Chapter 641
Hanshui, Fancheng.

On the city wall, Pu Zhong looked at the Wu army who was aggressively attacking, and he was quite desperate, so he took the official post of General Han Zhengdong from him.The army of Soochow Wu launched a crazily siege of ants attached to the city, looking like they were about to smash to death. They fought bloody battles for several days in a row, and the soldiers under their command suffered heavy casualties.

As for the reinforcements of the Han army that he had been waiting for for a long time, except for Jufu thousands of people, the rest of the troops did not have any movement, so I don't know what the situation is.Pu Zhong even regretted surrendering to Shu Han, this shit is too unreliable.

Xin Hong looked at the crowd of Wu soldiers outside the city, and said bravely: "Pu Zhengdong wait a few more days, maybe His Majesty and the Prime Minister are leading an army to rescue here."

Pu Zhong glared at Xin Hong, and Weng Sheng said: "If Zhong had known this earlier, he would not have listened to your deceitful words to confuse the crowd, and would have thrown you under the city, smashed into meat, and dedicated the city to Soochow."

Xin Hong wiped the cold sweat off his brow, and said, "It's too late for what's happening now. If Pu Zhengdong stays there for a few more days, the army will surely arrive."

Pu Zhong snorted coldly, and said, "Shandu County is too small, and there are many Zhong people."

Xin Hong heard Pu Zhong's meaning, if the money is not enough, you need to add more money!

Take a breath, don't you just go to Shiyi?Anyway, it's not me, so it doesn't matter, just promise.

Xin Hong squeezed out a smile, and said: "Pu Zhengdong has meritorious service, His Majesty will definitely reward him, and the warriors under the command of the Junhou will also be rewarded, so you don't need to worry about it."

Relying on coquettish moves, Han Qi pulled Wu Qi, and in the process sent a large number of sudden cavalry with spears to cut Wu Qi's queue and divide it into small pieces. In the end, only two-tenths of Wu Qi The cavalry fled back to camp.

Zhu Ran bit his lip and ordered: "Order the siege soldiers to retreat in an orderly manner, and the battalion guards are ready to prepare for the Shu cavalry to step into the formation."

Xiangyang, Wu Jun Dazhai.

Zhu Ran had a cold face. The five thousand cavalry who came to help killed the hope of conquering Fancheng.But he could only sigh and let someone inform Sun Quan in Xiangyang to decide the next battle plan.

"In the battle of Yiling in the past, Liu Bei led tens of thousands of elite soldiers. They rushed hundreds of miles and arrived at Yiling. The ministers could not defend, and the tired troops calmed down, so they broke it with fire. Today, there are [-] soldiers in our Great Wu, and they are defending the Han Dynasty. To the south of the water, with the boats trapped in Xiangxiang, it is time to fight."

Zhuge Liang led troops in battle all the year round, and compared to earlier years, his use of troops was more sophisticated.At the time of the temple calculation, he guessed right on the psychological level that Lu Xun would definitely not want to withdraw his troops, and would definitely encourage Sun Quan to fight forcefully.

These northwest cavalry showed amazing combat capabilities, shooting with bows on horseback, but Wu cavalry could only hold a cavalry crossbow and shoot crossbow arrows at Han cavalry.However, Wu Qi's crossbow arrows are often a little off, while Han Qi's arrows can hit the target twice or three out of ten.

Zhu Ran was stunned by this scene. He could only see such skillful coordination and extremely elite soldiers on some of the cavalry of Ma Xianjun, but the Shu Han had such a large cavalry force, which made people fearful.

Zhu Ji, the son of Zhu Ran, rode his horse forward and asked, "Father, our army is attacking the city, and Shu cavalry soldiers have arrived. If they attack our camp while our army is attacking the city, they may be in danger! "

Stroking his beard, Sun Quan made up his mind and said: "In this case, follow Bo Yan's words, confront the Shu army, and surrender Xiangyang as much as possible and return to the army."

Pu Zhong's expression changed again, he hugged Xin Hong and laughed endlessly, shouting: "Long live Your Majesty."


"If we withdraw our troops at this time, Shu will re-fortify the two cities of Xiangfan. In the future, our army will go north, and it will be difficult to break. If there is no Xiangyang to defend it, our army will open hundreds of miles to the north, and there will be no danger to defend. At that time, we will have to defend Jiangling, and all previous efforts will be wasted. Also. The old minister thought that our army should fight against the Shu army, avoid the battle, and surrender to Xiangyang."


The sound of gold clattering came from the Wu army formation, and the Wu army retreated like a tide. Pu Zhong and the surviving soldiers on the top of the city celebrated that they had held on to another wave of offensive.

Soochow has gathered many war horses from the Shu Han in recent years, but there are very few large-scale cavalry troops except Ma Xianjun.Although Zhu Ran's troops had cavalry, they were inferior to the Han cavalry in terms of scale and bravery. At the same time, he was attacking the city, and the Shu cavalry took the opportunity to attack the siege soldiers, which was also a defeat.

Sun Quan held his hands on the table, frowned, and asked, "Bo Yan, the Shu army's reinforcements have arrived here, but their army is unknown. Should our army retreat or fight?"

Seeing that Sun Quan was pondering, Lu Xun clasped his hands and continued to speak: "Your Majesty, our army defeated Jingzhou, killed Guan Yu, and defeated Liu Bei. Therefore, we have a bloody enmity with the people of Shu. If we don't restrain the people of Shu, we will let them go. To rule the world, it will be difficult for me, the great Wu Guozuo, to survive."

"What?" Zhu Ran frowned, and said in surprise, "Shu Qi came too quickly!"

But when the two armies were fighting, Zhu Ran, who was supervising the battle under the city, heard bad news.

Lu Xun cupped his hands slightly, and said to Sun Quan in a deep voice: "If my Great Wu has Xiangyang, this city can contain the advance of the Shu people, and it will be very easy to attack Nanyang from the north! I hope your Majesty will think twice before proceeding."

Pu Zhong nodded in satisfaction, raised his sword and took the lead to resist the massive attack of the Wu people.

The soldiers of the Han army on the tower saw Huo Yi's troops in the distance, and cheered even more enthusiastically. They knew that the reinforcements had arrived and they survived.

However, Lu Xun thought he didn't understand Sun Quan's meaning. Instead, he said encouragingly, "Your Majesty, Han Anguo said: 'At the end of the crossbow, you can't enter Lu; It is the end of the crossbow and the wind is declining, our soldiers should be full of energy and be victorious."

Soon after, smoke and dust billowed in the north of the city, the earth trembled, and five thousand Han horses galloped up, and the momentum was extremely frightening.Leading the banner and writing the word "Huo" is Huo Yi, the champion general of the Han Dynasty.

In fact, it cannot be guessed that the current Xiangyang City is in the weakest state of defense, and it would be an unwise choice to withdraw troops.Moreover, Zhuge Liang also guessed the real target of Lu Xun's attack, so he boldly sent Huo Yi to lead the cavalry to rescue and save Fancheng.

"General Cheqi, the cavalry of the Shu army brigade is approaching, and there are about 5000 of them." The scout reported.

Hearing this, Lu Xun was quite speechless, His Majesty became more and more timid as he got older, and he dared to face difficulties in the early years, but now he is timid in these years.

Seeing that Lu Xun was eager to fight, Sun Quan was also reluctant to conquer the counties of Xiangyang County.At the same time, he also knew that this time he would not take advantage of Xiangyang City's initial return to the Han Dynasty, when the people in the city were fluctuating, he raised his troops to attack.After he leads his troops to withdraw, it may be difficult to break through Xiangyang City next time.

When he heard the news of Zhu Ran's report, Sun Quan was scared and wanted to withdraw his troops.The last time was too reckless, which led to Cao Rui's trick, and the memory of the heavy loss of Anfeng battle is still there.So this time he wants to fight a little bit, and wait for the next Han-Wei war to attack Xiangyang in the north.


After Huo Yi arrived, he did not attack. Instead, he sent cavalry to watch around the Wu camp, hunt and kill the Wu soldiers who were outside, and galloped outside the camp to challenge Zhu Ran's troops.And Wu Ying sent a large number of cavalry to try to drive away the Han cavalry.


Lu Xun took a long breath, he didn't know that Shu people had the tendency to rule the world with his eyes.If the Shu people are allowed to capture Nanyang, and the second city of Xiangfan is used as a barrier, they can send troops to the Central Plains unscrupulously.And the Northern Expedition of Eastern Wu will destroy Xiangyang City, and it will be difficult to threaten the abdomen of the Shu people.

If the Shu people ruled the Central Plains, they would go south to destroy Wu at that time, and they would definitely not let themselves go because of their hatred with the Shu Han.

Moreover, he urged Sun Quan to betray the alliance with Shu Han. If he could not benefit Soochow, Sun Quan would definitely blame himself in the future.Therefore, not only for the great Wu, but also for himself and the Lu family, we must take Xiangyang as much as possible, so as to contain the Shu Han and maintain the three-point structure of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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