6 Threat
Before Jiang Baoyu could react, the officers and soldiers had already dragged the man away, and even smashed the palace lady's back twice with a weapon, dragging her away.

Jiang Yuanhui was taken aback, and hurried forward to ask about Jiang Baoyu's situation.

Jiang Baoyu was shocked, and asked: "Auntie, who are those people? What happened? Why did the officers and soldiers directly enter the palace to arrest them?"

Jiang Yuanhui frowned and looked at it for a while, but also turned cold.

"The concubine Xian suddenly fell ill, and she couldn't be cured for a long time. Finally, it was found that someone had poisoned the sachet carried by the concubine. The emperor was furious, and ordered the people in Dali Temple to directly investigate them. The sisters of the Harem Shangfu Bureau and Xian More than half of the maids in the concubine's palace have suffered."

Jiang Baoyu's attention was on those maids at the moment, after hearing Jiang Yuanhui's words, she saw a young man in white standing in front of the maids.

Because he was only twelve years old and hadn't tied his hair yet, his forehead was tied with a blue forehead, but the unsmiling appearance of him standing in front of the officers and soldiers with his hands behind his back made him even more cold-eyed and noble, which was amazing shudder.

But that slightly thin body, there was a sense of depression in the dark, which made Jiang Baoyu inexplicably feel distressed.

Just as Shui Hanzhou looked over, she waved at him and smiled.

Shui Hanzhou's eyes showed surprise, he said a few words to the officers and soldiers escorting the maid, and then walked over here without haste.

Shui Hanzhou, the son of Duke Dingguo, a well-known child prodigy in the capital of gods, the uncle of the eldest son of the emperor, and the light of the big swallow that the emperor often talks about in front of the princes, who in the palace doesn't know?
Coupled with the fact that he is so good-looking, I don't know how many court ladies privately regarded him as the lover of their dreams.

Even Jiang Yuanhui couldn't help stroking her hair when she saw him coming now, lowered her head and whispered to Jiang Baoyu: "That is the son of Dingguo, the younger brother of the concubine Xian, Baoyu, don't do that." Just stare at him, he's pretty scary when he gets angry."

While speaking, Shui Hanzhou walked up to Jiang Baoyu and said, "Why are you here?" His voice was gentle.

Jiang Baoyu took a look at what he was wearing. This outfit was specially made for her by his father according to the palace rules. Originally, the Shangfu Bureau was also the backyard of the Jiang family. It was just a piece of clothing, so there was no need to bother the sisters in the palace. , and the ones sent out above generally don't fit.

"From today onwards, I will enter the palace to be a little maid."

Jiang Yuanhui was stunned, and stood by the side dumbfounded, never expecting that her niece actually knew Ding Guogong's son.

Perhaps her appearance was particularly intrusive, Shui Hanzhou suddenly looked at her, blessed Fushen very politely, and said: "Can I let my son talk to her alone for a while?"


Jiang Yuanhui had never felt that she was so redundant as she is now, and immediately looked around, seeing the emptiness behind her, without even a place to hide.

But she didn't dare not give him face, so she stammered and said: "Of course." Then she hid in despair behind a small bush far away.

Shui Hanzhou looked at Jiang Baoyu again, feeling a little hard to accept that she was going to be a little palace maid.

"If it's because of your sister, I can actually help."

"No need," Jiang Baoyu refused flatly, "I, Jiang Baoyu, have never asked anyone for my age, so I can solve it myself."

Although these words were straightforward, Jiang Baoyu had never thought of asking Shui Hanzhou for help.

Jiang Baozhu is the Dianyi of the Harem Shangfu Bureau, and Shui Hanzhou is the younger brother of the concubine Xian, who has a better chance of entering the harem's document library than her, but although her relationship with Shui Hanzhou seems familiar, they actually know each other Only three times in six years.

The first time she beat someone to tears.

The second time he saved her, she wanted to marry him as her son-in-law.

As soon as they met for the third time, she took off his clothes in the carriage.

If you count the time by the lake and today's time, it will be five times.

With such a relationship, Jiang Baoyu really couldn't bother Shui Hanzhou.

Will a prince Dingguo, the future uncle, help conceal the crime of deceiving the emperor for a mere person who has only met five times and bullies and molested him every time?

Jiang Baoyu thinks probably not, and if she doesn't expose her, she will burn the incense.

But after she finished speaking, she faintly felt a little sadness in Shui Hanzhou's eyes. Thinking of what Jiang Yuanhui said just now, she suddenly said: "By the way, I heard that the concubine Xian is ill. You have been working hard lately, right?" ?”

Shui Hanzhou finally had a smile on his face, "Before I couldn't find out the cause of the disease, I was really anxious for a while, but fortunately, it is clear now, and the poison is easy to cure."

After Shui Hanzhou finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the team of court ladies who were still escorting him, "Afterwards, we will wait to find out the suspect, find out who is behind the scenes, and find out the reason for the crime."

"Well," Jiang Baoyu nodded, "You're so smart, you can definitely find out."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the scene was suddenly awkward.

Shui Hanzhou glanced at Jiang Baoyu again, feeling that Jiang Baoyu seemed to be a different person after not seeing him for a while, a little more stable than before, but the atmosphere when they were together suddenly became much more awkward.

Seeing that Jiang Baoyu was about to leave now, he took out a purse wrapped in peony, satin and silk, and said, "You left on my carriage earlier. I wanted to go to the lake that day. Give it back to you, but so many things happened suddenly, it is only now that I have the opportunity to give it to you."

As Shui Hanzhou said, he handed the purse forward and said, "I'll ask someone to deliver your clothes to your home later."

"no need."

Jiang Baoyu pushed the purse back, "Our Jiang family lacks everything, but no money. I can't go out in the palace for a while, so let these be pocket money to buy you to guard yourself like jade. If it's not enough, return it to me." Take it to my house, and when I leave the palace in the future, I still want to recruit you to be my son-in-law."

Shui Hanzhou: "..."

He probably felt that Jiang Baoyu had changed because his brain was flooded.

This topic could not be continued, Shui Hanzhou had to look back at the maids again.

This time the poisoning of the concubine Xian, the emperor specially ordered him to observe the trial, and the officers and soldiers escorting him are still waiting for him, and they gradually became impatient.

"I have to go, take care of yourself."

As Shui Hanzhou said, he glanced at the purse in his hand, and put it back in his sleeve pocket.

Their family is definitely not short of this money, but since she wants to give it away, he will keep it.

But when he was about to leave again, he suddenly thought of something, looked at Jiang Baoyu and said, "Actually, I'm a little disappointed."

Jiang Baoyu raised his eyebrows, but did not answer.

Shui Hanzhou hesitated for a while, but did not look into Jiang Baoyu's eyes.

"Didn't you say that next time you see me, you will never let me go easily? Why don't you ask me for help now?"

Jiang Baoyu's brows and eyes moved slightly, but he only felt that Shui Hanzhou said it so easily because he didn't know the whole picture.

If he knew that the Jiang family had committed the crime of deceiving the emperor by burying the empty coffin in order to cover up the scandal, he would probably stay away from her, let alone know her.

With his hands behind his back, Jiang Baoyu grinned and said, "So I wasn't threatening you just now?"


"Well, I gave you pocket money to tell you that if you dare to gossip outside behind my back, I will break your leg when I leave the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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