Chapter 752 Relocation
When the sky was hazy and it was still dark outside, Liu Chan woke up.

Stretching out her hand to touch the left side, she suddenly felt that the soft skin was abnormally smooth. The beauty seemed to feel the emperor's call, and turned around to hug the emperor, and softly said: "Your Majesty~"

But the beauty's hand was empty, there was no emperor beside the pillow, only the remaining warmth.

Liu Chan put on his outer robe, pulled the quilt for Xiao Zhang, and let her continue to sleep peacefully. He went straight out and started the tedious washing process under the service of the maid.

After he finished washing and eating breakfast, it was already dawn, and the quiet palace began to be noisy for another day.

Early in the morning, Qiao Zhou went to the palace to say hello to the secretaries, supervisors and servants who were walking on the road.


"people of the same taste!"

After Liao Li and Qiao Zhou greeted each other, they folded their hands and smiled: "After reading the "Xingguo Lun" written by Qiao Taishi, Liao immediately felt the great talent of the king. Once this article is published, those who criticize the move of the capital will have nothing to say. It is said that the king has made great contributions to the country."

Qiao Zhou didn't dare to be too arrogant, and said modestly: "Mr. Liao has a great reputation, and Zhou is just using his pen and ink. The matter of moving the capital still depends on Liao Qing."

"Ha ha!"

Liao Li nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand and said, "Please come in with Qiao Taishi."

After speaking, Liao Li took Qiao Zhou's arm into the hall.

On the way, Liao Li remembered something and said in a low voice: "Taishi Ling writes history for the country, is there any record of Li's words?"

Qiao Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly, and replied: "You are the Shangqing of a great Han Dynasty. How can you not record your words and deeds?"

"Can you play one or two?" Liao Li asked tentatively.

"Decorate it?" Qiao Zhou heard the words and directly vetoed it: "You also know that someone is a record for the country, so it is absolutely impossible to decorate it for others."

Liao Li laughed, concealing the embarrassment on his face, and said: "Yunnan misunderstood, but Li just wanted to ask casually, how could he really want Jun to make up for someone."

"That's good!"

After walking for a while, Liao Li said, "Can you not mention this matter?"


Liao Li: T_T
"Han Ji·Jiang Fei Dong Liao Lu Biography": "Li wanted to embellish words and deeds, so I asked Qiao Zhou, and Zhou said: "A certain job should be a pen, record state affairs, and should be fair, how can it be embellished?" Li asked again: "Can this question not be included?" Zhou answered: 'No'. "

After this question, the two parted ways.Qiao Zhou performed his duties as Taishi Ling, while Liao Li continued to organize memorials for Liu Chan.

Of course, Liu Chan did not know about the private matters among his courtiers. At this time, he was meeting with Jiang Wan and Guan Xing, and Qiao Zhou, who had just arrived in the palace, recorded the words and deeds of the three monarchs and his ministers.

Liu Chan sent Guan Xing's construction plan of the palace city to Jiang Wan, and asked, "Jiang Qing, I already have a plan for moving the capital. I want to move to Chang'an in the autumn and winter of next year. I wonder what you think?"

As he spoke, he asked Guan Xing to introduce Jiang Wan again in detail.Looking at the content on the scarf and listening to Guan Xing's narration, Jiang Wan already had a general understanding of the plan to move the capital.

Jiang Wan closed the scarf and replied: "I think the strategy of stabilizing the country is feasible. Another Xingxin Palace will be built and a new city wall will be built outside. When the world is at peace or the Central Plains are unified, we can choose a new place to build Chang'an City to show our greatness. prestige."

Liu Chan nodded slightly, and continued: "The strategy for moving the capital has been decided, and the time has come. However, I am worried that the people in Chang'an are not enough to support the capital, so I want to move the people to Chang'an. You are a Situ, uphold state affairs, understand state affairs, and think that you should move to Chang'an." How many people or how to move them?"

Prior to this, Liu Chan asked Guan Xing to go to Chang'an to formulate a strategy for moving the capital, and asked Situ Jiang Wan to be responsible for solving the population problem caused by the move.Now that Chang'an has a strategy for relocating the capital, it's time to ask Jiang Wan how to solve the problem of underpopulation in Chang'an City.

Jiang Wan pondered for a while, and said: "Your Majesty, this matter is easy! Since the war in the late Han Dynasty, tens of thousands of people from Guanzhong have rushed to Bashu, such as Yihou (Fazheng), Meng Da, Pang Xi and others. He was a scholar in the north. Liu Yan used him as a reinforcement and recruited them as soldiers, named "Dongzhou Soldiers", and decided the civil strife in Bashu."

"There are still tens of thousands of families staying in Bashu in Dongzhou so far. If our big man can bring tens of thousands of people back to Guanzhong, the population of Chang'an will be safe. The three assistants and the powerful gentry in the north can be forced to enter. Return to the ancestral home in Guanzhong; the native place is the people of Sanfu, and we can use the method of lure to lure them to go north to Chang'an."

Dong Zhuo's chaos and Guo Li's chaos made the whole Sili chaos into a pot of porridge, and a large number of people and scholars poured into Bashu.In addition to the familiar Fazheng, Meng Da, and Pang Xi in Shu Han, there were also large and small northern Sili scholars such as the She brothers, Shangguan Sheng, Que Yi, and Pei Jun.

These people entered Shu during Liu Yan's period, and they have been entrenched in Shu for many years, and they have already established a solid foundation.If they and the Sanfu people were moved back to Guanzhong, the problem of lack of population in Guanzhong would naturally be gradually resolved.And moving them to Chang'an or Guanzhong has the least resistance.

After Jiang Wan finished speaking, Guan Xing added: "I would like to report to Your Majesty, I believe that the elders who came to Bashu with Your Majesty, and those who were not originally from Jing and Hunan can also move to Chang'an, such as the Guan family of the minister, the Zhang family of Huanhou, The descendants of Yuan Cong ministers such as Bihou Mi, Huaihou Sun, Weihou Ma, Zhenyonghou Zhao, Zhongwugong Zhuge, etc.

Listening to Guan Xingzhi's words, Liu Chan couldn't help but be dumbfounded. This was the first time he saw someone who cut his flesh with a knife.Because these elders and nobles were backed by the big man, they had many acres of land and servants under their names.However, Liu Chan didn't really want to engage with these Yuan Congs this time. After all, they had contributed to the founding of the Han Dynasty, but he didn't expect Guan Xing to take the lead in killing himself.

After being silent for a while, Liu Chan said: "The minister of Yuan Cong has made great contributions to the great man. Now the son can go to Chang'an to work with him. As for the relocation, it is better to delay it, so as to show my benevolent heart of the great man."

Guan Xing shook his head, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the move of the capital is related to the fate of the Han Dynasty, and the officials of the elders must follow. If the officials of the elders of the Han Dynasty do not obey the order, the other three assistants or the gentry of the Central Plains will criticize them. I am a Han. You should act like a thunderbolt and send the elders' children to Chang'an, thinking that they will follow suit, so that the rest of the people will have nothing to say."

"Your Majesty, Guan Shizhong's words are not unreasonable. Once the decree is made, no one can escape." Jiang Wan agreed.

Liu Chan sighed and said: "In this case, according to Guan Qing's words, the three assistants in Bashu and the officials and scholars in the north moved to Chang'an with me, and the imperial court rewarded them with land and houses as compensation. Fa, lure it to the north."

After a pause, Liu Chan decided to let go of the mouth and said: "It should not be limited to the people of Sanfu's native place, but you can also persuade Shu people to move north. All the people who move inland will be given three months, and the tax for two years will be restored. Tianmu is considered a gift. Ma Shangshu will lead the relocation, and Jiang Qing will supervise it."

Liu Chan was still benevolent and caring for the people. In addition to forcing the gentry to move to Chang'an, he still used the temptation of interests as a means to treat the people in Sanfu's native place depending on their wishes.After all, in addition to the lack of people in Guanzhong, the most important thing is the farmland.The Zhengbai Canal that Zhuge Liang dredged at the beginning, some of the acres irrigated by it have not yet been cultivated.


Of course, the means of emigration are not limited to these. Liu Chan has already ordered Fei Yi to select soldiers from Yizhou Neiguanzhong or northern origin, and try his best to persuade these soldiers to go to Chang'an with their families with their interests and prospects. Of course, there is also a bit of an order. .

It can be said that this time Liu Chan decided the priority of moving the capital according to how much they received from the great Han. For example, the Sanfu who served as officials in the Great Han and the gentry of the Central Plains must move to Chang'an, and the Great Han will reward them with fields and houses. .

The second is the soldiers. As the Han army, they enjoy the military merit system. It is semi-compulsory to let them move to Chang'an.Finally, there are the common people of Sanfu. They ask for little grace from the big man. Instead, the big man squeezes from them and adopts a policy of incentivization against the big man.

As for why this arrangement is also very simple, Liu Chan does not want to oppress the people unscrupulously just because they are easy to bully, and he also has a heart of compassion.And in terms of moving the capital and changing places to live, those second-generation and wealthy families may also be affected, but they are not affected more than ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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