Chapter 272
Although Wang Heng knew that the QR code was very important, he didn't pay much attention to it. There are not many patents on this thing and it is produced by secondary processing.

Just like the smartphone design patent and operation patent he applied for, he can block others for a while at most, and then he will be forced to patent it.

It's like Wang Heng used patents to embarrass Apple's mobile phone. In the end, Apple's mobile phone was released a few months later than the Honor mobile phone.

After a year's delay, assimilation into a mobile phone was launched in July at the same time,

After Wang Heng received the news, he quickly organized the second Honor Smartphone Software Alliance meeting to prevent Apple mobile phones from invading the country again. This time, he mainly advocated that domestic software should not be Apple APP software...

When Wang Heng was discussing how to deal with Apple, North America and the headquarters of the Google Group were also meeting to discuss how to deal with him.

After the Huawei system came out, Wang Heng directly abandoned Android. They were the most angry.

At this moment, the Google Group is conducting a routine core-level executive meeting. Google's executive chairman, Google's current CEO, founder Page, Sergey and other bigwigs are all gathered together.

The CEO of Google said, "As long as you use a computer to surf the Internet, you cannot avoid using a desktop browser. In fact, a desktop browser is indispensable."

"However, everyone, I don't want to be alarmist. What is imminent before our eyes is that Google is quietly hiding a huge crisis.
The Honor mobile phone under Hengda Group is already in a monopoly position in China. They originally installed the Android system. After we found out that they blocked the Google system, they suddenly abandoned the Android system and used it as the system.
In addition, the pre-installed software of Honor mobile phones, Tencent's browser has become more and more powerful, not only dominating the wireless end in Huaxia, but even the PC end is gradually encroaching on the status of other browsers. In the field of browsers, Tencent's browsers have basically become the world. If they don't control them, I'm afraid they won't be able to satisfy the Chinese market. "

The executive from India did not conceal his strong worry, but none of the other executives spoke.

After a while, the Google staff released the ppt he had prepared on the main screen dedicated to the meeting.

"This is a detailed history of the browser's development over the past few years that I compiled. The browser officially started public beta testing in 2003 and was opened for download in China. At this time, it was already in a dominant position in China."

"2003?" Page asked.

Seeing the expression of question marks on his face, the CEO of Google felt speechless: Page was the one who suggested you not to care about the China market, and you forgot it so quickly?

The Google CEO put away his thoughts, nodded and said: "Yes, you should have guessed it. It is only 2003 years from 5 to now.
It has only been a year since the Honor mobile phone came out in 07. Wang Heng knocked on the door of the mobile Internet with the Honor mobile phone. Fortunately, Tencent’s Sogou browser has encountered the tide of the mobile Internet and is the first mobile Internet browser. one devoted to it. "

The CEO of Google went on to say, "Sogou has become the browser that comes with the Honor smartphone, and its market share was less than 2007% before the launch of the Honor smartphone in 2.

But after entering the Honor mobile phone, Sogou browser has developed rapidly in just one year, and it took only one year to replace Baidu as the ruler of Huaxia search. Do you know the current market share of Sogou browser? "

Page subconsciously asked, "How much?"

"According to the latest research data from a market research agency, in 2008 in China's PC Internet + mobile Internet desktop browser market, Sogou browser accounted for as high as 58.69%, close to 60%, and will soon dominate the desktop browser."

Everyone looked at the statistical data on the ppt on the main screen of the meeting, and the market share of 58.69% was terrified.

This means that Sogou browser is used by more than half of the people in China, and it is still soaring at a double-digit growth rate.

This 58.69% is only the data pulled by 90% of the mobile Internet, and the PC end is probably less than 20%, and there is still too much room for growth.
At present, in the ranking of China's browsers, in addition to Sogou browser, Baidu ranks second, and Google browser ranks third, with a current market share of 10.9%.

Google probably entered the Chinese market around April 2006. It was a bit late and did not catch up with the good time. However, they did catch up in the mobile Internet era. Unfortunately, they were not willing to spend money.
Except for these three major browsers, the rest of the market share is below 5%, which is included in "Others".

The baton in Google CEO's hand pointed to the projected PPT and continued,

"Yes, as you can see from the data, in the field of desktop browsers, Huaxia is currently in a situation where all parties are fighting for hegemony, but unfortunately the protagonist is not our Google, but them."

Talking and pointing to the next content of the ppt, he continued: "Let's go back to 1998. The IE browser is also the default software of Microsoft. market?"

How brilliant was the Internet Explorer browser?The bigwigs present certainly knew that a fierce browser war broke out in the 90s, shaking the entire Internet industry.

Microsoft used various disgraceful means to gain dominance, one of which was the bundling of the windows system, which caused Microsoft to face a monopoly lawsuit, which eventually led to Gates having to step down from the position of head.

And Microsoft, which lost Gates, missed two historical opportunities in the tide of cloud computing and mobile Internet, which is also the root cause of ie's decline.

Although today's Microsoft is also a giant-level multinational technology giant, if these two opportunities are seized, today's Microsoft will be even more terrifying.

The CEO of Google continued, "Since IE browser defeated Netscape browser at the end of 1998, ie has dominated the entire browser market. According to data, by April 2002, ie's market share was as high as 4%. pinnacle."

"Later, under the impact of its own problems and competitors, ie's market share declined significantly."

"Until this year, you all know what I'm going to say. At this time, Hengda is the most shining new star in the entire Internet in China. When everyone is focusing on Honor mobile phones to redefine smartphones, Sogou browser is launched in a low-key manner. No one will Thinking that it will be our enemy in the Chinese market."

The executive chairman of Google who attended the meeting was basically silent, because the past was too bad to look back on, and he knew that he had a lot of responsibility for it.

Before the launch of the Honor mobile phone, Google was on the scene at the time, but it did not pay much attention to the Honor mobile phone, gave up pre-installation, and specialized in the PC side, which led to the rise of the Sogou browser.

The executive chairman sighed softly and said: "This is my fault, and I have a great responsibility. If I paid attention to Honor mobile phones at that time, Google Chrome would have entered the Chinese market by now, instead of spending huge resources now, Only occupying 10.9% of the market on the PC side, I made Google miss the opportunity."

Page looked at the rather remorseful executive chairman and comforted him,

"At that time, Google's focus was on Android. It's not your fault, Eric, and no one can accurately step on the pulse of the times every time."

Schmidt immediately said: "But Wang Heng did it."

Paige, who originally wanted to comfort others, couldn't help but sighed softly when he heard this, and said with a wry smile: "Yes, Wang Heng did it. If you compete with him as an opponent, it will really make people feel pressured. Fortunately, he Didn't go into the search market, didn't go into the browser market."

After Sergey saw that the topic was dragged away, he quickly brought it back, looked at the CEO and said,

"Let's talk about the browser, Sogou Browser, how do you evaluate this product?"

Hearing this, the Google CEO was silent for a moment and replied, "Objectively speaking, Sogou Browser has done a good job and added many user-friendly functional designs."

"Sogou's rise is not only because it has grasped the opportunities of the times, but without real strength, even if it grasps the opportunities, it will slip away from its hands."

Page joked, "Fortunately, Honor mobile phones are only developed in China. If they are distributed globally, we, Google, may be in real trouble."

The other participants also smiled lowly, but the smiles were a bit mixed.

Everyone knows why the Honor mobile phone is not released in China. This has nothing to do with the technology industry, so it is just a bitter smile and rejoicing for them.

(End of this chapter)

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