ps: The map of the confrontation between the two armies is in the comments

Fighting generals is just an anecdote before the war between the two armies, and it is difficult to affect the changes in this battle.The corpses of the generals who died in battle were collected by the soldiers of the two armies tacitly.

Although the big man relied on Xiang Yu's excellent shooting skills to win a small victory, it also cost Zhao Guang's life.On Cao Wei's side, Wen Qin lost his combat effectiveness, and Xu Ding, a veteran general in the army, died on the battlefield. Both armies suffered losses.

For Zhao Guang's death in battle, people who were familiar with and close to him may feel sad and angry, but this is only a momentary event.

After all, how many people fought back in ancient times, how many people can there be in the world who can be like his father Zhao Yun who died of illness on the couch?Even if he is rampant in the world, Guan Yu, who is powerful in China, cannot escape being captured and died.Known as Wei Wu Han Xin, Zhang He, the pillar of the country, is also buried in yellow sand.

Shortly after the two armies collected the bones of the generals who died in the battle, the war between the two armies officially kicked off.


Amidst the sound of drums and footsteps, the soldiers of the Wei army stood up with large shields in front of them, and long spears and halberds protruded from the gaps.Every ten steps forward, the drums of the Wei army's front line will be struck once, and amidst the sound of the drums, the soldiers of the Wei army will move forward slowly.

In the battle of the army, not only the central army has war drums, but also war drums in each ministry.It's just that the functions of these two drums are different. The drums of each department are the most important drums for commanding the infantry to attack the enemy. They control the speed of the infantry to meet the enemy.One drum beat, ten steps forward.The Zhongjun Dagu means that the army initiates the final charge command and is used in the final stage.

As the step drums continued to beat, the soldiers of the Wei Army were getting closer and closer.The shield wall made up of swords and shields in the front row reached more than a hundred steps away from the Han army formation.Suddenly, there was a loud drum sound, and they stepped on the yellow thorn bushes on the field at a faster speed, stepped over the undulating potholes, and charged forward.

The crossbowmen in the formation of the Han army had already shot the arrows in their hands in the form of projectiles, and thousands of arrows were shot at the soldiers of the Wei army densely.A large number of arrows fell on the shield, making a crackling sound, but none of this could stop them from charging.

Hundreds of soldiers of the Wei army shouted in unison and charged towards the Han army formation. The soldiers of the Wei army who had lost a few arrows raised their shields and jumped into the defensive line, hitting them with the weight of their armored stomachs. On the shields of the soldiers of the Han army.The fiery red front turned into a curve in an instant, intertwined with the soldiers of the Wei army.

At the same time, cavalrymen of the Han and Wei dynasties were also rapidly approaching in the vast field for several miles.

In this battle, the Han army had 30,000 people, 50,000 soldiers from Longyou, and [-] elite soldiers from Bashu.And the Wei army has [-] people, most of them are the elite of the Chinese army.Therefore, in terms of military strength and elite level, the Han army is not as good as the Wei army.

However, the number of cavalry pawns owned by the Han army is similar to that of the Wei army, but with soldiers from Longyou and Liangzhou as supplements, the cavalry of the Han army is more elite than the Wei army, if not worse.

The Dahan, who owns the three major horse producing areas of Longyou, Liangzhou, and Nanzhong, is no longer what it used to be. After several years of development, the proportion of horses in the Dahan army is very high, especially in the Longyou army. The infantry and cavalry ratio of the 1-strong army reached a terrifying 1:4000 ratio, and the number of cavalry soldiers in the Han Dynasty was 2 people.The infantry and cavalry of the Cao Weizhong Army is relatively normal at 1:3-1:3000, and the number of cavalry soldiers in the [-] army is also around [-] people.


As for Soochow, the ratio of infantry and cavalry was 40:1 in the early years, with two thousand soldiers and fifty horses.But in recent years, as the big Han seized the two major horse-producing lands of Longyou and Liangzhou, Sun Wu also benefited a lot. The ratio of infantry and cavalry will not be as exaggerated as 40:1 in earlier years, at least he can form cavalry in the army , There is no shortage of war horses ridden by generals and scouts.

The soldiers of the Han army, who were good at archery from the Hu people and good at spears from the Qiang people, were not in a hurry to fight the cavalry of the Wei army. Instead, the Xianbei Qingqi raised their bows and arrows and fought against the Wei army's Qingqi.The two armies seemed to be galloping towards each other, but in fact Xianbei Qingqi circled the horoscope in the wilderness, looking for the left hand side of the Wei army's cavalry.

I have to say that Liu Channa's bald-haired department Yuanchan's entry into the harem is too worthwhile. When Liu Chandong left Chencang, he asked the bald-haired Shoutian (Yuan Tuo) to come out with a thousand horses to help out.When Yuan Tuo knew that his son-in-law's army was attacking Guanzhong, the battle was difficult.Apart from anything else, let his nephew Yuanneng choose the elite tribes to accompany the army, go to Hexi by himself, persuade other tribes, and send 2000 people of Xianbei Qingqi into Guanzhong to help out.

Since the Xianbei cavalry were less cooperative than the Han army, they knew less about the content of the Han army's formation, and mostly fought alone.Huang Quan didn't dislike it either, he changed the weapons for the elites, ordered them to fight on horseback and shoot, and just follow the direction of their march.

Facing the cavalrymen of the Wei army who were trying to get close to the fight, the cavalrymen of Xianbei shouted in Xianbei among themselves, and kept in touch with the Wei army at a stone's throw away.When the Xianbei rider turned around, he picked up his long bow and shot the arrow out. There was a rain of arrows, and most of the Wei army's cavalry turned over and fell off their horses.

The Xianbei cavalry who finished shooting did not turn their heads back. Under the command of the leader, they were divided into several small groups, and they circled the wilderness with the cavalry of the Wei army, sometimes approaching the cavalry and shooting, and sometimes staying away from the Wei army.

The car was parked on the soil slope, Huang Quan squinted his eyes, looked at Xianbei Qingqi, and commented: "Xianbei Qingqi is really a soldier who is good at fighting. If it can be included in our Han army, learn the formation method in the army and match it with armor. The Stomach Weapon will definitely make my soldiers like a tiger with wings added."

In terms of cavalry, the Han and Cao Wei are not much inferior. Relying on the natural advantages of the source of troops, they can still overwhelm the Wei army, but the situation with infantry is not optimistic.

The fighting among the soldiers, and the strangulation between the various songs, messed up the straight lines of the two armies.From the wilderness to the Weishui river beach, bloody scenes are staged all the time.Swords slashed at the body, spears stabbed each other, armor fragments shattered and flew, and scenes of falling to the ground and howling and broken limbs and arms could be seen everywhere.

The soldiers at the forefront of the Han army suffered heavy losses. Liu Yin, who was leading the front army, had already led hundreds of people to the front row, trying to push out the soldiers of the Wei army embedded in the front line of the Han army and smooth the sunken army formation.Just bumping into Pang Hui, the son of Pang De, the fierce general of the Wei army, and Pang Hui.He is quite brave and has the style of his father.

At this time, Pang Huiqi had several feathered arrows sticking out of his armored stomach, and several sword slashes. His brocade robe was covered with blood, and he was very fierce and burly.

A cold light flashed, and Liu Yin's long-handled, ring-headed Han knife slashed at Pang Hui.Pang Hui held up his shield with his left hand to block, and at the same time was about to cut Liu Yin's waist and abdomen with his right hand, but Liu Yin's arm strength was extraordinary, far from ordinary people, how could he block it with his single-handed strength.

The Han knife slashed vigorously, and the blade was embedded in the shield. Pang Hui's supporting leg softened, and he knelt down on one knee.

At this time, Pang Hui's personal guard stabbed him from the side with a spear.Liu Yin changed the long-handled Han knife into a cut, knocked the spear away, Liu Yin took the opportunity to stride forward, and slashed at Pang Hui's forehead with the knife in both hands.

The sharp blade slashed on the dou hou, but because the dou hou was strong, Liu Yin moved the blade downwards, and cut into the shoulder against the gap in the armor's stomach.Pulling the knife hard again, the blade cut off his right arm, and a lot of blood splashed out.The guard yelled in pain.

The rest of the guards hurriedly took off Pang Hui and the other guard. Liu Yin didn't care about chasing Pang Hui, but raised his knife and cut down several Wei soldiers, flattening the formation here.

(Today's third watch will be later, so you can watch it tomorrow morning)
Three Kingdoms: Ancestors of the Han Dynasty

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