Poison Demon Immortal

Chapter 269 Congenital Artifact Refiner

Chapter 269 Congenital Artifact Refiner

Artifact refining techniques are divided into two categories, one is congenital refining method; the other is acquired refining method.

The two refining methods do not distinguish between strong and weak, high or low, but with different emphases.

The innate weapon refining method focuses on processing spiritual materials; the acquired weapon refining method focuses on burning formation patterns.

For a magic weapon to play a role, the key lies in the pattern.

The congenital weapon refining method needs to use monster materials to make magic weapons. When refining weapons, the congenital weapon refiner will keep the natural patterns of the monster materials as much as possible before they were alive, and then use these innate natural formation patterns to make magic weapons.

Because of the innate patterns, those who are proficient in innate weapon refining methods are called innate weapon refining masters.

Acquired crafting masters do not need monster materials, and all formation patterns are recorded the day after tomorrow, and no natural formation patterns are required.

It's not that the innate pattern is not good, but that the monster materials are really rare, especially for beginners, the monster materials are so precious that it is almost impossible to train them.

The vast majority of refiners can only deal with acquired materials and burn patterns in the furnace.

A major category of craftsmen is the swordsman.

Almost all sword refiners are acquired weapon refiners, after all, flying swords are all metal.

However, if you use the fangs of monsters to refine your sword, it belongs to the innate sword refining method.

A true master of refining equipment must be fully mastered whether it is innate or acquired.

After Jiu Ji understood these basic common senses, he had already decided to specialize in congenital weapon refining.

Not only do you need to learn a large number of patterns in the Houtian refining tool, but the engraved pattern must also be combined with the Yin and Yang materials of the acquired material, and the five elements are interdependent.

There are so many doorways in it, so many that it is not clear if it is a month, even a year or so.

How could Jiuji have such a long time to learn?

It's better to specialize in congenital refining.

The key to a congenital craftsman is to deal with natural materials. Jiuji once carefully observed Tan Yongshang's method of handling Ye Xiao's feathers. No matter how you look at it, Jiuji looks like the drawing method among the seven methods of alchemy.

Calcining, refining, broiling, melting, pumping, flying, these are the seven methods of alchemy, covering all the methods of alchemy.

Alchemists who pursue alchemy skills spend their entire lives seeking breakthroughs in these seven methods.

If we say that the drawing method in the seven methods of alchemy can be used to deal with the extraction of raw materials from the innate array pattern.

Alchemy and weapon refining are the same thing.

Jiuji is proficient in the art of alchemy, but knows nothing about the art of refining weapons.

However, if the connection between the two becomes the same thing, Jiu Ji will become a congenital craftsman in a very short time, perhaps at a very high level.

"Master Tan... your Chiyang Furnace is obviously an alchemy furnace, why do you always use it for refining?" Jiuji asked suddenly.

"Hey...you don't know this. This is the secret my master told me. When processing monster materials, it is easier to protect the natural patterns in the monster materials with the alchemy furnace than the refining furnace. The refining furnace The aura of metal and iron is too heavy, it is only suitable for processing acquired materials, and processing monster materials can easily damage the natural pattern..." Tan Yongshang explained smugly.

"Oh..." There was a hint of understanding in Jiuji's small eyes.

Tan Yongshang's answer made Jiuji more certain that the drawing method in the seven methods of alchemy can be used to process natural monster materials.

As the saying goes, one masters everything, and alchemy and equipment are interlinked. As long as Jiuji finds the key point, he will be proficient in refining equipment in a very short period of time.

Although he is only proficient in the art of congenital refining, he is still many times stronger than a layman.

Although Jiuji may have found a shortcut to quickly become a refiner, he also faces almost the same problems as all innate refiners.

That is because the materials are rare and there is almost no chance to practice.

A congenital refiner needs to peel off the patterns in natural materials, which are generally monsters with special attributes.

For example, the night owl who is good at hiding in the dark, the golden wind tiger who can control the strong wind, and the golden-eyed eagle whose eyes can see through illusions.

Among them, the golden wind tiger fat girl, the golden-eyed god carving with golden pupils and silver eyes cannot be killed.

But the Wei family should still have the corpse of the Golden Eyed Eagle.

Forget it...

If you can't quench your thirst from far away, it's better to buy some monster materials in Kyushu to practice your hands.

The black carriage continued to drive on the official road...

Jiuji suddenly changed his voice and asked, "Are you familiar with Liuxiangsheng?"

"I'm not familiar... Our Tan family used to live in Guzhou Province, which is adjacent to Lancang Province." Tan Yongshang shook his head and said.

"The largest city in Ancient Zhou Province is Xuandu of Great Zhou?"

"You also know the ancient capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

"The Great Zhou Dynasty was a unified dynasty before the Dagan Dynasty. It pursued the policy of a weak nation for thousands of years, so that Cangshan monsters ran rampant in Kyushu, and the people spontaneously resisted, and finally established the Dagan Dynasty... These are ordinary people, maybe I don’t know, but as a family of Martial Immortals, how can I not know?”

"Indeed... the ancient capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty was called Xuandu. Xuandu was located in the deep mountains of the desolate mountains of the ancient Zhou province. The former Xuandu might have been a magnificent city, but now no one lives there, but it is just one of the desolate mountains. It's just a ruined ancient city..."

"I want to go to Xuandu to have a look."

"There is nothing there. Countless people have visited it for thousands of years. If there is any chance that someone has already taken it, how can it be your turn?"

"I didn't do it for chance, I just wanted to go and have a look. Anyway, to go to Lancang Province, I have to pass through Guzhou Province...Brother Tan is familiar with Guzhou Province, so where can I buy monster materials in Guzhou? " Jiuji asked suddenly.

"Hehe... There is an ancient capital square in the former Xuandu, where every shop has a treasure of the store, and they will tell you that their treasure of the store was dug in the Xuandu of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the past. It came out... The so-called treasures of town stores are all deceitful, but if you are not looking for thousand-year-old ancient relics from the Great Zhou Dynasty in Gudufang, you still have a chance to buy some raw materials of monsters. Shops are all about nine truths and one fake, how can they sell fakes if there is no real one?" Tan Yongshang laughed.

"Brother Tan is so proficient in forgery, could it be that he did it in Gudufang before?" Jiuji guessed.

"Hey hey hey... I used to work in the family's refining room, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning..." Tan Yongshang waved his hand and showed a humble smile.

Jiuji lifted the curtain of the carriage and saw the city halfway up the mountain.

Linjiang City.

After three years away, I came back.

"After a day's journey, I finally came across a decent city. We will stay here for one night today and leave tomorrow." Jiuji said.

"That Immortal Zhang...I have already taught you the art of refining, when will you pass on my Yunluo Qingyan Palm?" Tan Yongshang rubbed his hands and asked.

"You taught me the art of refining?"


"Then why haven't I even refined a decent magic weapon?"

"Eh... no matter what you learn, you are taught by the master to practice. As long as you work hard, you will be able to refine magic weapons by yourself one day."

"How do I feel, how do I feel that I just listened to you bragging for a month."

"Zhang Xianren... You have to speak with conscience. This month, I have carefully explained to you all the essentials of the art of refining, and I have also taught you a lot of practical exercises, such as the gold thread silver Line... I have already laid a solid foundation for you to become a master craftsman, and now your crafting skills are no less than that of ordinary apprentices..."

(End of this chapter)

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