Liao Zhai Zi is silent

Chapter 161 Don't You Know I Know Martial Arts?

Chapter 161 Don't You Know I Know Martial Arts?
"Since the Taoist priest is here, why should he leave?"

Lin Zhuming originally didn't want to meet with the Longhua Society, but only wanted to find the source of the plague and restrain the plague soldiers and ghosts.

But he didn't want to be watched by someone, it was the old woman with the basket just now.

"The old woman Longhua will be the envoy of Zhuyan and Baigu, and she has seen Master Lin of the Longevity Palace."

"You know Pindao?" Lin Zhuoming was surprised.

His own reputation should not be so wide.

"How could Master Lin not know? You killed the God of Wealth's subordinates and offended the people of the Ten Thousand Immortals Sect. Now the God of Wealth is offering a reward of 800 taels of gold for your head, and 3000 taels of gold for your capture. Take it."

"Beautiful Yan and White Bone Envoy?" Lin Zhuoming looked over, "Don't tell me you have the ability to change your appearance?"

Lin Zhuming heard that he was wanted by the evil god, but he was not in a hurry. He had already practiced the formula, so he was naturally fearless.

The old woman said with a chuckle: "Master Lin, if you join my teaching, my teaching upholds the idea of ​​doing justice for the heavens and saving the common people, so I can protect the master comprehensively."

"It's just an evil god. What does the poor Taoist fear him for? Just as long as he's not afraid of the poor Taoist."

Lin Zhuming ignored her and went straight to the refugees.

The old woman became angry from embarrassment: "If you don't eat a toast, you will be fined."

Many insects flew out of the basket, most of which were highly poisonous black and yellow ants.

However, Liu Ding Liu Jia protects his life, this kind of poisonous insect can't get close to Lin Zhuming's body at all.

On the contrary, Lin Zhuming was angered: "Is it true that the poor can't squeeze the soft persimmon?"

Lin Zhuming drew his sword out, with three steps and ten feet, the sword was like a shooting star, using the Wuxing boxing and sword technique.

This sword is derived from Lin Zhuoming's comprehension of the power of rushing thunder from the murals, combined with the "fire sword" technique in the five-element boxing sword, so it has the power of thunder and fire.

The sword produces thunder, buzzing.

The old woman was surprised: "How come you still have such martial arts!"

But a few skulls flew out of the basket, the upper and lower jaws opened and closed, and a wisp of will-o'-the-wisp danced in the eye sockets, showing eyes but no pearls.

Lin Zhuoming cut off the skulls with his sword, so he knew that this was an authentic method of demons and heretics. These skulls were probably made of virgin boys and girls.

"Cut the demon!"

The sword emits light, thunder, fire and thunderbolt are like Tai Ah, Longquan and others.

But the skull was sacrificed to be like copper and iron, and the Tianling cover was extremely hard, so the sword only dispelled some evil spirits.

Instead, several skulls circled behind.

Liujia said: "My lord, we are the best at such ghosts and ghosts!"

But the five thunders aimed at them, and they fired as soon as they fired.

Those skulls were shot by a cannon and exploded on the spot.

The old woman vomited blood and was very surprised: "You actually trained the Tiangang Thunder and Vulcan Soldiers!"

But Lin Zhuming also reacted, what kind of "cold weapon" should he use when he has "firearms".

With a flick, a firecracker fell from his sleeve to his hand.

When the old woman saw it, she panicked: "Why don't you talk about martial arts!"

However, Lin Zhuming directly shot her through the forehead: "Don't you know that poor Taoists know martial arts? Or have you always been so brave?"

However, upon closer inspection, it was only a dummy that fell to the ground, and a snake-like figure sprang out from the dummy.

"The art of form replacement." Lin Zhuoming recognized it.

But then fired again.

The man wanted to run away, but Lin Zhuoming shouted: "Definitely!"

The moment was like thunder, and the man froze.

Was shot in the shoulder.



One shot breaks all laws, and treats all the bells and whistles.

The man hugged his shoulders and screamed. From Lin Zhuoming's point of view, the old woman's appearance was just a leather coat, and this short man was the real appearance of this man.

"Xingdai, disguise, bone shrinking skills..." Lin Zhuming said: "This is all for assassination. Although it is a heretic, it is not difficult to make a living. How come Longhua will be a white-boned and beautiful envoy?" ?”

"If you don't use firearms, whoever will win today may lose. If this is the case today, I will fall into your hands, but the altar master has already produced three thousand pestilence soldiers, so what if you kill me, hahaha! "

Lin Zhuming's expression changed immediately when he heard that someone was refining three thousand plague soldiers: "You Longhua Society are really crazy."

Xu Biao said: "Master, this kind of people, just kill them."

Lin Zhuming nodded: "Pin Dao has always refrained from killing."

Liujia hehe said: "I will understand!"

But Lin Zhuoming didn't have to do it himself, he had already killed that man.

Only the remaining souls were not scattered, but they were also collected in the umbrella by Lin Zhuoming.

"My lord, this basket seems to be a magic weapon."

Lin Zhuming looked at it and said: "It's useless, it's just a basket he used to disguise and store various things, and burn it with him."

Then he went to look for the altar master who refined the plague soldiers.

Liujia searched for the direction and went to explore the road. Sure enough, he found a deserted village. There were not many people living there, and all of them went to flee the famine.

But there is a temple here, and what kind of "Prince" is enshrined in the temple.

It is one of the many obscene priests in the south, but Lin Zhuming doesn't know who the specific god is.

But seeing the ghost aura deep inside, and the plague aura diffused.

Around the temple, even in the daytime, there are still ghosts. These ghosts look skinny, holding white banners in their hands, and "disease" is written on the banners. They are exactly "epidemic ghosts".

"My lord, since that person is the master of the altar, he must have set up a magic altar. The magic altar is connected with the earth veins, which can enhance the power of mana. Ordinary spells, once blessed, can also double the power. If we want to fight, should we also build a magic altar? "

"No need." Lin Zhuoming opened his umbrella to absorb the plague.

The sword in his hand became brighter and brighter, and his voice resounded loudly: "Where is the monster who refines plague soldiers and harms the common people?"

But I saw a hunchback doctor with a medicine box on his back, and the words "Miaoshouhuichun" were scrawled on his side.

Seeing Lin Zhuming was surprised: "Where are you a Taoist? This plague is a natural hair, how can we refine it?"

"Yes, yes, the plague has erupted for more than a month, and the damned are all dead. The souls of the sick and dead still have the plague and turned into plague ghosts. What does that have to do with us?"

"Aren't you from the Longhua Society?"

"What Longhua Association? We are doctors among the three religions and nine streams."

A few ran out of the temple, all of them were ordinary doctors, but they looked rather downcast.

Lin Zhuming secretly thought that Liujia's investigation was not strict, and when he saw the plague, he thought it was some kind of altar owner and made himself an oolong.

"Oh oh, Pindao killed a Bone and Scarlet Envoy of the Longhua Society. He said that the altar master had trained three thousand pestilence soldiers to make great achievements..."

"What?" Those doctors were shocked: "Is there really someone refining plague ghosts?"

But he was very anxious: "Then what should I do!"

Lin Zhuming was curious: "What are the doctors doing here?"

"Healing diseases!" The few people said: "We are local doctors who walk around the streets and alleys, collecting evils and curing diseases, difficult and miscellaneous diseases, infertility... I don't want to encounter the plague."

"The real medicine king said: Every great doctor who cures a disease must calm the nerves and calm the mind, have no desires or demands, first show great compassion and compassion, and vow to save the suffering of the spirit."

"Of course I won't leave."

(End of this chapter)

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