Chapter 195
Ahri’s directors expressed difficulty in understanding Ma Yun’s explanation.
The representative of Yahoo directly retorted, "Ari is listed on b2b, not the parent company of Ari Group. Taobao and b2b are two independent companies. How could it be affected?"

Ma Yun said, "Tao Bao and b2b are equivalent to Ari's two children, raising Tao Bao with b2b is the same as raising Tao Bao with b2b?

Well, I will announce tomorrow that the financing of the b2b listing is for Taobao and Pinxixi to compete for the c2c and b2c markets. Try to see if Ari's b2b will fall below the issue price? "

Representative of Yahoo, "Why not raise funds to expand the b2b market share?"

Ma Yun gave the other party a look of "You are an idiot",

Ari's b2b market has no one to compete with Ari, and by 2022, Ari's family will dominate.
But as for the revenue, in 2021, Ahri’s total revenue will be 8364 billion, while b2b will only be 320 billion, accounting for only 25/[-]th. To be honest, this revenue is not enough for Ahri’s expenses. If there is no subsidy for international business, Ahri The raccoon got rid of it early,
Therefore, after Ari b2b was delisted in Xiangjiang, it was an invisible existence in Ari Group. Not only did the media not report it, but they themselves did not pay attention to it. The Ari Group that was publicized afterwards seemed to be a business of Taobao.

In fact, Ahri Group’s b2b listing is for the purpose of cutting off shareholders’ leeks. In 07, Ahri’s B2B business was the main body, and it was successfully listed on the Main Board of Heung Kong. It raised US$17 billion for the development of Taobao.
At that time, the scale of financing surpassed Google to become the largest financing in the technology field, and Ahri’s market value exceeded 200 billion US dollars in one fell swoop, becoming the second largest Internet company in Asia with a price-earnings ratio of 300 times.
It was almost unmatched among the listed technology companies at that time. It was oversubscribed by 258 times, and the frozen funds were as high as 4500 billion Hong Kong dollars, setting a record for the frozen funds in the Hong Kong stock market.

It closed at 39.5 Hong Kong dollars on the day of listing and 40.4 Hong Kong dollars the next day, equivalent to three times the issue price, setting a record for the highest increase in new shares in Hong Kong stocks in 3.

However, after being listed at its peak, Ahri B2B’s stock price performance was unsatisfactory, and then fell all the way from the third quarter of 2009. By February 2012, the stock price once fell to less than 2 Hong Kong dollars, directly falling three-quarters.

Finally, in 2012, Ahri Group announced that it would acquire 13.5% of the listed shares at a price of HK$27.03 per share, and after repurchasing the shares, Ahri would be delisted from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange after privatization.

In the past 5 years, the hard-working small and medium-sized shareholders who were optimistic about Ari's shares, believed in Mayun as a god, and were obsessed with Ari's various promotions were basically locked in by Ari, and most of them suffered heavy losses.

From 13.5 Hong Kong dollars for listing to 13.5 Hong Kong dollars for delisting, everything has come back to the starting point.
But let’s not say that Ari spent 17 billion US dollars in the market for 5 years without paying interest,
Let’s talk about the shareholders of Ahri Group. In 2007, Ahri shareholders reduced their holdings at 40 yuan, and in 2012 they used 13.5 yuan to recover. The profit of 26.5 yuan in the middle is not enough for them to eat?

Wang Heng created Pinxixi, and he also intends to learn from Ahli Group, reduce Pinxixi to 2021 trillion in early 3, and then use 2021 billion to recover at the end of 5...

Back at the board of directors of Ari Group, after Yahoo retreated, Ma Yun looked at the shareholders of Taishan Club,

A group of people in the Taishan Club are engaged in traditional business and don’t know much about Internet business, so they didn’t say much.
Then there is Sun Yi, since Ma Yun and Wang Heng got together, he no longer treats Sun Yi with the same respectful attitude as before,
Before that, Ma Yun was called Big Brother, and he was a small consultant in Softbank,

This time, after he doesn't need Sun Yi, he is like the transformation of Ahri in the parallel world in 2014 after it was listed in the beautiful country,
Of course, Ahri Group and Softbank had been transferred at that time, and Softbank became like a leech crawling on Ahri Group and sucking blood, so Sun Yi knew something and could calmly accept the status transfer.

At this time, Ma Yun made a mess of Ari Group, b2b also suspended the listing, and Taobao's performance was not as good as it was day by day.
At this time, Ma Yun still didn't want to repent, and arrogantly aggressive to the shareholders on the rostrum. At this moment, Ma Yun's favorability in Sun Yi's heart became negative.
Sun Yi said with a cold face, "Chairman Ma, is this how you treat Ari's shareholders? If you are incompetent and fail to manage the Ari Group, I will initiate a vote to cancel your special equity qualification."

Generally, under AB shares, the words of the founder are weighted, which will cause the phenomenon that the words of the investors do not work after investing money, and will eventually lead to the consequences of the company's words.

When the company makes the right decisions, or when the founders agree with the other shareholders, there is nothing wrong with each other.

If the founder insists on making decisions, he will naturally have conflicts with other shareholders. If the chairman makes a wrong decision, other shareholders will become "victims."

Moreover, the AB share system of "one share dominates" is very unfair to small shareholders. While weakening the rights and interests of small shareholders, it is very easy for large shareholders to "black" small shareholders. Corruption.

Therefore, after generally citing the ab equity structure, some restrictions will be made,
For example, when considering resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders that have a significant impact on corporate governance, special voting rights shares will no longer enjoy privileges, and they will be able to vote fairly with the same shares and rights as ordinary shares.

It involves amendments to the company's articles of association, changes in the number of voting rights enjoyed by special voting shares, appointment or dismissal of independent directors, company mergers, divisions, dissolutions or changes in company form, shareholders holding special voting shares, transfer of equity, etc.

Ma Yun obtained a special ab equity structure with a very small shareholding, especially the Taishan Club lost tens of billions of wealth due to the exchange of shares. In order to obtain the privilege, Ma Yun signed the above agreement,
Therefore, Ma Yun didn't have any worries about Ali, who was struggling to annex him with Yanxuan Mall. This is not only a benefit, but also
What's more, it was because he failed to fight against Wang Heng, which led to his power and prestige being weakened step by step.
On the contrary, Yanxuan Mall, he and Wang Heng set up unlimited absolute power like Zack from the beginning, so no matter whether he gives Wang Heng the voting right or Wang Heng gives him the voting right, no matter who they are Can fully grasp Yanxuan Mall,
In fact, Wang Heng also had absolutely unlimited power when setting up Pinxixi's shareholding structure, because Wang Heng himself had an absolute controlling stake at that time.

Ma Yun didn't seem to care about Sun Yi's special power to overthrow him, and said,
"Since Mr. Sun is not satisfied with me, then follow the procedure. According to the procedure, I have a veto right as the chairman.

Now, as the chairman, I veto Sun Dong's power to cancel my special stock,

Next, Mr. Sun, you initiate a vote to re-elect the chairman of the board, and I have ten times the voting rights. I vote for myself to continue to be the chairman of the Ari Group.

My decision has been made, the next step is for you to follow the charter. Before the new chairman takes office, Tao Bao will continue to discuss the merger with Yanxuan Mall. Because of the chaos in the board of directors of Ari Group, b2b officially suspends the IPO. Today's meeting ends here , break up the meeting. "

After Ma Yun finished speaking neatly, disregarding the opinions of the shareholders, he forcibly announced the adjournment of the meeting and left the meeting room.

After Ma Yun left the meeting room, he was not too worried about Sun Yi's proposal to revoke his special voting rights. The procedure will not be settled in a short while, and he is not a person who is waiting to die.

So before he stepped down as chairman of Ari Group, Ari Group was basically in his hands.

After Ma Yun left the conference room, the air conditioner in the conference room was suddenly turned off, and the lights went out.

When Sun Yi was still thinking about why Ma Yun's attitude had become so tough, the conference room was suddenly pitch black.
Representatives of Yahoo, the people in the Taishan clubhouse were stunned by Ma Yun's operation for a while,
Now, is Ma Yun going to tear his face apart?

At this time, all shareholders are full of uncertainty about Ahri's future, is Ma Yun such a person?
In fact, Sun Yi also talked about it. He intended to force Ma Yun to listen to him, but he didn't expect it to end up like this.

However, Ma Yun did it on purpose. Of course, it was not his idea to turn off the lights and the air conditioner in the end. He is not that low-level.

If a company has to re-elect even its chairman, can it go public?That must not be the case!
Therefore, in order to go public safely, the company must be stable, but the chairman cannot be dismissed if the company is stable.
But if he cannot be removed as the chairman, he will use the power of the chairman to terminate the listing, so this is a circle, and he will always be invincible.


Although it was Ma Yun and Wang Heng who conspired, there was really nothing wrong with Wang Heng. He left Yanxuan Mall after handing it over to Liu Dong.

Anyway, in the end, he just looked at the result and just waited to sign with Ma Yun.
After returning from Shanghai, Wang Heng regained the confidence of a big man. After two days of work, he turned his attention to Shan Menghan again.
The villa Wang Heng arranged for her woman was so awesome that they were arranged together.
For example, his family is in Building 16 of Xixi Villa, Shan Menghan is in Building 26, Xiao Yan is in Building 36, and Lu Yingying's family is in another villa area. Currently, her parents and her younger brother live there. Lu Yingying lives because of work. in Shanghai,
In the past, Xiao Yan and his family lived in the same community. He did it for convenience, and later because it was convenient for him to go home. After Xiao Yan repeatedly rejected him, he subconsciously went back to his own home.
Now he has arranged for Shan Menghan to come over again, naturally for the sake of convenience,
As for whether Shan Menghan and Xiao Yan would meet, he didn't think about it at all.

Wang Heng's house is on the right side of the community, Xiao Yan's is on the left, and Shan Menghan's is in the middle.
Both Xiao Yan and Lu Yingying took their parents to their side, but Shan Menghan didn't. It wasn't that she wasn't filial, but that her parents didn't want to live with her.
The reason for this is naturally because of Shan Menghan's character,

To Wang Heng, the bodyguards of Shan Menghan's family are like nothing.

Shan Menghan didn't pay too much attention to Wang Heng who came uninvited. After all, he gave away a villa worth several million, so he should stay for a few nights.
So Shan Menghan went about her own business and ignored Wang Heng. She Shan Menghan was very strong all her life, and she didn't relax her studies just because she took a shortcut, so she came back from the company and continued to learn financial knowledge by herself.
Wang Heng said hello, seeing that she ignored him, he went to Shan Menghan's side to watch her study,

Wang Heng was already thick-skinned, smelling the fragrance of Shan Menghan after getting out of the bath, he couldn't help reaching out and hugging Shan Menghan's waist tentatively,

Shan Menghan didn't respond, and continued to look at her study materials,

After waiting for a minute, Wang Heng put his arm around Shan Menghan's hand, and started to move tentatively.
Shan Menghan still didn't respond.

Wang Heng followed suit...

Shan Menghan's neck was ticklish, so he pushed his head away,

Wang Heng stopped the attack and put his arms around Shan Menghan honestly. After a few minutes, seeing that Shan Menghan did not reject him, he started the previous temptation again.
After interrupting Shan Menghan's study again, Shan Menghan suddenly put down the book and said,

"Can you stop dawdling, come here sooner, I have to study after I'm done."

Hearing Shan Menghan's words, Wang Heng burst into a rage, cooperating with her, she had already prepared it, but he had no eyesight to see,
Without saying a word, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Shan Menghan in a princess hug, and walked towards the bedroom...


Originally, on January 2007, 1, Joe, the founder of Apple, was supposed to release the first generation of Apple in Masconi, San Francisco, a beautiful country, and the world has since entered the era of mobile Internet, but because of patent issues, the release of the first generation of Apple had to be suspended.

Of course, Apple wants to release it first, and then file a patent lawsuit with Wang Heng, but because of the early prevention, Apple has no choice but to apply for a compulsory patent license.

The member states of international patents stipulate that compulsory licenses shall be approved under certain conditions in order to prevent possible abuse of rights by patentees.

However, it is quite troublesome to apply for this compulsory license patent.
Only when the patentee fails to implement the patent within 3 years after obtaining the patent and fails to provide justifiable reasons, the country granting the patent can adopt a compulsory license.

That is to say, if Apple wants a design patent and operation patent for a smartphone, it will take three years for the approval to be granted if Wang Heng deliberately gets stuck and refuses to authorize it.

In addition, this kind of compulsory license is not non-exclusive. Except for the person granted the license, the patentee can still use, manufacture and sell the patented product by himself, and still has the right to issue patent implementation licenses to others.

The person who has obtained the compulsory license can only implement the invention patent by himself, and cannot transfer the compulsory license unless it is transferred together with the enterprise using the compulsory license.

A person who has obtained a compulsory license shall pay the patentee a reasonable remuneration.

That is to say, even if Apple applies for a compulsory license patent three years later, and obtains Wang Heng's patent, it can only use it for itself, and cannot authorize or transfer it to others, and has to pay Wang Heng's patent fee.

All the favorable factors are on Wang Heng's side. Even if the beautiful country is more capable, it will take 1-2 years to get it done, so give him and Huawei enough time to make a smartphone.

In fact, it is not difficult to make a prototype, but the difficulty lies in the large-scale production line.
Moreover, chips and systems are not so easy to come up with, so the only way to be the first to release smartphones before Apple is to use other people's systems and chips.
President Hua didn't pay too much attention to the reputation of the world's first smartphone, so he chose to continue research and development.
However, Wang Heng chose another path, which is to publish first, define first, and then upgrade the system after the transformation system comes out, abandoning the original system.
On January 1th, Rukia and Motorola were vying for the global market, Samsung was secretly developing, and Apple was busy with patents.
And Wang Henghe Huawei held the first smartphone developer conference in Shenzhen...

(End of this chapter)

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