Chapter 496
When Cao Wei's army came, it was turbulent, and when it went, it was in a panic.Sima Yi, Jiang Ji and others retreated like a tide, and a large amount of luggage was captured by the Han army.Zhuge Liang and Huang Quan's troops took advantage of the momentum to advance, and the front of the Han Dynasty moved forward in an all-round way at the same time.And Liu Chan took advantage of the trend to cross the Wei River and joined Deng Ai who stayed behind.

The car rattled, Ma Xiaoxiao.The infantry of the Han army marched on both sides of the road, and the vehicles and horses walked in the middle of the road. Everything seemed to be in order.

Liu Chan stationed his horse on the slope, with a horsewhip under his arm, looking at the battle damage report recorded on the hemp paper by the left military officer Dong Jue.

After watching it for a while, Liu Chan handed the paper back to Dong Jue, and said with a smile: "Based on the numbers reported by Qing, our army has severely damaged the Wei army in this battle. Killing more than [-] captives who rebelled against Wei, our army paid all the troops in this battle." Herbs, armor blades, grain and other supplies in the army are far better than the battle of Gaoping City."

In the Battle of Xinling, 400 people were beheaded and [-] Wei soldiers were captured; [-] collars of horse armor, [-] collars of armor, [-] bows and crossbows, and armored soldiers were captured. There are more than [-] military vehicles of cattle, horses, donkeys and mules.According to the statistics, it can be said that the capture is rich, and the big man can even attack Chang'an with this capture.

After speaking, Liu Chan looked at Dong Jue, and praised: "The prime minister said that you are a good man, and I see that what you said is true in terms of the official documents you submitted today and the handling of military affairs!"

Dong Jue was still quite talented. Historically, after the death of Shang Shu Ling Chen Zhi, he succeeded Shang Shu Ling and jointly took charge of central affairs with Fan Jian.However, his ability is still inferior to that of the previous ministers of the Shu Han Dynasty, such as Fazheng, Jiang Wan, Dong Yun, etc., and a large part of the reason for being able to succeed the minister is that there were no successors in Jingzhou scholars in the later period.

Dong Jue carefully retracted the paper into his cuffs, and replied: "I dare not, this is a matter of my own responsibility. This report was compiled in a hurry, and there should be minor changes in the follow-up."

Liu Chan took off the horsewhip under his armpit, and said with a smile, "Why don't you worry about your affairs! For the rest of the matter, forward it to Yang Changshi, and let him submit it to the prime minister for review."

Liu Chan's desire for power is not as strong as that of Zhu Yuanzhang and Yongzheng. He has to look over everything by himself. Instead, he entrusts most of the affairs to his subordinates and just grasps the big steering wheel by himself.As far as the talents of the Shu Han are still at their peak, the talents of Jingzhou are not old, and the talents of Yi, Liang and Long are continuously replenished.

For Liu Chan, as long as he designed the system well and selected suitable talents, it was enough to drag the big man's carriage forward.After all, Liu Chan's biggest trick is to have a "knowledge of people" and to know the general trend of future development.

That's why Dong Jue was very grateful for Liu Chan's trust, and he cupped his hands and said, "No! I will copy this official document on the bamboo slips later, in order to keep it on record and prevent any discrepancies."

Although paper was created in the Western Han Dynasty, it was not immediately widely used as the main writing medium.It was only after Cai Lun improved papermaking that paper gradually entered the application of society.At the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, Zuo Bo, a native of Donglai, further improved papermaking, and paper began to popularize in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

That is to say, the Three Kingdoms period was an era when paper, bamboo slips, and scarves coexisted. As for why Liu Chan did not actively promote paper for office and official documents at the official level, the fundamental reason was that paper was fragile and difficult to preserve.

Due to frequent wars since the end of the Han Dynasty, compared with paper, it is easy to lose and damage.Bamboo slips and silk scarves have the advantages of long-term preservation in storing military information and government and people's livelihood data.

For folks, Liu Chan doesn't need to worry about it.During the Han Dynasty, Chengdu was the economic and cultural center of the Southwest and the center of the national slave trade. The paper industry in Chengdu was relatively developed.Although Shu land suffered turmoil at the end of Han Dynasty, there was no major military turmoil in Chengdu, and the economic recovery was rapid. Coupled with the establishment of Wudan Academy, the development of Chengdu's paper industry was not slow.

Liu Chan stroked the restless horse, recalled the arrangements for the captives, and asked, "There are [-] captured soldiers of the Wei army today. Do you have a detailed arrangement?"

Dong Jue pondered for a while, and said: "Your Majesty, I want to report this matter to Your Majesty and the Prime Minister. I don't know if this group of soldiers, like the soldiers captured by the Wei army in the past, were scattered into various villages and turned into farmers in order to enrich our country's household registration. population."

During the chaos of warlords, most of the captured soldiers will be incorporated into the army to enrich their own military strength.But now that the territory of the Three Kingdoms has been determined, the big man is very kind to disperse them into various counties and counties in order to prevent their family members from being in their own country because they are not in their own country, so as to enrich their household registration.

On the other hand, due to the national strength of the big man, there are still very few explosive soldiers, and they basically follow the quality route.

Liu Chan looked at the soldiers walking down the slope and thought about it: "Now the waking of insects has passed, and the spring plowing has arrived. Although the battle with the bandits is gratifying, but I don't know when the Guanzhong War will end. One hundred thousand soldiers are fighting ahead and have no time to farm. How about Move these [-] captives to Chengguo Canal for resettlement, do not abandon the spring plowing, and arrange it after the war or spring plowing is over."

Dong Jue nodded and said: "Your Majesty thinks very well, may I ask who does Your Majesty want to entrust this matter to?"

Liu Chan stroked the horse's mane and asked, "Since Dong Qing asked this question, is there any talented person who recommends it to me?"

Dong Jue smiled and said, "Don't dare, I think that the Prime Minister will take Fan Jian under the tent, and Fan Changyuan can take on the task of farming."

"Fan Changyuan!"

Liu Chan muttered something, and there was an impression in his mind.

Fan Jian is also from Nanyang County, he is from the same hometown as Dong Jue, he has outstanding literary talents and is quite upright.Historically, he was in power with Dong Jue in the late Shu Han Dynasty.

"Exactly, although Fan Changyuan is not good at governing, he is a loyal and upright person. Now it's an urgent time, and he can temporarily supervise the grain storage." Dong Jue suggested.

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "No hurry, let Guan Shizhong settle down first, and let me think twice about his choice."

Fan Jian recommended by Dong Jue was not bad, but Liu Chan did not want Fan Jian to take up this position.There are too many high-ranking officials in today's big man who are from Nanyang, Jingzhou, and they need to be controlled, otherwise these people will in turn squeeze the talents that appear in other places.

Those who can know people well and take responsibility regardless of place are the only ones like Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wan.Too much use of Jingzhou scholars might backfire on the big man himself, which is also for their own good.

"No!" Dong Jue replied.

While Liu Chan was talking with Dong Jue, the attendant stepped forward and reported, "I would like to report to Your Majesty, Huo Yijun came to see His Majesty."

"Xuan!" Liu Chan turned his eyes and saw Huo Yi with his arms hanging, waiting at the foot of the slope to see him.

Seeing this, Dong Jue cupped his hands winkingly and said, "Your Majesty, I still need to deal with the matter of captives, so I will leave here. If Your Majesty needs to ask about military affairs, you can call me here."

"Dong Qing has worked hard!"

"Don't dare!"

(End of this chapter)

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