Jiang Wan sorted out his thoughts, thought about it, and asked, "Your Majesty, do you mean to order the officers and men of Guanzhong, Shuofang, and Liangzhou to send troops to enter Hedong?"


Jiang Wan looked at the determined emperor, and asked doubtfully, "Your Majesty, Cao Shuang and Xiahouxuan have raised more than [-] troops to attack Jingzhou, and the chariot and cavalry generals have only [-] troops, and they are worth moving the capital. If you don't support Jingzhou today, you should attack Hedong instead." , I am afraid it is very reasonable."

Liu Chan looked at the map and said: "If it is common sense to send troops, isn't everything expected by the enemy generals? Xia Houxuan's use of troops is not just to attack the west. He threatened to attack the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River, but actually took Jingzhou. Today, my big man also took it by surprise and raised a large army. Cross the river and attack the east."

"Your Majesty, what should Jingzhou do?" Jiang Wan asked.

Liu Chan pointed at Duyang on the map, and said: "If you pull one hair, you will move your whole body. Hedong also intends to save Jingzhou."

"Please make it clear, Your Majesty!"

"This time against the Wei Dynasty, more than [-] troops attacked Jingzhou. Guo Huai led the Luoyi people to go south to Duyang. If our army attacked Hedong, he would not dare to send troops to rescue Hedong. When Guo Huai retreated, Wei Hu and Fu Xun, the governor of Duyang, could take it with them. Aid troops to aid Wuyin in the south, and aid General Chariots." Liu Chan asked in a general way.

In fact, the advantages of sending troops to Hedong at this time are not limited to those mentioned by Liu Chan. Cao Shuang led an army of more than [-] to attack Jingzhou, which means that in addition to the sergeants stationed in Bingzhou and Hedong, it is difficult for Cao Wei to deploy other troops to support Hedong in a short time. up.

Before the Han Dynasty attacked Hedong, because of its proximity to the core hinterland, the Wei army responded quickly all year round.If the big Han sent troops in the first month, the Wei army would be able to arrive for rescue in February.This caused the big Han to often fall into confrontation with Cao Wei on the border of Hedong. In the long run, they often had no chance to take advantage of it and had to retreat.

As far as the current timing is concerned, this problem has just been solved for the big man.

Jiang Wan was still worried about Jingzhou, and said: "Your Majesty, ordering five thousand soldiers to help Jingzhou today is probably just a drop in the bucket, and it will hardly change the overall situation."

Liu Chan calmed down and explained to Jiang Wan: "The chariot general defends against the enemy in the outer city, and the hinterland of Jingzhou is safe. Although our army only has [-] soldiers rushing to help, don't we count the soldiers in Guanzhong and Xiangzhou? Xiangzhou has at least usable soldiers. When there are [-], Guanzhong can also send [-] people south to rescue, and Jingzhou's soldiers should number more than [-]. According to the art of war, although we cannot defeat the enemy, we can also retreat."

Liu Chan has fought wars for so many years, and he cannot be said to be superior in his use of soldiers, but he can also be said to know military affairs.In a war, the number of attackers must be more than twice that of the defenders, or even more, to have any hope of victory.The current situation in Jingzhou is not optimistic, but when soldiers from all over the country arrive one after another, the Jingzhou army with [-] soldiers will no longer have any flaws in defense. As for the offense, it is another matter.

Seeing that the layout of Jingzhou was correct, Jiang Wan cupped his hands and asked, "May I ask Your Majesty, who will be the general today, and how many troops will go out of Hedong?"

Liu Chan stared at the Shuofang army on the map, and said in a deep voice: "I am the commander in person, commanding the army to conquest, [-] soldiers from Qinzhou, [-] soldiers from Qiang and Hu, [-] soldiers from Shuofang, [-] soldiers from Liangzhou, and [-] soldiers from Bashu. , with more than [-] victorious soldiers."

Jiang Wan's complexion changed again, and he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty still needs to preside over the matter of moving the capital, but now you are leading a large army to march eastward, what should you do about moving the capital now?"

Liu Chan smiled, turned his eyes to Jiang Wan, and said, "If I go east, I will lead the army and be the chief foreign affairs officer; if you live in the west, I will govern the government and care for the subjects."

Listening to Liu Chan's trusting tone, Jiang Wan seemed to be able to experience the feeling of Ge Gong, which was a kind of trust and respect from the bottom of his heart, without a trace of doubt.

As he said that, Liu Chan ordered in a deep voice: "From now on, Situ Jiang Wan will also lead the Fuguo General, False Festival, and five thousand soldiers. The prime minister will move the capital, the people in the town, and the military funds outside. I hope that I will have nothing to worry about." .”

Jiang Wan waved his sleeves and knelt down, kowtowed, and said in a loud voice: "I thank Your Majesty, Jiang Wan, and I will live up to Your Majesty's trust."

Liu Chan helped Jiang Wan up, and said, "I am deeply concerned about state affairs, so I appoint you. Although Cao Shen has military exploits, he puts Xiao He at the top of his list, so that I don't have to worry about going west. It's okay!"

"No!" Jiang Wan bowed his head in response.


Jiang Wan withdrew, and Liu Chan called Huo Yi, Yuan Hong, Meng Yan and others into his account to inform them of the upcoming expedition to Hedong.Everyone was surprised at first, but what followed was a request for a fight.

Among them, Huo Yi pondered for a while, and asked: "May I ask Your Majesty, when do you want to use the army today, and how many times you go as a soldier, is it serious or not?"

Liu Chan looked at the map of Hedong that had just been hung up, and asked, "Do you have a good plan?"

Huo Yi sat on the top chair, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, there is no good strategy for Yi to use troops hastily today. It's just that Yi thinks that the troops need to be divided into multiple routes, depending on the severity, so we can't single-handedly invest in one route."

Liu Chan stared at the two cities of Pingyang and Linfen on the map for a long time, and said slowly: "I want to divide the army into two groups. I will send troops out of Hedong to attack Puban and contain the army of Hedong; don't send the generals to send elites out of Luliang. Sinking Pingyang and Linfen, cutting off the communication between Jinyang and Hedong, may win."

Liu Chan is going to work on Linfen. Linfen City is the main traffic route between Hedong and the outside world. Its status is comparable to that of Shangyu in Longyou. It is a military important place.

And the land of Hedong borders on the Yellow River in the east, Taiyuan in the north, and Hanoi in the west.Therefore, once the Han conquered Linfen, they would be able to encircle Hedong from the north, and the army of Hedong would only have one road left to go east to Hanoi. At that time, the Han would have the strategic initiative.

If you can take advantage of this opportunity to capture Hedong, the big man can spy on Shangdang.Those who belong to Shangdang have a very high earth, and they are the party with the sky, so they are called Shangdang.Standing on the top of the Taihang Mountains, overlooking the Central Plains, if you can join the party, it will be just around the corner for the great Han to rule the Central Plains.

"May I ask Your Majesty, who would you like to take on this important task?" Huo Yi asked.

Liu Chan poked at Shuofang with his index finger, and said in a heavy voice, "There is no one else, the general of Zhenbei and the governor of Shuofang, Jiang Wei!"

"Jiang Wei?" Huo Yi thought it would be Wei Yan, but unexpectedly, His Majesty appointed Jiang Wei to take on this important task.

Liu Chan put his hands behind his waist and said in a deep voice: "Jiang Wei has been the governor of Shuofang since the 13th year of Jianxing. Today is the 21st year of Jianxing. I don't know how many times he has turned around in Luliang Mountain. And he has been in Shuofang for eight years. Even if it is a Chu bird, it should fly a few laps in the sky."

The Chu bird in Liu Chan's mouth refers to King Zhuang of Chu.He has been in power for three years, and there are no orders and no government actions.Later, the minister used the bird of Chu as a metaphor for the king of Chuzhuang, and the king of Chuzhuang replied: "If the bird doesn't fly, it will soar into the sky; if it doesn't sing, it will be a blockbuster." Now Liu Chan compares Jiang Wei to the Chu bird. Jiang Wei's dissatisfaction was due to his expectations, perhaps both.

Huo Yi was a little embarrassed. Jiang Wei had been fighting guerrilla warfare with Cao Wei in addition to suppressing Hu Yi in Shuofang these years, wandering around the valley all the year round.The last time I saw him, I felt that Jiang Wei's barbarian breath was stronger and he was much older.

Before going to Shuofang, people in the country often praised Jiang Wei's military strategy, standing shoulder to shoulder with Deng Ai.In the early years, people with good deeds often referred to themselves and Wang Ping, Deng Ai, and Jiang Wei, the four favorite generals of His Majesty, as the "Four Generals of Zhongxing".However, as Jiang Wei moved to Shuofang, Deng Ai and Wang Ping became so brilliant that few people mentioned Jiang Wei anymore. Instead, Ma Zhong was listed in the period.

Huo Yi coughed lightly, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I wonder how many generals Jiang Shuofang will have?"

Liu Chan sat on the couch and ordered: "Meng Yan led the tiger infantry to help Jiang Wei, don't send the rest of the elite together, and ordered Hu Zun to lead the Liangzhou soldiers into Jiang Wei's tent to obey orders, and won [-] elite troops."


"Where is the order?" Liu Chan shouted again.

"Chen is here!"

At the corner of the tent, the person behind the case straightened his back and clasped his hands in response.

Liu Chan weighed his words and said: "Tell Jiang Wei, this is the time when he is famous, and I will take the position of former general to wait for him. Don't live up to my expectations, and hope that he will encourage you."


But after responding, he picked up a pen to beautify Liu Chan's words, and handwritten them on the scarf.

"Han Ji·Wang Deng Jiang Huo Biography": "Chu Wei returned to Han, or the four generals loved by the ancestors, Wang Ping, Deng Ai, Jiang Wei, and Huo Yi were named 'Zhongxing Four Generals', Shi Ping, Ai Yi and Yi are all meritorious deeds, Wei is unknown, so people at the time don't think so. However, Zhongzu didn't think so, and compared it with Chu birds."

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