Outside the city of Xiangyang, Wu's army barracks stretched for more than ten miles, and the army flags were unfurled, covering the sun.There was sparse light rain in the sky, and tens of thousands of soldiers braved the rain to build siege equipment in the camp, and a large number of trebuchets, LV buses, and ladders were gradually completed under the rush of craftsmen.

The turbulent Han River separated the two cities of Xiangyang and Fancheng. Dozens of Wu Army navy ships cruised in Hanzhong, separating the north and south of the Han River;

The drizzle was hazy, and Sun Quan stood on the soil slope by the bank, looking at Zhu Ran's troops who were retreating one after another on the north bank of the Han River, sighed, and said: "Fan City is strong, with fortifications outside and elites inside. Now when the Wei army rushes to help It is common sense for Yifeng to retreat, although our army has trained cavalry, but its strength is slightly inferior to that of Niwei."

Since Wang Lingtong's army arrived in Fancheng, he joined forces with generals Hu Zhi and Pu Zhong to attack the second army of Zhu Ran and Bu Zhi.Zhu Ran led the army to fight Wang Ling several times, winning and losing each other, barely resisting the attack of Wei army.Sun Quan besieged Xiangyang City on the south bank as backup.

It's a pity, but on the [-]th, Cao Rui led the main army to Fancheng. The strength of the north bank of the Han River was very different. The division cuts off the Han River.

Standing behind Sun Quan, Zhu Ran looked at the boats traveling between the north and south banks of the Han River, and said comfortingly: "My lord, our army and the Niwei army have their own strengths and weaknesses. Although Niwei is good at cavalry, if you let go of a Our army may not be incapable of fighting. It’s just that our army is currently scattered. Boyan is in Sui County, Ziyu is in Strider County, and Xiu Mu (Zhu Huan’s character) is stationed at Ruxukou. Our troops need to cross the Han River On both sides of the strait, there is a slight shortage of troops."

The combat effectiveness of the soldiers in Soochow was also divided into high and low. In addition to Sun Quan's army, it was led by the sergeants led by Lu Xun, Zhu Ran, Zhu Huan, and Quan Cong.In particular, Zhu Ran, Zhu Huan, and Quan Cong led the troops the most bravely, and at the same time these three were also the most active people in the Northern Expedition.

Bu Zhi also responded and said: "What Yifeng said is true. Moreover, our army has already captured Niwei Jiangxia County in this battle. If we can capture Xiangyang again, our army's defense line in Jingzhou can move forward a hundred miles by then, and we will be able to compete with Niwei. Face off across the Han River."

Sun Quan nodded slightly, with the corners of his mouth raised, and said: "What Zishan said is very true. This Northern Expedition is really rare. If Xiangyang can be conquered, our Great Wu will almost attack Xiangyang, a county against the Wei Dynasty."

Regardless of the situation after the war, the situation at this time made Sun Quan feel that the repeated Northern Expeditions over the years had finally achieved the fruits of victory.

After hearing the words, everyone couldn't help but look towards Xiangyang in the east, showing a hint of worry on their faces. Xiangyang City, which stands on the south bank of the Han River, is far more dangerous than Hefei City.Hefei City is adjacent to the old road of Feishui (ancient Shishui) in the south and Jiming Mountain in the west. The city is small and high, easy to attack but difficult to defend.

But Xiangyang City is surrounded by water on three sides and mountains on one side.But if you actually look into it, Xiangyang City can be regarded as surrounded by rivers on all sides, because it has a moat as wide as the river. The average width of the moat is 180 meters, and the widest point is 250 meters, which is far beyond the comparison of a small city like Hefei.

In particular, Liu Biao built a new city on the basis of the old city.This made Xiangyang City even stronger, and it could be said to be as solid as gold.

During the conversation, Gu Li came with a military document in his hand, and said: "Report to Your Excellency, the general has arrived with an emergency military report."

Sun Quan smiled and reached out to take the military paper, opened the ink pad, and opened it to check what Lu Xun had reported.After a while, Sun Quan's smile froze instantly, and he was even flustered.

Seeing Sun Quan's shocked expression, Zhu Ran asked in a low voice, "My lord, could it be that the great general was defeated?"

Sun Quan shook his head with the military affairs in hand, and said in a deep voice: "That's not the case, but Ziyu was defeated. The ten thousand people under his command were attacked by Tian Yu in the rainy night, and suffered heavy losses. Now they have retreated to Jiangxia County. Tian Yu pushed forward again, Bo Yan was worried that Tian Yu would break the army's way back, and now he has withdrawn from Sui County. Tian Yu and the soldiers of Sui County marched southward, as if they were attacking Jiangxia. At the same time, Quanzi Huang was defeated by Man Chong in Hefei, and now he is also Withdraw the troops and return home."

While speaking, Sun Quan glanced at Xiangyang City standing on the bank of the river. At this time, he had no longer thought about conquering Xiangyang City, but was thinking about whether to retreat back to aid Jiangxia County now that all roads are retreating and the battle situation is unfavorable.

After pondering for a while, Sun Quan clutched the official document and heard, "Now that Bo Yan is retreating, our army has entered and besieged Xiangyang City alone, what do you generals think?"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhu Ran immediately knew that Sun Quan saw that the other road was unfavorable, and he would accept it if he wanted to see it. It’s about food and roads, not about its soldiers. Now that Cao Rui’s army is all on the north bank, Tian Yu’s troops must not have many soldiers. Please don’t worry about the Jiangxia war, my lord.”

"Moreover, our army is not alone in going deep. Our army uses ships to communicate with the Han River and the great river, and all the necessary supplies are transported by ships. How can Tian Yu's troops make the infantry enter the water and prevent me from returning. Moreover, Wang Ping of the Shu Han led thousands of people to go out. Ankang, attacking Nanxiang County and defending the left wing of our army is to respond, why should our army be afraid of it?"

Focusing on the battlefield situation, Zhu Ran personally analyzed the current situation for Sun Quan and said.

"As for Zihuang's troops, although they were defeated in Hefei, there is Xiumu guarding Ruxukou, which is enough to keep us safe and sound. Please rest assured. If our army retreats at this time, Wei and Wu will definitely fight!"

"Oh!" Sun Quan asked curiously when he heard that the troops were retreating at this time and the two countries were bound to fight, "Why did Yifeng make such a statement?"

Zhu Ran's face was serious, and he cupped his hands and said, "Dare to ask the Supreme, what is the leader of our army? What is the leader of the Wei army?"

"Our army is good at water warfare, and against Wei is good at cavalry." Sun Quan replied.

"The Jiangxia that our army just captured is located in Jiangbei, or Jiangnan?"


"My lord, I have the answer to this question. At this time, our army withdrew from Xiangyang County and turned to defend Jiangxia. In order to recover Jiangxia County, Cao Rui must go south to join Tian Yu and recapture Jiangxia County. Jiangxia County is located in Jiangbei, and our army There is no advantage in fighting with water, but against Wei there is the advantage of cavalry. Now Jiangxia is in peace at the beginning of the year, and people's hearts are still uncertain. At that time, Jiangxia County may be in danger of being overthrown."

Zhu Ran pointed to Cao Wei's army on the north bank of the Han River, and talked eloquently.

"If most of our army is hoarded here, and we have the advantage of water warfare, and cut off the Han River, Cao Rui will not dare to send his troops south to join Tian Yu. From this point of view, our army will be in danger if it retreats, and Jiangxia will not be safe; entering Xiangyang will not be safe. If you move, then Jiang Xia'an will also. I hope the Supreme will consider it carefully!"

Sun Quan stroked his beard and said righteously: "Yifeng's words are not bad. Although our army has suffered defeats today, it is superior in water conservancy and should not be dismissed lightly. Besides, I have an agreement with the Shu Han, and I will take Jingbei , He took the two counties of Guanzhong and Dong. Now I take Jiangxia, but the war in Shuhan has not progressed, and I have not even taken the two counties of Shangyong and Fangling, so how can I withdraw my army so easily."

Zhu Ran let out a long breath, and finally made Sun Quan give up the idea of ​​withdrawing troops, and cheered with everyone: "Supreme wise!"

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