Chapter 765
(It has nothing to do with the plot, it’s pure extra, please subscribe carefully)
Although people's souls belong to the lower part of the Nine Netherworlds, there are also distinctions between upper and lower.For example, the Imperial Hotel is like this. The people who can live in it are basically neither noble nor noble, they are all famous emperors and princes in the world.

In the evening, those former courtiers can enter the hotel, find their monarch to warm a few pots of wine, serve a few dishes, chat about what happened in the world, or ridicule their former enemies.

However, due to the different identities of the emperors and princes, there are differences, such as those emperors who rule the world and are justifiable, they can be inside.The princes who are only one step away from the emperor need to be in a remote location and need to be in the outer court.This is the case in both the world and the underworld, speaking by status.

As long as I can remember, I have been working in the Imperial Hotel, but the head waiter said that I looked too stupid, afraid that I would not be able to serve those emperors like Qin Huang and Han Wu, so he asked me to do something in a remote place.After all, the emperors with dishonorable reputations and bad words outside are easy to talk, and they are not very good at criticizing us. They have never enjoyed the services of emperors.

Since then, I have been serving people like Gongsun Shu and Dong Zhuo all day long. Although they are not as noble as the inside, they are more interesting than the inside. I can often see them ridiculing each other and even revealing the dirty things about the emperors inside.

For example, when Cao Cao walked in, some princes shouted, "Cao Cao, you have a new injury on your face, are you stealing someone's wife again?"

The short Cao Cao didn't answer, but just said to me, "Serve as usual."

Those people shouted deliberately again, "Cao Cao, aren't you the general who conquered the west of the big man? Why did you get mixed up with us!"

"No! It should be the prime minister of the big man. He should go to drink with Liu Xie. Maybe he can meet Liu Xiu."

Cao Cao opened his eyes wide and said: "This is my son Cao Pi's wrongdoing. What's the reason for An Cao? When I was alive, I wiped out all the heroes, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and you, but I was defeated by my subordinates."

After speaking, Cao Cao proudly said: "If there is no orphan, I don't know how many people in the world are called emperors and how many people are called kings."

Yuan Shu crossed his legs and said with a smile: "According to what you say, it means that my son gave birth to Lao Tzu."

Yuan Shu's words caused everyone to burst into laughter, and the air was filled with joy.

Cao Cao snorted and scolded, "There are no bones in the grave, nothing to worry about."

Yuan Shu didn't care, and continued to taunt: "So what? You were an emperor before you were alive. It's not like you became an emperor after your death, and returned to Emperor Wu. Wei Taizu, do you dare to stand up to Han Taizu?"

The Emperor Taizu of the Han Dynasty that Yuan Shu mentioned was the richest and most powerful emperor in the Imperial Hotel. He not only unified China, but also watched his descendants revive again. There are too many people worshiping him. daunting.

But he is unrestrained, he can't play with many descendants, but he likes the big ears, and the two of them often fight cocks and walk dogs together, having a great time.

Speaking of the one with the big ears, his name is Liu Bei. He has long hands and a beardless face. When he first came here, he often met with Liu Biao and Gongsun Zan in the corner. He also had deep friendship with Yuan Shao, Tao Qian and others. He got along well here Very open, but only dare not see his brother Liu Zhang.

According to Liu Zhang, that big ear not only stole his family business, but also married his sister-in-law.This incident frightened Tao Qian, who gave up his foundation, and hurriedly asked Big Ear if he married his daughter-in-law, and he was relieved when he heard it.

However, Liu Bei and Cao Cao also had a friendship. The two often drank together, talked about green plums, and talked about their ambitions.Although there were often quarrels, when they talked about the man named Sun Quan, they both disliked him and often ridiculed him.

When Sun Quan's elder brother Sun Ce first heard them ridicule Sun Quan, he often stood up for Sun Quan.However, when he heard that Sun Quan was proclaimed emperor, he only named him King Huan of Changsha, and his son was only the Marquis of Shangyu.From then on, Sun Ce no longer stood up for Sun Quan.

On the contrary, Liu Bei and Cao Cao comforted Sun Ce. When talking about their joint struggle for hegemony, Cao Cao often praised Sun Ce, "It's difficult for a child to fight for the top!" He often expresses his remembrance of the past.

When Cao Cao talked about Qingmei with Liu Bei later, he said that there are two and a half heroes in the world, and half of them is Sun Ce.

At that time, I was the happiest watching them chatting, but the situation was not so good later, Cao Cao's son Cao Pi died of illness, and brought bad news from above, Cao Cao was so angry that he couldn't do it.

Then when Liu Bei and Cao Cao were chatting together, Cao Pi would mock Liu Bei as a veteran, saying that he had joined forces for hundreds of miles and could not fight. This made Liu Bei angry and wanted to beat Cao Pi.

However, Cao Cao would help Cao Pi to speak, saying that Liu Bei was really not good at fighting, and let Liu Bei recognize his own level.

Liu Bei was angry and asked Cao Cao, "Have you not seen the Battle of Hanzhong?"

Cao Cao said disapprovingly, "You are only relying on the law, if you rely on yourself, how can you be my opponent."

Liu Bei couldn't say no to them, and was sullen.But at this time, Yuan Shao would come forward and say, "Cao Cao has something to say, don't use Xu You's news to attack Guandu, and see how I crush you to death."

Cao Cao refused to admit defeat and said, "Who told you to use Xu You and Chun Yuqiong, two idiots."

Then their contemporaries would get together again to discuss past events.Perhaps because Cao Cao offended so many people, many people were reluctant to play with him.

But after Cao Cao's grandson Cao Rui also came down, the situation was different. He told Cao Cao, "The Shu thieves captured Guanzhong and Jingzhou. I entrusted Cao Shuang and Sima Yi to assist the young master."

As soon as the news came out, everyone congratulated Liu Bei, invited him to dinner and drinks, and said that his son was reliable and the courtiers he chose were very good.Cao Cao, on the other hand, was furious and cut off relations with his grandson Cao Rui in a fit of anger. He often scolded his son Cao Pi for being useless and wasting a great opportunity in the Battle of Yiling.

The proud Liu Bei often showed off in front of Cao Cao, and whenever Cao Cao mocked Liu Bei's ability to fight and sell straw sandals, Liu Bei often just said: "My son is better than your son and grandson."

With this sentence, Cao Cao was often speechless. Later, when Cao Cao knew that Liu Bei's son had married his granddaughter as his concubine, he often mocked Liu Bei who was a generation younger than him, but Liu Bei didn't care.

Then the foreman came with the news that Liu Bei could go inside to have a drink in the future, instead of going outside.On the day before entering, Liu Bei dressed very well, ordered warm wine, and treated me to a bowl of wine.

I vaguely remember that everyone present at that time envied Liu Bei and praised his son for his good birth.Liu Zhang, who never met Liu Bei, came over and said, "The meat is still rotten in the pot, go inside and say hello to the ancestors for me."

Everyone celebrated Liu Bei that day, except for the three generations of Cao's grandparents who were unhappy and hid aside drinking.

From then on, I never saw Liu Bei drinking outside again, until later I heard that it was his son who unified China. .

Only later did I know Liu Bei. His name is Xuande, his posthumous title is Emperor Zhaolie, and his temple name is Han Xianzu.He has never done anything bad in his life, and he is incomparable with a saint, but he is much better than other princes, at least he does not slaughter the city like Cao Cao.

The biggest bad thing I have ever done is to steal Liu Zhang's foundation and marry a widow as his wife. The defeat in the army was also to avenge my brother.When he died, he advised his son, "Don't do evil because it is too small, and don't do good because it is too small."

It's a pity that, except for the entrance and exit, I rarely saw him.But I still remember eating and drinking that day.

(End of this chapter)

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