Poison Demon Immortal

Chapter 405 The System of the Dagan Dynasty

Chapter 405 The System of the Dagan Dynasty

Beilu General Mansion is also located on Lulu Peak.

Although it is not the highest peak, it is also a majestic mountain.

A cloud-mooring boat slowly landed on it.

On the sky boat.

Two imperial envoys disembarked with a group of guards.

General Yunhui Xiao Mingshan personally received the two of them.

Fan Xi, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and Liu Jingcai, Yushitai, almost couldn't laugh out loud when they saw this General Yunhui.

Dare to be General Yunhui with such poor martial arts?

It can be seen that the armaments of Beilu State can almost be said to be corrupt.

"I heard that the Patriarch of the Xiao Family, Xiao Ji, beheaded tens of thousands of beast-like humans, and even killed the two demons of Nightmare. I wonder if this is true?" Fan Xi, Minister of the Ministry of War, asked solemnly.

"It's not true, this matter is not true." Xiao Mingshan waved his hand quickly and said.

"What did you say? You reported this matter to the imperial court, and you're saying it's not true?" Yushitai Liu Jingcai grabbed Xiao Mingshan and picked him up like a chicken.

"Two imperial envoys... that's not how I reported it."

"How did you report it?"

"My patriarch, Xiao Ji, killed tens of thousands of Beastmen and the Nightmare Demon King in Yingtian Castle, but did not kill the Nightmare Queen."

Fan Xi and Liu Jingcai looked at each other.

Fan Xi, Shangshu of the Ministry of War: "Is the matter I asked true?"

Xiao Mingshan: "It's absolutely true."

Fan Xi: "Do you have any witnesses?"

Xiao Mingshan: "My head of the Xiao family, Xiao Ji, monopolizes tens of thousands of beast-like legions, and the nightmare twin demons. It is true that the one who killed them was defeated and lost. This battle is too dangerous. Our martial arts are not good enough. I dare not participate, so only I, the patriarch of the Xiao family, participated in the battle, and the witness is only the patriarch."

"He can't be counted as a witness." Yushitai Liu Jingcai shook his head and said.

"The corpses of tens of thousands of beasts are still there. Take the two of us to the scene. After the verification, we will report back to the court to the Holy One."

Xiao Mingshan: "Yes, yes, yes... two imperial envoys, please follow me."

Fan Xi, Shangshu of the Ministry of War: "Hehe...Your Excellency is also a dignified General Yunhui, a senior official guarding one side, there is no need to be so polite."

Xiao Mingshan: "Master Fan made fun of me, what kind of person am I to guard one side, our Patriarch is."

Two imperial envoys boarded the car.

Xiao Mingshan personally escorted them with a group of guards.

on the carriage.

Yu Shitai Liu Jingcai said suddenly: "The Xiao family disregarded the imperial power, and even made their own decisions about the appointment of General Yunhui."

Fan Xi: "The family enfeoffment system, which one is not like this, the big families in the Cangshan area are very powerful, even if the Kyushu region has implemented the monarchy and county system for so many years, it is not the family that has the final say."

"The country of our Daqian Dynasty cannot be like this, and the county system should also be implemented in the north of Jindu!"

"Master Liu is so ambitious, no wonder he is appreciated by His Majesty." Fan Xi said in a strange way.

"Master Fan doesn't agree with the county system?"

"Approval is approval, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"Forget it... let's not talk about it, Fan is just a rough man practicing martial arts. Only a scholar-born hero like Mr. Liu can have such ambition. In the future, Mr. Liu will be the prime minister, so don't forget to support Fan."

"Lord Fan... rule the world with prefectures and counties, receive the power of the world, and return it to the sage. Only in this way can the world be unified. One order will be returned from all over the world. This will not only benefit the people of the world, but also benefit you and me. Now you and me The two are imperial envoys, and Xiao Ji didn't come to greet them, just because of this arrogance, I will write it down in the memorial."

"Master Liu...you are the admonisher of Yushitai, you can say whatever you want, but when you meet the head of the Xiao family, you still have to be a little bit measured, only say what you should say, and don't say what you shouldn't say."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to be involved with you."

"Then, does the head of the Xiao family still dare to kill the imperial envoy?"

"Heh... so what if he kills you, think about his martial arts." Fan Xi said in a mocking tone.

The more Liu Jingcai thought about it, the more he sweated profusely, and finally he only said three words: "Emperor Tu!"

The convoy soon arrived at the ruins of the Yingtianbao battlefield.

Get out of the car.

The two imperial envoys were suddenly dumbfounded. The imaginary corpses scattered all over the field did not appear at all, and there were masons everywhere.

don't know what to fix...

Fan Xi: "Is this the Yingtianbao battlefield?"

Xiao Mingshan: "Exactly here."

Liu Jingcai: "Where are the tens of thousands of lycanthropist corpses?"

Xiao Mingshan: "The patriarch's supernatural powers are too strong, and he may have beaten them to pieces."

Liu Jingcai: "Master Xiao...you are really interesting to talk, so where is the body of the Nightmare Demon King?"

Xiao Mingshan: "Ah... I don't know much about this. When I see the patriarch later, the patriarch will naturally tell me."

Fan Xi: "You didn't come to the scene, how dare you report your military achievements?"

Xiao Mingshan: "It is true that our patriarch's supernatural powers killed tens of thousands of beasts and the Nightmare Demon King in the first battle. Why can't I report it to let the world know my patriarch's divine power."

Liu Jingcai: "What is your family repairing? Could it be that they want to renovate the Tianbao?"

Xiao Mingshan: "I'm not too sure about this, I'll go ask the two adults."

Sure enough, Xiao Mingshan went to ask, but the construction personnel on site didn't know what to ask.

Some people say it is repairing graves.

Some people say it is building bridges.

Some people say to repair the vegetable cellar.

Anyway, the men in black can do whatever they want. They just collect the money and do the work, but they don't know what to do.

Xiao Mingshan naturally knew that the man in black was Longwei, and Anbu Longwei was directly under Xiao Ji's jurisdiction.

So Xiao Mingshan simply found a dragon guard, told him the inspection achievements of the two imperial envoys, and asked the patriarch how to arrange it.

After Long Wei knew about this, he rode a dragon-shaped vigor and flew to the sky.

The martial arts of an ordinary subordinate is so high, at this time Fan Xi and Liu Jingcai just became serious.

The two imperial envoys raised their heads, waiting for the head of the Xiao family to descend from the sky.

However, just when the two of them were sore in their necks, a childish voice rang in their ears.

"I have already buried the corpses of tens of thousands of lycanthropists. I have used the body of the Nightmare Demon King for other purposes. If you want to see the results of the battle, you won't be able to see it."

Both Fan Xi and Liu Jingcai turned their heads to look at a boy with an immature face and ordinary clothes.

Fan Xi: "May I ask your Excellency?"

"Xiao Ji." Xiao Ji said with his hands behind his back.

Fan Xi: "It turns out that he is the head of the Xiao family. It's really disrespectful and disrespectful. It's just that there is no personal evidence or material evidence. This military achievement may not be counted."

Xiao Ji: "Forget it...Shangqing's meritorious service is useless, and the great general who protects the country is just a vain job."

Liu Jincai: "Bold! Do you know that lying about your military achievements is a serious crime of deceiving the emperor. Aren't you afraid of exterminating the clan, head of the Xiao family?"

Xiao Ji looked at Liu Jingcai with interest.

Xiao Mingshan respectfully reported from the side: "Master Patriarch, this imperial envoy is called Liu Jingcai, and he is an admonisher from Yushitai, a civil servant in the imperial court."

Xiao Ji: "The Daqian Dynasty has always valued martial arts and despised literature. When did it start to use civil servants?"

Liu Jingcai: "20 years ago, the court had rebuilt the civil service system, and now the civil service accounted for half of the court."

Xiao Ji: "It seems that the Daqian Dynasty has changed its national policy 20 years ago, taking the weak people as its national policy. When the people are strong, the world will be in chaos, and if the people are weak, monsters and beasts will run rampant... This time, I will severely damage the lycanthropy and kill the nightmare The demon king, deterring the Mengze monster clan, is enough to continue the Daqian Dynasty's state work for another hundred years, and let the people of Kyushu live another hundred years of peace."

(End of this chapter)

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