Chapter 262
flint forest.

Tan's residence.

The refining room where Yongshang Tan is located.

"Master... Jiuji, the alchemist of the Wei family, came to visit." A servant said loudly.

"Let him wait..." Tan Yongshang said bluntly.

After half an hour.

Tan Yongshang left the Refining Hall and met Zhang Jiuji in the small courtyard.

"Brother Zhang... what gust of wind brought you here." Tan Yongshang said with a smile on his face.

"Is there a floating magic weapon that can be manipulated by ordinary people without the need for immortal essence, and can fly thousands of miles away with the wind?" Jiuji asked straight to the point.

"No! Absolutely not." Tan Yongshang said with a determined face.

"What if?"

"If there is someone who refines weapons, he can be the first of its kind. He is simply a master refiner that has never been seen in the ages. If anyone has such a level of refinement, he can enter the Heavenly Remnant League and become an elder." Tan Yongshang Said swearingly.

Jiuji patted the storage bag and took out a Kongming lantern.

This Kongming lantern is foldable, and it cannot be put into the storage bag without folding.

With his eyes closed, Jiuji quickly opened the folded Kongming Lantern and lit the candle.

As the flame inside the Kongming Lantern heats up, this paper Kongming Lantern slowly rises...

"You don't want to go back in this seat, do you?" Tan Yongshang asked in astonishment.

"You are a craftsman, help me make one." Jiuji said with a smile.

"You'd better cultivate to the second rank first, without the help of the void, you will have to fall to your death."

"Don't worry about it, just help me make one."

"How do I do this? I can't do it... You should go to a mortal, make a cover with animal skins, drop a basket under it, and use a torch as a lamp. After the torch is extinguished, you can jump down. At the second rank, there is still a chance of survival, after all, you can borrow strength from the void, and at the third rank, you will definitely be smashed into meatloaf." Tan Yongshang said in a mocking tone.

"I are indeed overqualified for this job." Jiuji turned around and left.

"Brother you really want to go to heaven like this?"


"Eh...then walk slowly."

ten days later.

Zhang Jiuji asked Wei Bailing and Wei Baili to mobilize more than a hundred workers to build a huge Kongming lantern.

Eight ropes extended from the plank and fell on the keel of the hot air balloon made of animal skin.

When the giant Kongming lantern is about to be completed.

Tan Yongshang couldn't hold back his curiosity again.

"You have to drop a few stones under the plank. The bottom is too light, top-heavy, and the balloon will flip over when the wind blows." Tan Yongshang put forward his opinion.

"Go and do what Master Tan said." Jiuji ordered.

Wei Bailing, Wei Baili immediately ordered the mason to tie up four or five large stones.

"Master...can this thing really fly?" Wei Bailing still couldn't believe it.

"Do as Master Tan says." Jiuji ordered sharply.

The crude floating instrument was quickly completed.

"I'll try it first."

"What do you use to heat the balloon?" Tan Yongshang asked curiously.

Jiuji leaped onto the plank.

Lifting his right hand, a pillar of fire rushed out.

"Spray fire with bare hands! You still say you are not a martial artist!?" Tan Yongshang was stunned.

As the hot air balloon is heated by flames.

Although the hot air balloon faintly floated in the air, it did not take off.

"This thing can't fly." Li Xiaocui said with a big frown.

"Let me do it." Tan Yongshang took out a machete from the storage bag, and chopped off two big rocks.

The hot air balloon takes off instantly.

After ascending a hundred meters, it could no longer be lifted into the air, and a rope held the hot air balloon, preventing it from continuing to fly away.

"Immortal Zhang... this floating magic weapon can be made, you have to accept the supernatural power!" Tan Yongshang roared loudly.

Jiuji jumped off the hot air balloon, and his feet stepped on the void, as if walking on the ground.

"Immortal Zhang... Why do you need to use this simple floating magic weapon since you have immortal essence? If other immortals saw it, wouldn't you be laughing out loud?"

"Besides, it's impossible for you to reach Kyushu with this thing." Tan Yongshang said flatteringly.

"Why can't we talk about Kyushu?" Jiuji asked.

"Immortal Zhang... your floating magic weapon is big and stupid, you can only rely on the wind to blow, and the wind doesn't blow from north to south all the time, the wind in the sky blows randomly from east to west, from north to south, so you can only sway around in the sky. " Tan Yongshang explained.

"Since you are a Martial Immortal, why should you wrong yourself? Although a floating magic weapon is expensive, but you are an alchemist, it is not difficult to earn enough gold dollars for a floating magic weapon."

"You told me the news about the Tian Can Order, you go with me." Jiuji grabbed Tan Yongshang, stepped into the void, and led him to run all the way towards the high-altitude hot air balloon.

"Excuse me, Immortal Zhang!" Tan Yongshang howled like a pig.

Jiuji must be taking someone on the road with him, his mind and eyes are full of lies, and there is no one to talk on the road.

Tan Yongshang fell on the wooden board.

Jiuji threw a flying knife with a big flying flower technique, and the flying knife chopped off the rope.

The hot air balloon soared into the sky.

above the sky.

The wind howled.

Soon it rushed into the clouds.

Tan Yongshang grabbed a rope with one hand, and his expression quickly became excited.

Although this floating magic weapon is astonishingly simple, it is still flying after all.

The white mist blows towards the face...

Walking through the white clouds made Tan Yongshang suddenly excited.

"Help me see the direction of the wind."

Jiuji took out a flag from the storage bag, and then a compass.

Tan Yongshang held a compass in one hand and a small flag in the other.

"The wind is in the right direction, north to south."

Kuji spewed flames expressionlessly.

The pillar of red flame.

The inside of the hot air balloon is illuminated red.

"No need...the ball has swelled up, and it will break if you heat it up again." Tan Yongshang said hastily.

Jiuji sat cross-legged on the wooden board with his eyes closed, letting the hot air balloon float in the wind.

The hot air balloon quickly came over the sea of ​​clouds.

Looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Tan Yongshang's excited face gradually calmed down.

The sea of ​​clouds is vast.

Nothing can be seen under the sea of ​​clouds.

"Boyun Tianzhou! This is the height of Boyun Tianzhou, Zhang Xianren... You are a genius at crafting. You used simple animal skins to make a simplified Boyun Tianzhou." Tan Yongshang shouted excitedly.

"Pay attention to the direction of the wind." Jiuji said coldly.

Tan Yongshang looked at the small flag in his hand, and the flag on the small flag drooped.

This means that there is no wind in the air at all.

"There is no wind." Tan Yongshang said.

It was extremely cold in the sky.

A layer of hoarfrost soon formed on the rope.

Jiuji raised his hand.

Yunluo Qingyan Palm.

The palm wind is soft and has no effect.

Yunluo Qingyan Palm is dear and soft, and it can only be transformed into cotton strength after hitting the target.

Jiuji sat cross-legged on the board, his eyes slightly opened.

The white clouds are dense and stretch for thousands of miles.

A drum mood arises spontaneously.

Jiuji took a deep breath and chanted loudly: "There are big clouds in the high mountains, don't compete with the peaks. The sky and the earth are so wide that a row of palms is equal."

"Zhang Xianren! What a great poem! It's so majestic, when will you let me go?" Tan Yongshang praised excitedly.

With his eyes closed, Jiuji squatted down slightly, holding the moon with both hands, and the true essence in his body was roughly running in the direction of Yunluo Qingyan Palm...

"Grab the rope." Jiuji reminded suddenly.

"Zhang Xianren... what are you going to do?"

"Cloud Pai Zhang!" Jiuji slowly pushed out his hands.

A strange wind suddenly appeared in the clear sky.

The crude floating magic weapon suddenly swayed...

"Immortal Zhang... You should quickly take away your supernatural powers."

(End of this chapter)

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