at Douhua with some pity, "I just don't know about Sister Douhua's condition and I can't wait until he comes back next time."

However, Feng Hua was still a little unwilling, and immediately suggested: "Why don't we put some money with someone, and ask him to go out and send a message to God, and ask him to find a chance to enter the palace once in a while?"

This thought immediately drew Dou Hua's eyes.

"We are risking our lives like this now, and if we want to take the initiative to invite him in, then someone will hold us accountable and end up being accused of adultery, so what?"

After finishing speaking, she also sighed, and said helplessly: "At worst, I'll invite the medical lady to come and see. I don't believe that the majestic medical lady of Dayan Palace can't compare to a quack magician?"

The three of them walked to a secluded place on a rockery while talking, and suddenly heard a man's voice behind them.

"Pindao calculated, the three girls must be looking for the poor."

When the three of them heard the sound and turned their heads, they saw a man wearing black horn scarves, black gauze eyewear, seven feet tall, thin, with long-haired black moles on the nose and a goat mustache on his chin standing at the foot of the rockery, holding his hand in one hand. He stroked the long hair on the wing of his nose, and smiled at them strangely.

Take a closer look at her expression, and she seems a little familiar.

But the three of them seemed to see a savior at this moment, and before they had time to think, they concluded that the man was the god-man they were looking for.

Ronghua and Fenghua couldn't wait to go forward to ask him.

It was Douhua who was more sophisticated and stopped people, cleared his throat and asked the "man of God", "The palace is important, you are not waiting outside the door, how did you get in?"

"It will be convenient for someone who can invite the poor to come in."

"Shenren" wasn't frightened at all, still the spring breeze was blowing on his face, he was stroking the long hair on his nose, and suddenly he accidentally pulled out the black mole that stuck to his nose hair, fearing that the three of them would find out, he turned around and said: " Originally, the poor road should also leave, but after passing this place, the expressions of the three people should be looking for the poor road, so I asked this question.

If Pindao misjudged, it would be polite. "

While talking, the "man of God" glued the long hair back and pretended to leave.

Ronghua and Fenghua are in a hurry.

"Sister Douhua, don't hesitate any longer. As a foreigner, he can walk freely in this palace. At least there is a nobleman who facilitates him. Even the noblemen in the palace have asked to come to him. What else do we have?" So hesitant?"

Ronghua said, then walked a few steps quickly to stop "Shenren", and said: "Shenren, please stay a little longer, it is actually our sister Douhua—"

"Velvet flower!"

Douhua was more cautious, immediately stopped Ronghua, looked at her and Fenghua and said, "Don't you have something to ask of him? Why don't you ask him first."

Ronghua knew that Douhua was trying to test the reality of the "man of God", and she didn't want to be taken advantage of first, but Ronghua believed in this "man of God" long ago, so she didn't mind asking him first.

She walked up to the "man of God" first, thinking about the things in her heart to ask.

The "man of god" raised his hand to stop him, and said with a clever smile: "Why don't you talk about it first, the poor Taoist girl looks like she's always talking nonsense at night, she can't sleep well."

Ronghua's eyes almost doubled in size, she hurriedly turned her head to look at Fenghua and said, "We are in the same room, and you are the only one who knows what I am talking about, could it be you who spread the word?"

Feng Hua hurriedly shook her head and said, "How can you say such things to the outside world?"

As she said that, she also looked at the "God Man" with a slight complaint, "Our court ladies, who work hard every day, often have dreams at night. ?”

Unexpectedly, the "Shenren" was not in a hurry, but took a step to talk to Ronghua alone, telling her the content of her dream verbatim.

Only then did Ronghua turn around in a daze.

"I'm really a man of gods. I don't even know Fenghua's thoughts, but he actually knows."

When Fenghua heard this, she hurriedly wanted to ask the god-man, but she was rushed to the front by Douhua, who knelt down with a plop.

"I also ask the gods to save the little girl once. If she gets better, she will surely report back to the spring."

As Dou Hua said, she wanted to part her hair and show "God Man" her alopecia areata.

But the man of God still didn't ask her to speak, but smacked her lips three times and said, "Oh my god, how can there be such a heavy evil spirit in this world, the girl should have symptoms already?"

"The Taoist priest is really a god!"

Ronghua hurriedly stepped forward and said to the "Shenren": "Sister Douhua suddenly started losing her hair yesterday, but is it related to that evil spirit?"

"Only hair loss? No headaches, heart palpitations, trouble sleeping or eating? Or weakness in hands and feet, weakness in waist and knees?"

Hearing this, Douhua's feet went limp, and she couldn't even speak immediately.

Fenghua looked at it, and hurriedly said to "Shenren": "Yes, Sister Douhua has encountered some things recently, and she can't sleep well at night. How did Shenren know?"

I didn't want to be a "man of gods" but didn't answer directly, but counted with my fingers.

Dou Hua was a little anxious when he saw it, and he leaned forward and asked, "Shenren, can you tell me something, my symptoms are related to evil spirits?"

The "Shenren" then sighed and said: "Poverty Taoist, your seal is black, your eyes are dull, your lips are cracked and your tongue is dry, and your soul is lax. This should be a sign that your life is not long. It is reasonable that you will be weak in three days. I can't get out of bed."

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked at the same time, and hurriedly asked the "man of god" for help with Douhua.

The "man of God" then waved his hand, wanting to stretch out his hand to stroke his nose hair, but he was afraid that it would be pulled off again, so he stroked his beard instead.

"Girl, don't be in a hurry. Seeing that your symptoms are still mild, you should be far from dying. That's why I just made a fortune for you. It turns out that God has the virtue of good life and wants to give you another chance to save you. If Pindao's calculations are correct, the girl should have been warned before that, right?"

"Warning?" The three were puzzled.

Then the "man of God" stroked his beard again and reminded: "In the past, the emperor's intentions were not right, he did not do his job properly, harmed the people, and did all kinds of bad things. The Emperor Huangfu in the Jiuhua Hall knew that it was a rat that turned into a humanoid to harm the world, so he took it It came locked and wanted to beat it to death with a stick.

It is also because of the virtue of good life, the gods added five years to his lifespan, and only made him feel dizzy and unconscious for a few days, in order to make him reform and start a new life.

However, he didn't behave himself, and five years later he still ended up hanging himself to death. "

There are different stories about the story of the former emperor hanging himself to death. Ghosts and gods, strange powers are everywhere in unofficial history, and it is no secret for a long time.

After the "man of God" made the three of them dizzy with these false and true words, he suddenly changed the subject and said: "In short, before God wants to do something, he will definitely send messengers to warn people, so if there is something wrong with you recently Ordinary things, that is.”

"I see!"

Feng Hua hurriedly looked at Dou Hua, and said in disbelief, "It's the black bird! It must be that black bird, since that black bird dropped dirt on my sister's head, and my sister started showing symptoms."


Just when Dou Hua was so frightened that his legs were weak, and success or failure was about to come, laughter suddenly came from inside the rockery, which shocked the "God Man"'s tiger body, and the pair of beautiful eyes behind the black gauze eyewear were slightly startled, and thought : "Something is wrong!"

 An allusion between Mr. Huangfu and the former emperor is borrowed from the content of No.30 Chapter [-] of "Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" "Di Quxie Enters the Deep Cave and Mr. Huangfu Hit Rats", which is not original by the author, please note.

(End of this chapter)

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